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                            Interviewing Dos and Dont's

                                                                    By Nedra Hunt

Going on an interview is very important whether if it's for the first time or not. You should be prepared and ready for the         interview. Here are some pointers that you can use when going on an interview.

It is always good to prepare for the interview before hand. First, prepare a list of questions you would like to ask the interviewer on typed paper that shows that you were taking serious thought into these questions. Second, be prepared for questions the interviewer might ask you such as: Why do you want this job? How would you contribute to this company? Also, what are your strengths and weaknesses?

When getting ready to go to the interview site make sure you have clear directions to the interview location. It's always good to arrive 10 to 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment because you sometimes have to fill out an application or paper work. Always remember to be yourself and try not to be nervous and just remain calm. When on the interview try to be friendly but yet professional.

 The most important thing is when going on an interview is to make a good appearance. Also, you should dress in business attire depending on what kind of environment the company is. But dressing to impress a must. At they describe an interview like a first date. You wear your best clothes, you're on your best behavior, and you want to show a good side of yourself. You want to tell little about yourself, but not too much. Rambling on and on is a bad idea. Show some personality, but also know when to shut up.

 An interview will not run smoothly if you don't know what not to do on an
 interview. Never arrive late. Never chew gum, play with your hair, shake your foot, or any other distracting mechanisms. Don't ask about salary and benefits before the interviewer brings up the subject. First impressions should always be positive. Never dress unprofessionally. Try to keep eye contact and good posture. Try not to use bad grammar for example "Umm" or "Like" a lot. But most importantly never be rude to anyone including the receptionist.
Most of all when going on an interview just stay positive and be you. Ace the and mentions that after the interview send
 a thankyou note within 24hours to the interviewer. This will keep your name in the interviewer's mind.

 Thank you letters are used to express your appreciation and also give you a chance for the job.  Be sure to mention your interest in the position and to name additional qualifications you may not have cited during the interview. A letter should be sent to anyone that helped you in any way. Any thank you is appreciated. It's even more powerful to thank others unexpectedly. In the letter use a few short sentences and keep it business-like.

Make sure that your hand writing is easy to read. If it isn't, type the letter so that it is professional and neat. If you don't hear anything within 2 weeks after the interview, you might want to call the interviewer politely and check their progress. You do not want to be a nag, but you want to show that you are interested in the position. If you are offered the position, one week to two weeks is a reasonable amount of time to make a decision. Then the job will be yours.

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