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        Welcome to our on-line magazine! Brought to you by Murry Bergtaum High School.
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This section is dedicated to helping you with links and tips on searching the web for what you want. 

The current article is found  on the right. Helpfull, clickable links, are found below. Enjoy.

  Search engines-


     E-mail services-

-Bobby Matuszczak
Current Article--

-by Bobby Matuszczak

Searching the Web…

      The first thing that you notice when you start to "surf the web" is the enormous amount of web pages, links*, etc. It is clustered with hundreds to thousands to millions of addresses, which kind of explains why it's called the "web". Anyone could easily lose himself or herself and its not there fault. In fact, almost all businesses now operate their own sites. People even make their own personal home pages. Creating sites has become a hobby and with the increasing popularity of computers in households and organizations, learning common HTML, the web programming language, is a must. Though, first, you'd have to know how to navigate through the "web" before you can build and add to it.

      Well then how can anyone search the Internet* without getting lost on the information super highway with all that crap in there? Well, first off, go with the crowd. If a site is well known and is advertised, it usually means that you can rely on it to help you find what you need. A simple "dot com" usually follows these sites and the links are easy to remember. If you see a web URL, or, in other words, the address, that continues with back-slashes with periods with numbers, etc., then you should avoid it. This site could be as confusing as the URL.

      If you go into a site and you see a mass jumble of words, pictures, and links, chances are its unorganized and that translates into being an eyesore. Avoiding these sites are also a must. Try to find a site that fits your needs, one that doesn’t look like its been put through a blender. 

      Using well-known search engines is a useful tool too. That’s usually the first place where most people go to find what they are looking for. Search engines such as,,, are most often used by people. 

      Just because you use one of these engines doesn’t mean that you’ve paved your way for what you want. Remember, there are millions of resources on the Internet, you still might not find what you want. To narrow these searches down, make sure you know what you are looking for and be as specific as you can. Try multiple engines to see the different outcomes. Remember the URLs that you find so that you can come back to them later. Writing them down or book marking them usually helps with this. You don’t want to lose something that you worked hard to find.

      Also, stay calm when you are at your computer. This helps out plenty. Computers are our friends. They need us; we don’t need them (though some can argue with this point!). Most people get worried when they surf the web, as if it was a life or death situation. Take it easy. Chances are you won't find the link you want the first time around. It will take several tries to get what you need. Patience is the key if you wish to find something on the Internet. Try not to repeatedly click and jam on the keyboard, it could crash the web site and, ultimately, your computer.

What is the Internet?
The internet is the information superhighway. It connects various computers to a massive network and facilitate the sharing of information on a global level. In English, it connects computers and connects information between them. 

What is a link?
Well, generally, they look like highlighted text on a web site like this. And what do these "links" do? Well, if your reading this then you already used a link. It basically takes you from one page to another when you click on it.