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The big black bat real name Bruce Wayne multi-billionaire turned ruthless super-hero.After his father and mother were murdered in front of his eyes after they came out from watching a movie. After that traumatic encounter he grew up with his butler Alfred Pennyworth he began to dress up like a giant bat to strike fear in those who commit crimes as his revenge on all criminals.


To be short and brief he has none, no flight no x-ray vision or any of that SUPERhero stuff.

So what does The Dark Knight have that makes him a super hero? Well Batman has gone through alot of battles with people 10x stronger than he is but when he was bitten by a vampire he became a ruthless killer with no feelings.


Batman does have alot of tricks but it goes hand in hand with that bright yellow belt that he has around his waist his utility belt has everything in it all types of anti-venoms and gases of all sorts . Also he has a really hot car the chicks dig the car he also has a plane and a boat that all help to keep Gotham City safe