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Pat Robertson said on CNN that he warned George Bush about an invasion of Iraq. "God told me it would be messy and disastrous," said Mr. Robertson. But "God" told Mr. Bush to go to war.
Can we see the problem here? How much more clearly can it be spelled out? If we went back in time about 150 years and were voting for President, Mr. Bush would be the PRO-SLAVERY candidate. John Kerry is not married to his religion despite the the fact that his stance is gonna cost him votes.
If the WORLD is not sufficiently convinced that weapons of mass destruction really did exist in Iraq and really did pose a real threat to U.S. "interests" how credible would it be if we "discovered" that Cuba was making biological weapons? Bush has undermined the truth America stood for.
It is somehow acceptable for Uday and Qusay to be shown blown to bits in the American media? We condemn then for showing those kinds of pictures, don't we?
If it is true that Saddam was paying families of suicide bombers $25,000 to kill innocent people the country in which those suicide bombings were taking place should be retaliating. In this case, Israel.
How many Israeli troops are on the ground helping us nail Osama in Afghanistan?
Here is the unfortunate bottom line.
This is another religious war.
The United States is not now nor has it ever been a "Christian Nation.""Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."To read the actual document:Click here.
The only progress this nation has made over the past 100 years has been when it's unchackled itself from what the Bible teaches. There is not one verse in the Bible condenming slavery. Because the Bible teaches that women shall bring forth child in great pain, it was assumed that that's just the way God meant it to be when you had a kid. It was SUPPOSED TO HURT YOU LIKE IT DID EVE BECAUSE SHE ATE A PIECE OF FRUIT. What kind of a mind do you have if you honestly believe this stuff? If God Himself inflicts pain on us for something that Eve did thousands of years ago then he's a pretty twisted dude. If this is the way we are to look at things, then the white race owes the black race one helluva lot of compensation because, 10 generations ago whites enslaved blacks. It was the Christian church that fought OFF the use of pain relievers as something from Satan because we were told "in scripture" that women would always hurt bigtime when they had a baby. And then there is all the "suffering our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did for us upon that cross and he never took of the vinegar to help sooth him a little while he hung there on that cross in order to pay for all of our sins." What a true crock.
And the leader of America believes this stuff. Read on below how John Ashcroft actually had himself rubbed down with Crisco upon being elected to a minor Senate seat because that was his way of "being annointed" as in the Old Testament. Ashcroft is "Assembly of God" if that means anything to you. The only thing Ashcroft hates worse that a non-believer is a believer who is not a fundamentalist.
The Bush Administration is doing what they do best. "Estimate the intelligence of the American people and see what you can pull off." "Weapons of mass destruction" transform into "programs for weapons of mass infinitum. Colin Powell has flip-flopped on his support for the war in Iraq more than a dying fish. Bush has taken us from "weapons of mass destruction" to "programs for weapons of mass destruction" to "the development of programs for weapons of mass destruction." What's next: Pink flamingos who are actually terrorists in disguise? Convince a guy that Moses was a good guy because "God" commanded" him to kill innocent babies and it's not hard to convince the same guy that he can attack Iraq, run up a budget that is now bufooning him and yet still expect to be re-elected. Think about how freaky this is!!! If the man believe that God is on on his side how can any logic remedy the situation?
Bush is like a child with a new toy.
Bush was capable of absorbing the weak arguments for going to war but was not smart enough to accept the knowledge of those who knew better and were warning him that he had no idea what he was doing. There was never a question that the U.S. could take out a country in a few days. Iraq was the perfect showcase.
To say that Iraq is better off now than they were before we invaded them is to say that if a country should emerge or a union of nations emerges that believes that their way is better for us than our way, it is permissible for them to change our government as long as we possess "weapons of mass destruction."
The world has been taken back another 300 years in its true advancement by the sucecss of "The Passion of The Christ." Folks, God did not find it necessary to impregnate his own mother in order to be born so that he might be sacrificed in order that he might be capable of allowing himself to forgive Eve for the eating of an apple.Would you rather replace your current scientific knowledge - your health - with the amount of science they knew 2000 or 3000 or 4000 years ago?
Would you like to exchange your present system of eliminating your waste with what they used only a few hundred years ago, much less thousands of years ago? If you or a loved one is sick, which treatment would you choose to receive? That treatment available now or the treatment a few thousand years ago? If you base every other aspect of your life on logic, why do you not do the same with the thing you consider most important? Christians claim that heaven is a beatiful and blissful place in which we somehow continue living in utter happiness. Yet they play music so depressing that an experimental rat would find a way to kill himself if he were to be forced to listen to it for two days.
"The Passion of Christ" assumes two things in its title. One, that there was passion and two that there was a Christ. It is a play on words in that "of course, we all have COMpassion on anyone dying.
This is left brain/right brain stuff and most people haven't evolved to the point that they are beginning to allow the two sides of the brain to "communincate."
A religion of some form is to be expected in every human due to the simple natural law which is:
Nature will always follow the path of least resistance. Christianity and all other old world religions are kept alive in that they each offer the least resistance to their followers as to some sort of explanation of what happens when we die.
We make fun of the fact that they ride about on camels and live in caves yet some of us worship a god who did much the same thing. Many if not most of the Christians attempt to claim "his word" as their word yet they drive Lexus while half the world is starving and convince themselves that "this is what Jesus would do." Jesus would do the opposite of what most of his "followers" do. They worship as a god a man who, if anything was an itenerate preacher. Since the name "Jesus" then was as common as the name John or Paul or George, it means nothing that a man named Jesus died. It meant nothing that he died on a cross. The Bible itself could not be any clearer on the point. He died with "common theives." What does this mean? It means that crucifixon was the means of putting someone to death in that day and time.
In today's terms we have a man named John killed in an electric chair in Texas in 1999.
It is understood that if a man named John were electicuted in Texas in 1999 came back to life 3 days later, the world would not believe it. As detailed below, there is no evidence that any person named Jesus was ever resurrected from a grave after having made the prediction during his time as a human being that he would be "Just as Jonah was in the belly of a whale for three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the earth for three days and three nights."
We all know the story of Jonah being swallowed by the big fishie, don't we? The entire story of Jonah is a humorous treatment by a Gentile of the idiocy of the Jewish religion. Here we have a chosen man of God who throws god's marching papers back in his face. Jonah will not do what his god tells him to do so he winds up asleep during a terrible storm in a boat full of Gentiles. The satire marks well for the Gentile writer in that the men in the boat showed the stowaway a great deal of respect by not doing like the Jewish people did and "kill every man, woman and child." After it was decided by Jonah that he was the cause of the whole mess because God was mad at him, the Gentiles continued to fight the storm. Jonah certainly wasn't of any help. He was sulking. This "man of God" was trying to hide from his own God and was only making a really bad situation worse with his complaining. They tossed him and a whale ate him. But, alas, it was a whale sent from God! And poor Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of a whale.
And that is what the Bible tells us Jesus said he would do. He would "be in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights just like Jonah had been in the belly of a whale for 3 days and 3 nights." This was the writer of this fable's idea of tying Jesus into the OLD TESTAMENT.
Jesus cannot both be a human being who is very bad at math also be the God who created it.
Three PM "Good Friday" until "about sunrise" "Easter Sunday" is just over ONE DAY AND ONE NIGHT.
Who wrote the book of Job? The book itself does not present as a work of Jonah. It is a story told "about" Jonah. I asked an astute lady at the Church who wrote Samuel I and Samuel II. She looked a bit startled. She replied rather condescendingly that "Samuel wrote it of course."
I was amusing myself one last time at a Sunday School Class in an attempt to save a marriage but I can't be a hpocrite anymore than I can share a bed with one. The class had just read aloud the 25th Chapter of I Samuel. Each table was to talk about it amongst themselves and present their conclusion in 20 minutes. At my table were my wife, one of her best friends, and the woman whose husband was one of the deacons they send out for "marriage counseling." If the man aiming his hands in the air and saying "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" is counseling then it certainly seemed to be working for this self-righteous man than it did for me.
I am a DJ by trade and am used to "filling in the dead air." No one at the table spoke. I finally interrupted the uneasy silence by suggesting: "I guess a good place to start is to know who wrote the book. If I wrote a novel and signed Steven King's name to it, I'd be in trouble. Can it be any easier for a book allegedly written by God to be written by "author unknown?" We had just read the entire Chapter in that Sunday School and, when I asked the group at the table who wrote the book, she answered by saying "Samuel wrote it." I told her it was odd that Samuel wrote the rest of 1 Samuel and the entire book of 2 Samuel if he had just died in the first verse of 1 Samuel 25 we'd just read out loud in Sunday School.
As Americans we can see the many of the Arabic countries are literally living in another time. They are not with us as Americans in the year 2004. In the first place, many of them don't recognize this as being the year 2004. That is the way the Western world measures the calendar. Try to understand it by looking at the fact that more people in the world drink goat's milk than do cow's milk. People in America claim to worship a man named Jesus as God and think about how much he loves them and they love him while driving to the grocery store in their Lexus to buy whatever it is they want to eat.
Can you imagine how hard it is for a person who searches for a few grains of rice with which to feed her family of four starving children reacts when she hears that Americans are now so obese that they are spending billions of dollars to LOSE WEIGHT.
If you are a Christian, sell your Mercedes and buy yourself a nice dependable Ford and give the difference to the world to make it a better place for others to live as well.
An American CEO makes $36 million dollars a year while telling the media what "a bad year it's been" for their company and that they are going to have to "lay off workers."
The "tax reduction" Bush is pushing and managed to pass saved Colin Powell over $100,000. It saved Cheney MILLIONS!
How much did it save you?
Why is a police officer's IQ a determining factor concerning his job yet there is no IQ test for the President of the United States?
People acknowledge that "Bush is not a amart man but he has surrounded himself with smart men." That would be like a 5th grader having college level or above "instructors."
If he is not as smart as they are, he would become more like a wind-up doll. He is the Neo-Right's puppet. They molded him with is own ego. His ego wanted revenge for his father. One of his advisors justified it for him. Colin Powell at first disgreed but got sucker punched or is not as smart as he appeared to be.
He would be easy to persuade in that his mind does not work all that well
Try to grasp this. It is really important.
Christians blame AIDS on the number of sex partners a "homosexual" man may have yet Christains are the first to condemn a marriage of two men or two women who are vowing before God to remain faithful to each other?
We are gathered here this day to unite this these two people who love each other in the bonds of holy matrimony which is an honorable estate. Into this, these two now come to be joined.
If anyone present can show just and legal cause why they may not be joined, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
You cannot believe in a book in which Solomon had a combined total of 1000 wives and concubines, somehow rationalize that concept by saying "it was God's way of populating the earth" without recognizing the fact that two men or two women do NOT create babies. If you can "in faith" understand that Solomon's 1000 wives were God's way of populating the earth you cannot deny that God is saying "We are getting overcrowded down there. I am sending a spirit upon you that will slow the population of this earth because, on your present course you are doomed. I am interceding. I am Nature. Follow me. Don't resist me."
Here is the curent world poplation as it happens. Click here.
Bill of Rights
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
I don't understand why a man would want to kiss another man or a woman kiss another woman but because I don't understand it does not make it wrong. When you don't understand something in the Bible you are told to accpe it in "faith." Accept in that same "faith" that these people don't think the way you do. Lots of guys are into feet. They can explain it until they are blue in the face and most people just aren't going to understand it. Can you imagine trying to explain a foot fetish to Attorney General John Ashcroft? He would want to know where it was written in the Bible that a man should lust for feet? I would ask him where in the Bible it says it matters. Because Mr. Ashcroft or Mr. Bush just can't see beyond the twisted lens of Christianity, does that make it wrong?
Because we don't understand something does not make it wrong anymore than our "faith" in something makes it right.
Yes. "Marriage" has always meant the union of a man and woman. "That is the way it's been for thousands of years." Fine. So was slavery until we wised up. It took a war and hundreds of thousands of lives to get the ball rolling. It took brave black men and women who spent time in jail or worse for having the courage to stand up for the FACT that they are not second class citizens because of the color of their skin. The extremely shallow argument often follows "But blacks were born black" (as if being black somehow justified their slavery). People aren't "born" gay. It is their choice." Upon what research to you base this opinion? Do you look to science? Or do you look for the answer in the Bible? The Bible condems homosexuality yet exhorts slavery.
"1 Peter 2:
18] Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
[19] For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.
[20] For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God."
If the Bible is the "living" word of God, then those words are just as much alive now as they were when they were first written. If you are allowed to pick and choose to believe only those verses that make the Bible palatable to you, then logic woud dictate that I have that same right and in that some of the verses in the Bible are noble and honorable, I am just as much entitled to call myself a Bible believing Christian as you do.
Shopping for verses that are pleasant to your taste is like shopping for groceries. If you and I go into the same store with $50 each, I can guarantee you that we won't come out store with the same items. But I can guarantee you that we've both shopped in the same store.
If Michael Jackson had been a priest he would have the entirity of the Catholic faith supporting him even if he is found guilty of child molestation.
The Catholic Church believes the law is being "too harsh" on those priests who have sexually abused little boys. The Catholic Church seems to want us to accept the "three strikes and you are out" rule regarding child molestation.
Mel Gibson is praised by some for showing us "just how horrible it was for Jesus."
Now, let's do the same thing with words. The following will be my attempt to get inside the head of a priest who would hide behind a so-called God to engage in unimaginable acts on a little boy.
In the first place, the priest has vowed a life of celibacy in honor of the God that gave him the penis and the testicles and the hormones which created the desire for sex. This is called Nature. Nature creates within us the desire for sex. Nature also tells us when it's time to do number 2. Would it not be just as "gratifying" to God for this man to "hold it" for an hour? Would God be even more pleased if the man held it for 2 hours? Would God be so pleased that he would cry a tear if a man ignored the Nature that God had built into him and went without a poop for 24 hours? If so, by this time God's jubiliation would be nearly orgasmic in that that it was directly related to how long a man could hold a poison that is begging for just one thing: to get the hell out the guy's asshole. (If Mel can be graphic, so can I)! What kind of God do we wind up with when we concoct absurdidies to His nature that would demonstrate the ultimate "faith" by sticking our fingers up our ass holes and holding back the bowel movement until we were nearly dead. Wait! There is even a greater sacrifice we can make to this "god" that will be the ultimate gift we can show him! We can just vow not to take a dump. And hold it so long that we eventually create enough poisons in our body that he will probably pass out. If he passes out, there is going to be a mess in that nature will run her course when the man's completely idiotic thought process is corrected long enough for the body to relieve itself.
"Nature calls" us in many areas of our intricate make up. It tells us when we are hungry. It tells us when we need water. It tells us when we itch. It tells us when we need to urinate or have a bowel movement.
Strange isn't it that many a good Catholic woman has said that "Men think with their dicks" yet these same women don't take the time to realize that priests are men. With dicks. That they think with.
God doesn't sit up there and get his jollies when you don't have sex. How twisted a god can you concoct here?
Need we look past life in prison to understand that it is man's nature to have sex?
Imagine how you would feel if you were put in jail with a bunch of hardened criminals who were bigger than you were and had formed their own "gangs" or "groups" and if you didn't go along, something very bad was going to happen to you? What if you were much much younger and were told by a man you were told represented God Himself that God had called this man to teach you about your sexual desires. You are now too young to think beyond what you've been told by your parents and your church and your priest and thus, by your God. Now imagine being coerced oral sex and being made to believe that it was "God's will."
You don't eliminate the weed unless you pull up the roots. The roots of the sexual abuse issue is the belief that God is pleased when a man goes without sex.
Did the man get into the priesthood to molest little boys or is the entire concept of pleasing God by not having sex something that should be placed into evidence as the root cause? The fact is, it has to be one or the other. If these men claim that they got into the priesthood for noble reasons then we can only assume the latter.
Little boys are being tortured in a way Christ wasn't and our concentration is to be on a piece of paper that allows two people who love each other to vow to each other that they will live together through thick and thin.
Of course, Mr. Bush stands on this issue where he stands on most. Somewhere in the year 1959.
The CRUCI-FICTION. MEL GIBSON'S PASSION FOR PAIN. Mel Gibson making a movie about Christ's "torture" is like Michael Jackson making a movie about how "Jesus loved all the little children."There is something twisted about Mel Gibson's passion for pain.
For the initial reviews of the movie:Click here.
From "Lethal Weapon."
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I am an individual represented by no organization. This page does not ask for money. It asks something far more expensive. It asks you to think.
For future reference, here is the:
Bill of Rights
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
This site is not intended to be viewed or understood in one reading. This site is much more like a text. Follow it. Check the links. You will find a great deal of knowledge on these pages as we study the beginnings and present state of world religions.
The argument could be made that many actors are repeatedly into violent movies. James Bond. The governor of California.
I, for one, have never not seen in any other five actors combined the explicit torture scenes contained in one Mel Gibson movie.
Put another way, if every Adam Sandler movie had a character with a foot fetish, how many movies would it take to convince you that the guy had a real thing for feet?
Do we all see the comparison here?
It is quite possible to be motivated by two factors at one time.
Mel Gibson has found the perfect vehicle for his passion for pain.
The pattern of torture contained in Mel Gibson's movies is just off the charts.
I do not like pain nor do I like to look at any living creature that is in pain.
To dare bring other, less godly motives into the picture is, for some, the same as questioning the justification for the timing of the war in Iraq. The amount of logic you have given up equals your religious fervor.
Even if Mel Gibson's true passion was the story of the last hours of Christ, the movie is tainted by his fact that those hours happen to epitomize the torture that Mel Gibson seems to enjoy portraying.
Fear motivates. Bush used fear to get his war just like preachers talk about hell to fill the pews. If we don't have a right to question a war, why are the soldiers fighting it? "They are fighting for freedom."
This truly is not rocket science. Like we all have the right to question the war we retain right to question a movie. A comment from the following website:"Looks like Mel Gibson has finally figured out how to make an ENTIRE MOVIE around the obligatory Mel Gibson torture scene."
For more comments and to post yoursClick here.
A brief look at almost every single movie Mel Gibson has starred in depicts "hard to look at" torture scenes. They are hard to look at for anyone who does not have a fetish for torture/bondage. Here are some past reviews of Gibson's movies:
Guy Movie of the Week, 7/19/99: Lethal Weapon
... Mel Gibson gets his standard torture scene (here are two more examples, Murtaugh
gets ... Lethal Weapon was followed by three sequels (to date, but kick me in the ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
‘Lethal Weapon’ (R)
... An apparent suicide kicks off "Lethal Weapon" -- a pretty hooker jumps off a penthouse ... A