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Of all the many moves we've made
in our lifetime
this was the hardest.
(and there were a lot of them)
It wasn't the discarding of things
or even the packing
(and there was plenty of that)
but closing the doors
of our parent's house
for the last time
was like an abrupt
end of an era.

Mom and Dad had put so much
of themselves
into the place.
They had created a warm
and happy home
where everyone
who came there felt welcome.
A place where
their family and friends
often gathered together
to share joy and sorrow.

They had moved
into their little house (the first they owned)
when us children were teenagers
and two had left the nest,
but every time we
went there for a visit
we felt as if
we were going home.
I think most of the family,
including the grandchildren
(some great-grandchildren also)
felt that way.

Dad, then Mom,
had both passed
through our world,
but as long as the house
and "Dads barn"
was there to go to,
it was almost as if a part
of them was still with us.

Now, with the house sold
and the furniture gone,
it was all so final.
Afterwards, we went back
for one last look.
Surrounded by so many, many memories,
we walked through the empty house.

"Goodbye ole' house"

"Goodbye ole'barn"

You served us well.

Now it's time for you
to start creating new memories
with a new family.

 The last room we passed
through was the kitchen.
We just stood there
tears in our eyes
looking around.

We could still see
Mom and Dad sitting at the table,
Dad sitting in his chair
in the barn doorway.
As we gave a sigh of longing
for the past,
we could almost smell freshly perked coffee
and Mom baking bread
and her 'special' Molasses Cookies.

 With tears
streaming from our eyes,
we placed the keys to the house
in a kitchen drawer
and closed the locked door behind us.

 As we backed out of the driveway,
the last things we saw

was Dad's little 'red barn'

and the porch where we
spent many hours
reminiscing the past.

The background and picture on this page is Our "Ole'House".
My thanks to S.Korz who made the backround and framed picture as a surprise gift for me.
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