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I know the following to be true, as I am Aimee's Grandmother.

I read that Grandparents are over looked
when a grandchild dies,
they have an extra burden to carry,
the loss of their grandchild
and the loss their grieving children have.

You try to support your child and the other children during this time. You set your own feelings aside to help, and try to be strong for your child, but you are hurting just as badly.

I found this in a magazine and wanted to share it with other Grandparents.

Grandparents are a special gift
God gives them to each child.

Their love outshines the brightest star...
Their love can never be defiled.
Oh, but when a child becomes an angel,
Grandparents feel the pain and sorrow.

Beyond any pain they've known in life...
Or will ever come to know tomorrow.
For a grandparent holds a special love
For the child their child has had.

And, to lose what they hold dear...
Leaves them heartbroken and sad.
Their legacy is their grandchildren...
So how can they learn to survive?

Will the dreams of their tomorrows
Somehow be kept alive?
Yes, a grandparent is a survivor...
And life has taught them how to be.

For their wisdom, courage & love
Is carried from them... to You & me.

Author Unknown
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