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Questions we have 
Answers we need


                            Wanna work at the Stock?
                                       By Bryan Deliz


                                      All of us here at Bergtraum High have many goals we
                                      want to achieve and lives we want to live. Although
                                       every person has a different goal, one thing remains
                                      the same, we all want a good paying job! I sat down
                                   with Ms.Channel,  an employee at the stock exchange, and
                                       asked her a few questions on how she got her job,
                                        the qualifications needed to earn a job and some
                                           advice for the students here at Bergtraum.


Q-How did you enter your occupation?
A- I went to college and received a business degree.

Q-Any special qualifications you need for entry at your
A-Knowledge of securities and word processing systems.

Q-What does your job consist of? What do you do
during the day?
A-Currently, I work for Market Surveillance for the
New York Stock Exchange. I assist the attorneys with
case work, scheduling, testimonies, administrative

Q-Is the job a chore or its something entertaining by
the day?
A-With this company, the job is pretty interesting.
Some of these cases have made headlines and I've been
right in the midst of it.

Q-Was this a job you reached for or stumbled upon?
and how?
A-I was working as an events coordinator with another
company (Fidelity Investments) but I had 'temped'
while searching for 'the right job', a place I could
grow with. I happened to see an opening posted for a
word processor, I applied and voila! I was in....

Q-Any advice to those which want to reach your level
after high school here in  bergtrem high?
A- I would advise anyone to go to college. Not just
for the education, but for the experience that it
provides. Working and going to school is hard, but it's
rewarding if you can map a career out of it. Whatever
you do, DON'T SETTLE, you can get where you think you
want to go no matter how long it takes, if you hold
the vision, you'll get there.

Q-Any final words to the reader which you may think is
A-Same as above....and for life: loving yourself does
not mean being selfish, it means that you have so much to
offer to the people around you that you're willing to
do your best to be your best.

Thank you so much for your time and hope that all goes
well in your future.

There it is people, goes to show education is the key
of success, so quit slacking off and hit those