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Recent Updates

This is to keep people abreast of what is happening at  To warn you, I work on this project in spurts.  Sometimes I'll do nothing, then add 5 or 10 pages, then do nothing again for months.  To be notified whenever is changed go to the pop-up and click on "Notify Me when this page is changed."  An email will be sent to you to let you know something's different.  Hope you're having as much fun as I am.  -Matt

10-07-2001 - More plants - Black-eyed Susan, Yarrow, Oxeye Daisy, and Wild Carrot.  Still lots more I want to add.

09-02-2001 - Added a lot of plants - White Bog Orchis, Wood Lily, Helleborine, Oswego Tea, Wild Bergamont, Narrow-leaved Cattail, Common Cattail.

08-25-2001 - Fixed minor bugs.  Added Copperhead.

08-11-2001 - Queen Snake added a while ago, Timber Den Series, Pink Swamp Orchid, and Rose Pogonia added today.

07-03-2001 - Added Wild Geranium, Maidenhair Fern, Black Locust.

07-01-2001 - Changed the format on the photo gallery to make updates easier.  Added some new pictures-- Slimy Salamander and Pink Lady's Slipper.  Put the Treefrog, Garter Snake, Wood Frog, and Hickory pictures on the photo gallery.

05-30-2001 - Added Shagbark Hickory to the plants section.

05-26-2001 - Finished Gray Treefrog and Garter Snake Den.  Added another Wood Frog photo.

05-17-2001 - Photo Gallery is now added.  With this comes the baby rattlesnake picture and another Northern Dusky.  On the horizon is Gray Treefrog, Garter Snake Den series,  and Shagbark Hickory.

04-21-2001 - Added Wood Frog calls to Wood Frog page.  Also fixed some small bugs.

04-14-2001 - Added Recent Updates section.  Also added page on Unisexual Ambystoma and Amphibian Emergence series.


Copyright 2000
Matthew Blow