Please understand that we will not necessarily feature every story we receive. We will only feature stories that fall within our content guidelines. If certain stories are judged by the editor to be in violation of our content guidelines, we will not feature that story or pay the author any Lux for it. An author is always welcome to revise hir story to make it fall within our content guidelines. When writing, please keep the following content guidelines in mind. We will not feature any story that violates them either overtly or subtly.
1. Stories may not
promote hatred or unprovoked violence or violence against
historically oppressed groups.
2. Stories may not promote sadism or the infliction of pain, and
may not promote the infliction of pain as pleasurable.
3. Stories may not promote bigotry.
4. Stories may not use racist, sexist or homophobic language in
narration or feature such language in such a way as to attempt to
validate those attitudes, or in such a way as to sanction those
attitudes. Words we will look out for include: "nigger",
"negro", "spic", "chink", "bitch",
"slut", "whore", "fag", "feminazi",
etc. You get the picture. Be aware of that.
5. Stories may not promote or attempt to vindicate stereotypes or
prejudices of oppressed groups through narration or characters.
We will be especially wary of such statements as, "just
like a woman", "strong Afro muscles", "inscrutable
Asian face", "violent Hispanic type", "effeminate
Gay guy", "masculine Lesbian", etc., you get
the picture.
6. Stories better damn well not promote pedophilia or any other
form of sexual assault, such as rape, or bestiality.
7. Stories may not promote fascism, Nazism, fundamentalism or
other oppressive ideologies.
6. We invite parodies, but do not break the guidelines on this
page and expect to get away with it by calling it a "parody"
when clearly it is also violating our guidelines.
Now, that said, write, write, and then write some more. Then after that, write some more! :)