Rockland Sunrise Toastmasters
Guide to Planning Your Future
Are you uncertain of the future, not sure which choices
to make, which paths to take? Only through expressing ourselves can we truly understand
our beliefs and our vision. By unlocking your potential to speak, to listen,
and to lead more effectively, you can develop these tools in ways that
will help you to attain whatever goals you set for yourself. Toastmasters can help you
get there!
Here are some testimonials from members of our club:
I present seminars on financial planning. Since I joined Toastmasters, the quality of my
presentations has improved tremendously. I've learned how to organize my thoughts and
keep the audience's attention. Since I joined Toastmasters, my business has increased
by 20%!
                  Brian Cameron
Whether you're a business person, community leader, politician, fundraiser, or educator -
presentation skills are the most important skills you can possess. The ability to speak well
opens doors for you, personally and professionally. Toastmasters gives people the skills
to feel comfortable and confident about public speaking. The environment is totally
supportive - and fun! If we didn't love our meetings, there's no way we would continue to
show up every other week at 7:30 in the morning.
                  Ellyn Cohen
Being a member of Toastmasters allows me to learn and grow as a leader and as a communicator.
Even more, it is a sharing process, practicing presentation skills and helping others to
advance as well.
                  Nancy Fox
I love to speak before groups, and as a life and business coach this happens often.
Toastmasters has benefitted me greatly in getting a structure to my speeches, in helping me keep
track of time and what I want to say.
                  Freda Kreiner
As a professional speaker, Toastmasters benefits me greatly, but to me it is so much more than that.
I have discovered a wonderful community that has helped me with my communication skills personally
and professionally.
                  Michele Phillips
I can always tell which days I have been to a Toastmasters meeting. On those days I have
more energy and feel more motivated to communicate, to listen, and to lead.
                  Fred Schuepfer
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