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                                    What to Wear to Work
                             By: Tiffany Wilder

                  Having problems deciding what to wear to work? How times have changed over the years.  It was only a few years ago when women didn't even look forward to working because they didn't work.  Most women stayed home and did housework as a job.  So,  more than likely, a woman's working wardrobe was the last thing on a woman's mind.
                    Now in days not only do more women work,  but,  there is a variety of fields a woman can choose from.  Due to the diversity of jobs, there is  also  a variety of dress codes to be followed.  Be sure to choose a job where you will be comfortble with the dress code of the particular job.
                   Most manufacturing companies have their own uniforms made for their employees.  At business career jobs, a suit is mostly perferred, but, a business look ( no jeans or sneakers)  is always required.  Other career fields such as teaching,  art,  writing,  etc. you are usally allowed to control the way your attire is.  Here is a list of some career fields and advice for dressing for them:

1) Business Careers: 2 piece suits will always do
2) Artist: Expression of yourself
3) Teacher: Comfortble shoes are the key (lots of standing)
4)Interior Designor: Don't wear something that would make someone think twice about
                                  designing their home.
5) Modeling: You don't choose,  the designer does.
6) Doctor\Dentist: Just work on keeping your lab coat clean.
7) Actress: Let the fashion coordinator handle that.
8) Dancer: Spandex are always useful.

                                 Have Fun !!!!!