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For One Shining Day Peace Came to Vietnam.  
The rain slashed down on the weary squad

who had been assigned

the tough and dangerous mission

of forward listeners

deep inside VietCong held territory.

The squad was lead by a savvy sergeant

with 25 years of experience and the others were seasoned combat troops

who had been hand picked for the mission.

There was a Christmas Cease Fire in effect,

but the VC didn't seem to care

and had overrun a small  village

killing the people and burning the village.

The group of combat hardened soldiers took time

and carefully buried the dead and knelt in prayer.

The clouds opened and the stars shone brightly.

The Southern Cross shining like a beacon of hope.

For a brief shining moment

peace fell upon this tortured land, her people and the warring soldiers

but as quick as the clouds cleared they returned

with sheets of blinding rain .

Their mission accomplished

the haggard battle scarred soldiers

began the arduous journey through

thick and dangerous jungle,

finally reaching their fire base,

asked the soldiers if they'd seen the beautiful sight,

they all looked at the squad like they were crazy and walked away.

One soldier knelt and said

to his friends and when the sun returned that morning.

It  was Christmas Morning.

All was quiet and serene.

God had shut off

the killing and pain

and for at least this one shining day

Peace Came to Vietnam.

I never took part in anything like this,

but on Christmas Eve

I took a piece of scrap wood and made a "Christmas Tree" for all to see.

The accounts above are my impressions only

and other than my "Tree"

I'm sure it happened

somewhere in Vietnam during The Cease Fire.

Written by ~~ Former Army SP/4 Lawrence Pichulo ~~

I was an Army Engineer in 1968 in Pleiku

and this letter reflects accounts

from friends and memories of Vietnam during my "Tour of Duty

With the Christmas season upon us and so many servicemen and women who are in far off lands protecting us, so that we can celebrate in Peace. PLEASE! Pass this on to everyone you know, and let all our Servicemen know how much we love and appreciate their sacrifice for us. They aren't able to be home for the Holidays with their families. Let us NEVER forget who protects us and gives us the freedom we cherish so much.
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
