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February 2

The Goddess recovers from the birth, rejuvenated and the God is a spirited youth. This is a time of purification.

~altar candles should be white~
~incense should be bezoin or vanilla~
~circle may be decorated with white flowers~
~have a white votive candle in the cauldron~
~have rosemary or bay to burn~
~have extra wine~
~lay out items, create circle, call the elements and dieties~

Say "This is the mid winter feast of lights. The sprng lies within sight and the seed is prepared for sowing. with my besom in hand I will sweep out that which is no longer needed so as to purify my surroundings and prepare for new growth"
Sweep the circle outward as you walk around clockwise from the North. Return besom to its proper place and light the candle in the cauldron. Drop the rosemary or bay into the flame saying "I call upon the powers of these herbs that their scent released in this cauldrons fire purify me, my surroundings, and the tools of my craft. With this rite I am reaffirmed in my craft and made ready for the renewal of life in the coming spring."
Wave the end if the besom over the cauldron {being careful not to catch it in the fire} saying "May this besom be cleansed that nothing cast out of the circle return with it or cling to it"
Return besom to its proper place then say "As I have purified all within this circle, I am now ready to rededicate myself"
~~follow the rededication ritual~~* *
Close the circle, give your blessings to all present and put away all tools

~Use cleansing oil to cleanse the altar and all craft tools~