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~Reincarnation follows the cycle of birth, death, rebirth, which can be seen in all of Nature.
The Soul is ageless, sexless, non-physical, and possesses part of the divine.
~Each manifestation of the Soul is different. No two bodies or lives are the same otherwise the Soul would stagnate. Sex, race, place of birth, economic class, etc. is determined by the Souls actions in past lives and the lessons which need to be learned to progress.
~We decide the fate of our lives. There are no Gods or mysterious forces upon which we throw all responsibilities for the troubles in our lives. We decide what we need to learn in order to evolve, and then during incarnation, work toward this progress. So we need to own up to what we have done and take all responsibility upon ourselves.
~As an aid in the learning process, Karma exists. Karma is what we bring to each lifetime from previous ones. It is not a system of judgements and rewards, but something that guides the soul toward evolving actions. The actions of each lifetime add to the Karma of the next. Negative actions bring negative Karma and good actions bring good. Karma is not the only force at work in our lives so it influences but does not determine our fate. We work to improve ourselves with each incarnation, working toward achieving our fullest potential. We learn from Karma only when we are aware of it.
~Many look to past lives to discover their mistakes and problems which are inhibiting progress in this life. Trance and meditation techniques can help but there is alot of self delusion that can take place. There are many who have used these techniques and claim to have been Cleopatra, Merlin, or some other famous icon from history. True self knowledge is best when looking to past lives.
~You can learn everything you need to know about past lives by looking at this one. If you've solved problems in past lives, then they are of no concern to you today. If you havn't, then these same problems we recur until they are solved. Look at the problems you are having in this life and try to solve them so they dont follow you into the next life. Also if you feel strongly about something but are not sure why, it may be an insight into a past life. We encounter people and reencounter people as we are reincarnated. You may meet someone and strongly feel that you already know them, indicating that you may have known them in a past life.
~When the body dies, the Soul lives on and moves onto the next realm, Summerland, the Otherworld, etc.. This realm is a non-physical reality. Neither a heaven nor an underworld, simply a "not here" world. Here a soul reviews the recent life lived with the dieties. This is not a judgement to decide your eternal fate but simply a constructive criticism to help you learn what you need to do in order to progress in your next life. Also any lessons that you did learn, will be brought to light so you know what you have learned. Then at the proper time, when all the conditions are correct for the next existence, the Soul is reincarnated and life begins again.
~When a Soul has learned all there is to know and has attained perfection, it breaks away from the cycle of birth, death, rebirth and moves on to a higher plane of existence, sometimes called enlightenment. The energies in our souls return to the divine source from which they originally emenated.
~There are those who would say that this would mean that we wouldnt be ourselves anymore if we are reunited with the divine. But if our energies started from the divines energies and simply broke off for awhile. And if the divine energies are present within us even while physically away from them. And if we started out as One, are now still One, and return to One, then we will still be ourselves because even now we are One.
~An Old Soul is one who has lived more than one lifetime before. The human population growth may indicate a precence of people who are of ancient origin. This may be in part responsible for the rebirth of Goddess worship and Bronze Age, sensibilities.
~A Great Soul is one who has achieved Enlightenment but chooses to return, to continue to serve the Universe. They are no longer stuck in the cycle, it is their own choice how many times they wish to return if any. Some examples of Great Souls may have been Jesus, Buddha, and many others who had great wisdom of the Universe.
~The population explosion may also indicate the presence of New Souls, those who have not lived before. This could be the reason for so much violence and madness in this century, as New Souls are like young children in that have not yet gained wisdom of the Universe.
~"Satan" is a part of the Christian and Muslim religions. Every human is completely responsible for their own actions. Evil is a choice that a human must make, not an embodied entity to blame our actions upon. If someone chooses to do evil, they will have negative Karma follow them into their next lives.

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