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Yajaira Torres
Business Delight
May 9, 2001

        This is a country that was built and founded by immigrants.  Back then they were considered the minority but those early immigrants have now become the majority. The majority of the American population are considered to own the large corporations such as Windows, which is true, but in reality minorities own many small businesses and corporations as well. Women (yes, they are still considered a minority), African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans own the majority of small businesses in the United States.
        The recent results of the Census Bureau have shown those women as entrepreneurs
have increased 16 percent to 5.4 million since 1992.  Candice Choi stated on  April 4, 2001:

"Women-owned firms still only make up 26 percent of the nation's 20.8 million non-farm businesses and a mere 4.4 percent of the $18.6 trillion in receipts for all businesses."

Even though women have taken a larger role in the nations business they aren't recognized.  These women have to prove to themselves as well as to others that they are just as good as anyone else, (men).  An example of a women-owned financial institution would be the Muriel Siebet & Company.  This institution gives charitable donations to non-profit women's organization.  Now this is only one of the 26 percent of women-owned firms in the United States.
        In the New York area alone, we have some of the nations largest minority-owned companies.  Joseph Unanue, a Hispanic, is the Chief Executive of Goya Foods Inc. (that was pretty obvious) which began in 1936.  This is one of the largest foods manufacturing marketing and distribution comp any throughout the world.
Everyone knows the famous "1-800-Dial-A-Mattress, leave off the last S forSAVINGS."  A retail company of mattresses and related bedding items.   Surprisingly a Hispanic runs this company by the name of Napoleon Barragan.  Did you know that?
        Another company that is minority-owned in the New York area is FUBU which stands for "for us by us", an apparel and accessories company with Daymond John, an African American as the Chief Executive.  This company began in 1992 and in 1999 it had revenues of 350 millions.  This shows other corporations, especially apparel corporation, such as Tommy Hilfiger, that they have competition.  Rush Communications, an entertainment, fashion, advertising, Internet portal and film company, which began in 1991, is being run by Russell Simmons, one of Americas top loved businessmen.  In the 1997 Commerce Department's Census Bureau, African American alone
        Native Americans, although some may not hear much about them, they still have their small businesses in their hometowns and produce money for both themselves and the nation.  One of these businesses is the Blackfeet National Bank.  This bank generates money in order to help its ethnic community.  They are still struggling to become recognized but they still continue to be stereotyped, which makes it difficult for them to excel.  But they are trying and one must at least respect that.
        It has been said that minorities are not capable of owning or operating their own businesses, this just shows people what a long way minorities have come to try and become part of the majority.  This also proves of just how important minorities are in United States businesses.  Hispanics account for 12.5 percent United
States population, African Americans make up 12.9 percent, and Asians account for 3.6 percent.  As the minority group grow so will their involvement in business.
        For those entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting your own business you can visit the website  This website will teach you, step-by-step, the process of starting your own business.  From how to promote your business, up to the financial process.  This site helps those prospective entrepreneurs become part of a big family.

-Yajaira Torres