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                By: Nadra-Lee Coote

Out of 100 Americans, 90% work non-stop throughout the
year. Since so many Americans have less time to shop,
I guess that's why the majority of people who work don't know
what to wear when it comes to dressing for the office.
It seems that an increasing number of companies have
introduced a dress code called "dress down days" for Fridays only.


However employees are getting work wear and casual
wear in a twist. Author Carolyn Setlow says, "Growing numbers
of Americans say fashion fusion--the mixing of casual wear in the
office is leading to fashion confusion." It is very important to dress
professionally when it comes to the work place if you
want to knit yourself in the right direction. It is also very important for
females to dress tastefully in the office, in other
words "Ladies" need to dress according to size, shape and business
sector. Maxine Taylor for Blue Stone Capital,an investment bank in
NYC says, "People who present themselves well everyday when going to
work increase their chances of getting a promotion by 35%."

3 out of 5 Americans who work in offices don't know what
they should wear, how they should wear it, or what day they should
wear it for when dressing for the office. Since spring is in the air,
thinking out side the box is a good way to give your work wear a new twist or two.
I am talking about taking a leap, however nothing weird or wild just a
fresh new way to dress. Fiona Inghan, an image consultant
for house of color say's "work wear matters. We all judge others by
their appearance and work wear is no different", while Tony Lewis, an
editor for Men's Magazine Esquire say's "It can take
time to grow into being confident in a new style or look, so for men
especially, experiment gradually until you become
comfortable in what you're wearing."

Quality, cut and fit of your work wear does
show how much you spend on your work wear, so don't
buy cheap clothes--instead economize. The GAP, Banana Republic
and Zara are stores which are affordable and have good quality,
cut and fit. Their shirts range from $45.00-$250.00 while their
pants range from $45.00-$300.00 and their handbags
from $35.00-$400.00. For the men you can go to Banana
Republic, Bloomingdales and Macy's their shirts range
from $100-$800 and their pants range from $150.00-$950.00,
whiletheir ties range from $45.00-$300.00.