Rockland Sunrise Toastmasters
What You'll Find at a Meeting
Every meeting is different, but here are some common elements:
- Speeches The speeches are the centerpiece of our meetings. Members
work on a variety of speaking projects from the basic and advanced Communication and
Leadership Manuals.
- Evaluations Each speaker is given a personalized evaluation by a fellow
- Table Topics The Table Topics master presents a speaking topic and then
randomly selects someone to give an off-the-cuff, one- to two-minute speech. Table Topics
helps us to learn how to think on our feet and to speak spontaneously.
- General Evaluator Calls on the Timer and Grammarian/Ah Counter for
their reports; reviews the entire meeting.
- Joke Master Presents the Joke of the Day
- Grammarian/Ah Counter Presents the Word of the Day. Also tallies "ahs,"
"uhs," "okays," grammatical mistakes, and other bad habits which detract from presentations.
Performs this service for all speeches, evaluations, and Table Topics responses.
- Timer Times all speeches, evaluations, and Table Topics responses to help
speakers learn to speak within pre-established time limits.
- Philosopher Presents an interesting saying or quotation for our reflection.
By taking on these various roles, members learn to effectively handle the full range of speaking
challenges that might come their way on the job, in clubs and other social situations, and at home.
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