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Help Me Say Goodbye

Help me say goodbye

and do not make it harder to leave you

because of tears in your eyes.

Smile that knowing smile

I have grown to expect

and hold yourself up straight and tall.

Let me walk this path that awaits me

without regrets.

Each day has a dusk,

a night and an end.

Let this day be one where

the sunset remains in your memory,

one where the sky was full of bright shining stars

and the glow of the moon lit up the darkness.

All the old cliches

about good things that must come to an end,

and nothing lasts forever,

they are all saying what we know is true.

There is a time when we can walk side by side

and a time for one to go on

and the other to walk alone

for a time.

The memory is what will fill the emptiness

and let you live again the times we had together.

Help me say goodbye

and go on with confidence

that you understand and forgive the wrongs

as well as remember what I did that was worthy.

It is never right to hold so tightly to another

that you cause them pain.

Love is never having to say you are sorry

just knowing that the other understands you

well enough to feel what you feel

even if they do not fully comprehend all the nuances of these emotions.

Farewell, goodbye,

tot weeziens, auvoir

the time has been well spent

but I am now ready to move on.

See my smile as I walk into the setting sun

across the sandy beach,

the ocean lapping at my bare feet.

The warmth of the day begins to envelop me

as the shadows of dusk take me into the night.

One look over my shoulder

and a wave of my hand goodbye my dear loved one.

A millennium is nearly gone,

a century almost passed,

a decade at an end,

a year is at its close,

the last month, the final day

that concludes and marks another passing.

These we celebrate and know this is the end

and death yet we look forward to the dawn of the next day

which will be the beginning of something new.

Hold these thoughts of rejoicing at my passing.

Read these words and know that there is an internal clock that is ticking

marking off the moments that are left for us all.

It is only that I hear my clock

ticking louder with each passing day

and before the last of the sand

slides down the smooth sides of the hourglass

I want to say goodbye.

That you made my life

rich with love

and appreciation

and I am honored

you allowed me to share some of the special moments of your life.

Smile now,

let me carry on,

remember all I have told you.

Goodbye and go on,

be strong and happy

in all that you do.

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