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Hoping They'll Remember

You may hold a child's heart forever,
but you can't always hold onto their hand.
You must lead them,
guide them,
love them,
every day,
in every way you can.

When they grow up and move away,
a piece of you goes, too.
You just hope that they'll always remember,
the fragments of love,
instilled by you.

You hope that they'll remember,
that life is not all about self gain.
You hope that they'll remember,
to cover their heads,
while out in the pouring rain.

You hope that they'll remember,
all the fun times they've had.
You hope that they'll remember to seek the Lord,
when times are both good and bad.

You may hold a child's heart forever,
but you can't always hold onto their hand.
You must lead them,
guide them,
love them,

every day,
in every way you can.

by: Sandra Lewis Pringle

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