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                                                                           The inside world of sports
                                                                by Chen Fong

Scott Boras
   Scott Boras

 Have you ever wondered how major athletics get those "BIG" contracts with sports teams? Have you ever wondered if you could ever be part of the sports business, even though you stink at every sports you play? Well the answer to these questions is simple.  You could be a sports
 Did you think that Alex Rodriguez got his $252 million dollars all by himself?  Well, he didn't Rodriguez had Scott Boras negotiate prices with the Texas Rangers so he could land that $252 milllion.  This also means that those $252 million are not all going straight to Rodriguez.
 About a four percent commission is going to Boras, who is one of the biggest names in the sports agent business.
 Boras is nearly just a little insect compared to the big agent companies like SFX, Assante, Octagon, and IMG.  These companies not only represent about fifteen percent of all the pro players on the MLB, NBA, NFL, but they also have ties with the entertainment business as well.  For example, SFX is one of the largest music corporations on the U.S.  Ties like this means that athletes would be featured in more advertisement for music.  This is therefore bringing more money to the athletes and the agents, and SFX.
  Let's breakdown the sports agents business by league:

 Currently on the NBA, there are 350 agents registered, but only fewer than 100 have clients.  The typical pay is about three to four percent of the contract payment.  To be a agent you must submit an application to the Players Association, undergo a background check, and attend an
annual seminar.  On top of that there is a yearly fee of $1,500.  The two major players are David Falk and Arn Tellem.
 On the MLB, there are 328 agents registered.  The typical pay is about four to five percent of the contract payment.  To be a agent you must submit an application to the Players Association and have an in person interview.  There is no fee included.  The major players are Scott Boras, Jeff Moorad, and randy Hendricks.
 On the NFL, there are 1,112 agents registered, but only 30 percent have clients in the league.  The typical pay is three percent of the contract.  To be certified, you must submit an application to the Players Association, attend a seminar in Washington, D.C., and take an open book test about the collective bargaining agreement, contract and negotiations, and NFL policies.  There is also an entry fee of $1,200, plus $1,200 annually ($1,700 if representing 10 or more players).  The major players are Leigh Steinberg, and Tom Condon.

Alex Rodriguez at news conference after big contract signing