Behind Blue Eyes


By Silk


Part 3


All things considered, when Sandburg was taken at gunpoint to Section One's

headquarters in Europe, he really couldn't find an immediate reason to

object. He'd spent his entire life waiting for the other shoe to drop. Now

it had. Big fucking deal.


It was the interrogation that gave him his first inkling that things might

not go nearly as smoothly as he thought.


Michael cut a daunting figure, all in black. Tall. Like Jim. Strong. Like

Jim. Terse, even silent at times. Again, like Jim. The long,

cinnamon-colored hair that curled at his neck combined with those changeable

grey-green eyes made him look exceptionally attractive to Blair.

Unfortunately, that wasn't why he was there.


Or was it?


"Mr. Sandburg...."


Blair noted that Michael did *not* address him as though he had his

doctorate in Anthropology. He wondered if a European like Michael read the

Cascade papers. That struck him so funny, it was all he could not to laugh

out loud. One look at that stern visage told him that would not be wise.


"Our organization...." Pause for effect. Michael was nothing if not a master

of the dramatic. Nice work, man. Blair gave the man a mental thumbs' up. He

made it sound like the fucking Mafia or something. Heh.


" extremely interested in" Heh. The way Michael paused

over the word "work" made Blair think, Gee, I wonder what *you* do for a

living. Nope, don't answer that question. Probably something that starts

with anarchy and ends in terrorism.


His extraordinary eyes, the color of dull pewter now, flickered over Blair's

face with more than casual interest. "We want to know everything you can

tell us...about the Sentinel you your...dissertation."


"H-he's not. A Sentinel, I mean. I m-made it up. Didn't you read the

headlines? I'm a fucking fraud, man. It's all a lie."


Michael gave Blair a disappointed look, the rise of one eyebrow indicating

his almost palpable feeling of disbelief. Blair filled the ensuing silence

with almost painfully bright chatter. "What do you think? It's like a comic

book. It's X-Men stuff, man. Hyperactive senses. I mean, come on. Get real."


All at once Blair wished desperately that he were a better liar. He knew he

could never survive a real interrogation. He swallowed hard, a lump the size

of a peach pit in his throat now. He had no life anymore. He could handle

death. Hey, God? Been there, done that. No offense, man. But when he thought

of giving up Jim's secrets, secrets that had never really been *his* to

tell...well, that would just be, like, the final violation, man.


As if he were reading Blair's mind, Michael switched tactics, using his own

very real attraction to Blair to full advantage. Slowly, inexorably, he

drifted closer to the smaller man, letting the roughened tips of his fingers

gently abrade his cheek. Michael registered the other man's sharp intake of

breath as arousal, automatically cataloguing it along with other thoughts

and feelings he was picking up.


"You-you're just doing this c-cause Section told you to, man. You're like a

fucking robot. You're not g-getting to m-me." Blair clenched his teeth

together so hard, his jaw began to ache.


Michael smiled enigmatically. "Section did tell me to use

any...means...necessary." He tucked a strand of Blair's long curly hair

behind one ear, the gesture strangely intimate yet not inappropriate.


He leaned close, his breath whispering across the top of Blair's ear. "But

they don't own me."


"Are to do this?"


In answer, Michael touched his lips to Blair's ear, his tongue flicking out

to moisten, his teeth seeking to nibble, at that delicious earlobe.


Part 4