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Turning into a PRO

    A star in the making, while growing up, Tiger Woods took giant
steps.  By the time tiger was two years old, he could already chip shots, tee off,
and hit puts.  Continuing on pursuing his dream, as a child Tiger appeared on
many Television shows demonstrating his incredible skills like The Mike
Douglas Show, That's Incredible, The Today Show, and Good Morning America.
In fact, before he was thirteen he had been on all of the major networks,
including ESPN.
    As a teen Tiger was focused on becoming the best at his age.  Along
with many other achievements and broken records, Tiger was the youngest
winner in history of Insurance Youth Golf Classic National, youngest ever to win
the US junior Amateur Championship, Golf Digest player of the Year, Southern
California player of the year, Golf world player of the year, Golf world
player of the year, Orange County League MVP, Los Angeles Times player
of the year, and winner of the Dial Award for 1993 given to the top high
school athlete in the country.  These achievements and many more led him to a
full scholarship to Stanford University.
    Throughout his College Days, Tiger woods had approximately 30 more
golf achievements, became a member of the US golf team, and broken 5 more
records.  He was definitely a Pro.  In 1997, he was finished with college and
his career in Golf had taken off.  Now at age 26, and a million dollars
richer, he is the dominant figure in his sport, and a hero and role model to