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Gizelle Williams

Can you be your own BOSS?

        No one actually wants to be an employee when they can be the employer but is it really that easy? Ask
yourself these questions:
    a) Do you want to be your own boss?
    b) Do you want financial independence?
    c) Do you want creative freedom?
    d) Do you want to full use your skills and knowledge?
        According to the Small Business Administration and Brian Brodeur of New York DVD, staring a business
takes a whole lot more than ruling people.  It takes skill, dedication, creative thinking, time, money and a
vision.  Starting a business from scratch requires a few things that should thought about carefully.
        You should first think of a product or service, you want to do business.  According to Leo Lingham from he thinks it's best to evaluate your opportunities, figure out whether you're either going to
manufacture your product or import or distribute the product, decide whether you want your company to be
sole or partnership or private limited.  Know what you want to sell how this product may be used on different
ways to make you money, and how this product would do in the stock, and other money markets.
        Starting up a business requires many licenses both from the federal government and by the state.  For
example, if you owned a restaurant, you would need a license for cooking, and selling your food and a license
to own a space.  These laws would include a license for selling a product, and for the space you would be
selling your food.
        Many people think that it is an easy and fun task to be your own boss.  However according to the SBA
Online Library there is only a 50/50 chance that your business will succeed.  Actually according to a response
given, by "," the respondent said that many people fail to realize how lucky they are to have a
boss. They have their work laid out in front of them.  They don't have the responsibility of organizing the
business so that it can be successful. Being a boss is not all about fun and game, but hard work and
        However being your own boss does have some benefits, such as time schedules, payments, and having
the final word all the time. So before you think about quitting your job because you don't like your boss, or
you have a problem with his/her rules think about the advantages of being your own boss, but consider the
cons very carefully before actually leaving.
 Click here for more information from the Small Business Association