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As Far As Eyes Can See Prologue

Have you ever sat outside on a tranquil summer night and gazed out into the seeming nothingness as far as your eyes can see? Did you ever wonder what’s past that luminous sunset? Or that concealed night sky as clouds cover the abyss of time and space? Or how love can always overpower that which appears to be inconceivable to the eyes or even the heart?

I never used to philosophize a great deal , not until after my life came to an abrupt change, one which I myself, had never pictured would eventuate my life forever. As Taylor used to always say, “Everything Changes”, but is change something to be fearful of? Is friendship adequate enough to suffice a lifetime, or is there always something more? I never used to be petrified of change, there was just so much more to life. As you read this, you’re probably thinking “What is she talking about?” , and I’m gonna tell you that now.

I’ve been best friends with Zac for as long as I can remember, my whole life even! Ever since I moved to Oklahoma when I was three years old and he was two, I always told people who questioned me that my best friend was Zac Hanson and no one else! Those were the times where we did everything together, from playing doctor to fighting a war against Taylor and his friends in their backyard! The days where nothing could go wrong and we would always be best friends forever nothing more, nothing less.

That leads us to the summer of 2001, or as I like to refer to it, the heat wave of 2001. It was a summer where your clothes stuck to your body, your hair matted down against your head, air conditioners were on full-blast, and you could practically cook an egg on the concrete Tulsa sidewalks. Every body in the city was covered in a thin layer of sweat and there wasn’t one empty swimming pool in the whole city! The heat can do a lot of crazy things to people, it makes them delirious and that’s exactly what I thought was happening to me.

It all started on Taylor and I’s one year anniversary, yes I went out with my best friends brother for a year, and gosh was it hot! Too hot to speak, to hot to move, and definitely too hot to kiss! But Taylor, the romantic that he is, had big plans for us that day, he wanted everything to be perfect and it was. Only problem was, that’s when I glanced at Zac and consummated something I had never thought I could feel towards him, love.