Newsletter Subscription
Application for Membership
The undersigned makes application for the Chapter Membership in The Triple Cities Chapter for the New York State Archaeological Association and agrees to be governed by its Constitution, By-laws, and Rules as long as membership continues.
Date ____________________________
Name _________________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________ State _________________ Zip ___________________
Telephone (______)___________________ County____________________________________
Email address ______________________________________
Please Select Desired Type of Membership
[ ] NYSAA Membership -
individual.................................................................$25.00 / yr
includes annual issue of the NYSAA Bulletin
[ ] NYSAA Membership -
family......................................................................$35.00 / yr
includes one issue of the NYSAA Bulletin
[ ] NYSAA Membership -
student.....................................................................$10.00 / yr
Enclosed: [ ] Check [ ] Money Order [ ] Cash
Mail To:
Donald Straub, Secretary/Treasurer
1187 Colesville Rd.
Binghamton, NY 13904