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Andrea Valeri
                         BREAKING INTO THE BUSINESS !!!!
     Let's face it most teenagers now-a-days are more up on technology than
 their parents. And with technology being a growing field of interest and
 opportunity, many teens find their way into this field through starting
 their own businesses.
     One greatly publicized example of this fact is founder and CEO of
 Napster, Shawn Fanning. Napster is an online company which provides
 trading and downloading of music. Napster has come under attack by  such
 groups as Metallica, who are suing young Shawn Fanning for the free
 distribution of their music online. However we cannot deny the enormous
 success of this company Napster, which was apparently founded in Fanning's
 dorm room. Fanning expressed his thoughts on the longevity of his creation
 in an MTV interview with Kurt Loder by saying "The ability to interact
 with people and communicate…it's just sort of a combination of
 technologies. So to me, it's obviously something that people really like.
 It's something that will continue to exist."
     "Teenage entrepreneurship is on the rise" according to an online
 studyconducted through And studies done through the
 research firm, Computre Economics, show that over the next 5 years about
 1.6 million teens graduating high school will get involved in some sort of
 entrepreneurship such Internet business.
     A goal of starting their own business may seem so far fetched to most
 teens, but the reality shows us different. As with the example of 13 year
 old Colin, who spins records for a living while attending school full
 time. This young D.J says that " …a person that would start their own
 business at a young age would have a better chance of being successful in
 their field than a person who starts later on in life." Well said by a 13
 year old who is making money while doing something that he loves, while
 others his age are busy playing Playstation.
     "Teenagers have the wisdom to make their business successful" says
 Samual Miller, engineer senior and president of Michigan Entrepreneurs.
 The knowledge, creativity, and ingenuity of teenagers is giving us the
 power to run our own business and be accepted as young entrepreneurs.
     Whether it is Joel Padron who is 18 and running his own full service
 gardening entrprise, Ryan Zacharia a 16 year old chief executive officer
 of Zeal Network Inc. Or 16 year old Gabriel Cadet and his 16 year old
 partner, Shawn Remmer, who own Latin Lingo which caters to the musical
 needs of it's teen clients by bringing their sounds to local high school
 parties with music ranging from Latin Salsa to the latest hip hop. We as
 teenagers are emerging as the new generation of entrepreneurs.