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    What It Takes To Be

              By: Jean Mompoint

             Success has no secret                             she heard about him were told to her by
formula. Success has been thought to                   people he new and worked with
come to those who had excellent                           in the past.
grades and came from a middle class
family. O. K not a middle class family                               Having a great reputation
but a rich family. But this isn't true.                      does help you in the long run because
Success came to those who worked                       you will never know who will inter-
 hard for it.                                                              view you. But this isn't the only way to
                                                                                              become successful. According to
            Alfred A. Edmund Jr., Editor                     Steve Florio, the CEO of Conde Nast
in Chief & Senior Vice President of                      Publications, there is one thing you
Black Enterprise Magazine, came                        need to become successful and that is
from a family that wasn’t financially                     a lot of love for what you do. You
stable. He was still able to go to                            must enjoy going to work everyday.
college (Rutgers University) were he
majored in Art! That's correct Art!                                  If you love what you do you will
The Editor-in-Chief & Senior Vice                        be able to perform your job well. Even
President of a well known magazine                      if you fail your love for your job would
didn’t graduate from college with a                        make you work harder. Love is the key
degree in Journalism but with a                              to everyone's success and without it
degree in Art! But, How was he able                     success is most likely not going to come to you.
to become successful?


            Well according to Mr.
Edmund it's knowing people, having
a good reputation with them, and
having connections with others
that will make you successful in life
and in everything you do. And don't
forget you must be good at what it is
you do!

            For instance, Mr. Edmund
received his big break when he went
to the interview for his job with Black
Enterprise and was interviewed by a
woman that met him at a reward
ceremony. He introduced himself to a
group of people and this woman happened
to have been part of that group, she saw
what type of person he was and that
everything she heard about him was
true. So she hired Mr. Edmund on
the spot because of the reputation he
had. And most of the great thing