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The letter To A Soldier
In a small box,

in amongst the bows and bells 

of holiday joy,

there lies the envelope.

Weathered with age,

its edges worn 

almost through from the years of 

chaffing against the sides of the box. 

It is not the condition of the envelope

  which is important,

not its simple contents, 

but rather the single memory,

from  among all the Christmas memories

from all the Christmas's past,

that it bears.

In the envelope,

a single sheet of paper, 

yellow paper,

the kind they use in schools,

with the blue-green lines across it.

  The yellow is now faded almost to

a pale maise and the blue-green is 

nearly gone as well.

The blue-black ink,

  once so bold,

now is paled but still quite clear. 

The handwriting,

unchanged in the thirty years since it was first penned.

Merry Christmas

The paper unfolds twice,

and is nearly 

worn through at the folds.

  A small paper Christmas ornament,

with matching creases and a pipecleaner hanger,

its glittery

greeting nearly all worn off,

falls from between the creases as the letter opens.

As I gaze upon the words,

  The tears are nearly the same as they

  were the first time I saw the letter

in December, 1969. 

The envelope is simply  addressed

"Soldier, US Armed Forces, VietNam.

  The letter still means as much today as it did then,

if not more.

  Of all the letters I recieved from  friends and family

while in the service of our country,

this is the only one which I have kept.

- It reads:

Dear Soldier,

My name is Maryanne Taylor.

I am in the fourth grade at Our Lady of Lourdes School.

Our class is sending a lot of letters to you so you will have somethings to read at Christmas.

We are sending ornaments we made too.

Mine is the blue one.

I don't know where you are in VietNam but maybe you know my brother Donald Taylor.

He is a Corporal with the Third Marine Division.

I write to him all the time.

He writes to me too.

If you see him can you tell him

mom and me are ok and that we miss him?

We are getting ready for lunch now 

and Sr. Mary Monica says we need to put this in the envelope to send.

Good bye.

Merry Christmas

Marryanne Taylor

  Maryanne, today, would be perhaps 39 years old.

Cpl Donald Taylor, if he were lucky enough to return would be perhaps 50. 

There is a Donald Taylor whose  name appears on The Wall. 

I pray that it is some other Donald Taylor.

I found this article in an old magazine. This is what Christmas is about.

PLEASE pass this on.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

