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This is my first attempt at making a Web page, so please bear with me, as it will take some time to finish.

It will be a Remembrance site of my grand daughter, Aimee Jo who was killed in a car accident 6 months ago today. She was only 21 years young and was married 6 months.

This will be our Memories of Aimee Jo. Good, bad, happy and sad ones.

I will also be using some Poems to help discribe the person Aimee was.


I have had a hard time trying to do this as I get very emotional remembering the times we had. So many, many memories

Our hearts are broken. Aimee was a wonderful girl, kind, considerate and very compassionate. Don't take me wrong, she was not perfect.

We will miss her smile, her laugh, her dropping in unexpectedly, phoning to give us her latest accomplishment or just to say "Hi". Always a big hug and kiss greeted us when she came and again when she left.

A special life has passed from our sight, but never from any of our hearts. The world has lost a very warm & loving person.

We cannot understand how someone so young and full of life, productive & loving can be gone from our lives.

Aimee touched the hearts of so many people. She will be greatly missed. She will always be an "Angel" to all her family, and one of the brightest stars in the sky.

Aimee, we ALL want to tell you how very, very much we miss you, and what a difference you made in our lives. To All of your family.


8 months today! Seems like only yesterday you were here asking me for a recipe.

Aimee always had a dream and was getting advice if she needed it, on how to accomplish that dream, but she'd usually find her own solutions.

We never knew how many lives she touched, people of all ages, all races and color from all walks of life. She would look past everyone's faults and tried to look into their hearts. She would join anyone who was alone, because at times she felt like she, also was alone, trying to find a place to fit in.

She showed her brother how to overlook criticism that is unfair, and how not to worry about what others say". She showed him so much love and respect. Yes! they had their spats and plenty of them, but there was LOTS of love also.

She didn't let anyone walk all over her either. She let us know when we were giving to much advice, when the choice was HERS to make and NOT ours.She told us about her ambitions and goals.

We loved how you loved us, even tho you were upset with us at times and us with you.

Aimee and her older brother were very, very close. Where one was, the other was beside them. They shared their problems, dreams, accomplishments, and friends. They were two peas in a pod. They were kin and very BEST of friends.

Dec 25, 2000
Out first Christmas without you...a sad, but joyous day. We have a new baby in the family...your cousin's son...born the day before your birthday...also, because of YOU and your organ donations...a little boy and another unidentified recepient, were able to see their Christmas this year.

Jan 28, 2001
A year ago today, you was here visiting me...our last visit. As always when you left, there was hugs and kisses...I even walked you to your car that snowy, with no coat on..."it's in the car, Gramma!!" you said. Usually I say goodbye to everyone on the porch. Maybe the Lord knew what was ahead and planned it this way.


I am very sorry but due to the abusive use of my Dreambook, I have removed it. It's a shame that some insecure people have to abuse it with foul, profanity words and sites.

I am attempting a new Dreambook. I HOPE NO ONE abuses it.
Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!

I am adding Aimee's Mother's Guestbook. Please, sign it also.

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!

