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Myths & Truths

You walk down a stone path, a brisk, chilly wind howling through whispering trees. The air is dark and thick, the moon your only light to see you have come to a fork in the path: Truth and Myth.

Over the years (and i'm not old at all) I've heard some pretty ridiculous myths come out of human mouths. Here I have listed only some of the myths I have heard and that I KNOW are positively not true, or some are. Any more myths that you're unsure about just said me an e-mail, and I really will be glad to add it to the list, and research the reply if I need to.

~Vampires can turn into bats. --Way too false. What a joke. This is me, laughing. *rolls eyes* Vampires don’t need to turn into bats.

~Vampires crumble to nothing but dust in sunlight. --True in some cases, but many modern vampires have evolved to accept sunlight, whether they like it or not.

~Vampires can not go into a house unless invited. --TRUE! I think that’s pretty cool.

~The only way to become a vampy is to be bit. --Quite true. Vampires are known as a disease rather than a race, due to their need for blood and so many limitations.

~Vampires are immortal. --Of course. Isn’t that the point of being a vampire? I’m kidding! But yes, vamps are immortal. But they can be killed, stake through the heart or the head (did you know THAT?)

~Vampires can only rise in the evening. --*laughs hysterically* Where do you people get this stuff?! Vampires rise when ever they please!

~Vampires don’t have souls. --Actually, they do, they’re just dead. And due to the fact that when they turn another human into a vampire, they suck the soul practically out… you do the math.

~Werewolves can only be killed with silver bullets. --You’re cracking me up. Werewolves are always naturally immortal, but can be killed my any sever damage to any important body organ.

~Werewolves can only shape-shift on full moons. --What a load of shit! They shape-shift when they find convenient!

~All werewolves can shape-shift. --Negatory! Some are only wolf-like, with extraordinary senses, but can not shift into wolf-form.

~Werewolves hating vampires is a crock. --You couldn’t get more untrue! Ever since their were vampires and werewolves, they’ve been at each other throats (excluding faeries).

~Once a being becomes were, its blood is tainted with evil. --*smacks forehead* Do humans EVER listen?! I said that yes, their blood is tainted, but they don’t become evil. They can become very violent, vicious and ill-tempered, but evil comes by natural intention. Not even biology can make you evil.

~Leprechauns really do trick people to follow the pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. --Oh jeez, you’re making me sick. Leprechauns? Gimme a break! They’re actually just a tale stretched from the true beings, gnomes.

~Pixies and fairies are one and the same. --WRONG!!! But most people make that mistake. Pixies are actually quite different from earthly fairies. However, pixies are the same as sprites.

~Elves, fairies, pixies and gnomes are actually just little humans. --You’re just getting ridiculous now. Elves, fairies, pixies and gnomes are of different cultures and races, though gnomes and pixies are catergorized as types of elves.

~Dragons came about in old Chinese Folklore. --Don’t ever say that to my face. Dragons have been around faaaaar longer than any chinese, though no one knows where they are exactly. But certainly not in folklore. Ridiculous.

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