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Bio of Sweetmadness


This is where you need to come to learn all about me.



Now a lot of people have been wondering how I managed to come across the name Sweetmadness.

The reason why I am called Sweetmadness is because a lot of people call me sweet (like suga, chocolate, honey etc) and a lot of people call me mad (like a march hare, pure nutter, skitzo, just plain mad!!)

A few other nicknames I have had were Bambi (don't ask), fatty boom boom, Boo, boobum (my late mums nickname for me) among many others.


Anyway I digress!! One day someone put my two most often used nicknames together and started calling me Sweetmadness!! Hence the name Sweetmadness!!


Now off the subject of my Nickname!!


I was born in London to Jamaican parents and I have always lived in London. I have two sisters one older and one younger. I wont tell you their names or thaey will get upset!!


My star sign is Aquarius (yes!!) and I was born on 1st Feb 1979 (that makes me 23 yrs old)


I am a non practising Muslim who tries to keep on the deen (religion) as much as possible. As some of you may well know I do transgress quite often, but to me, as long as I believe in what I believe in I am cool with Allah (God)


What else?

I am currently working as an Admission Officer in South London for a Drug and Alcohol Detox. I can tell you now with a serious face that drink and drugs ruin lives. I have seen it firsthand and believe me you don't want to end up in the states I have seen.


My current interests are Music, web design and all sorts of literature, whether it is religion, black history, any other kind of history or some kind of escapism. Yes I do read romance novels!! As well as horror, sci fi and other fiction.


I won't go into my education because there is not much of it!! But, I will keep everyone posted on my educational aspirations.

I did plan to go back to college to study web design but after working where I am for 18 months I have decided to stay in the field and either become a social worker or a counsellor of some sort.

Wish me luck!


If you have any suggestions about what I should put about myself or what you wanna know about me just email me and I will think about it.




