Chapter Eight

| Next Morning |

Kaci had to go to the chiropractic.She tip-toed down the long hall way,careful not to wake up Jackee.Who always slept in late.Kaci got into her explorer and sped off to the chiropractic.She wore a pair of dark denim baggy Fubu jeans from Fubu,a baby blue Fubu long sleeved shirt and a blue bandanna and saucony's.

She parked her car and got out and pressed the alarm button on.

"Oh please let me be okay",Kaci said to herself.

She hated hospitals,anything in one would make her jump out of her own skin.

"Hello,I am Kaci Gordon and I have an appointment with Dr.Smith",Kaci said.

"Okay Miss.Gordon,she'll call for you when she's done with her patient,take a seat if you would like",The secretary offered.

Kaci nodded and took an empty seat.

"Thats it for today,Mr.Carter",Dr.Smith said.

Kaci looked up confused.

"Whats he doing here ?",Kaci mumbled to herself.

"Kaci Gordon",Dr.Smith annoucned reading her brown faded clipboard.

Kaci stood up from her seat.

"Hey Kaci,nice to see ya again",Nick said.

"Back at ya",Kaci said.

"Sorry to break up this,but Miss.Gordon I have to take a look at your spine",Dr.Smith said.

Chapter Nine