Behind Blue Eyes


By Silk


Part 4


Blair started to tremble in earnest as Michael's tongue caressed the inside of his ear. "S-stop. Please?" He kept telling himself that the only reason it felt so good was because it had been a long time since he had any kind of sex. That included saying hi to Mr. Hand.


That was what gave him the will to withstand the temptation of Michael in full Valentine mode. To put it simply, there was enough of a resemblance between Michael and Jim for Blair to become aroused. But the reason he had gone so long without sex was because he didn't want anyone but Jim.


"Your body wants it," Michael whispered into his ear, and Blair's manacled hands clutched at the arms of the metal chair.


"My body wants a lot of things. That doesn't mean it gets 'em," Blair snapped back.


Michael smiled. What a telling remark. "Your Sentinel doesn't appreciate all of your...assets?"


"If you mean, am I sleeping with him, the answer is emphatically no."


A soft chuckle escaped Michael's lips. "But you'd like to."


"What is this? Twenty questions? Just ask me whatever the fuck you want to know and be done with it." Blair was fast running out of patience. Not to mention willpower. The urge to sublimate his attraction to Jim through Michael was growing stronger by the minute. He didn't know if he could resist. Especially if Michael turned up the heat.


"Does your Sentinel know that you...crave his body?" Michael whispered into Blair's other ear, totally disconcerting him. Just when he got accustomed to where Michael was in relation to him...Michael changed things. It was a good way to keep him off-balance.


"Look, he's not my fucking Sentinel. I told you. None of that stuff is true. He's just an ordinary cop."


Michael walked slowly around Blair until he stood in front of him again, his arms folded neatly over his chest. "An ordinary cop," Michael repeated. Giving Blair a curious sidelong glance, he said, "An ordinary cop could never hope to elude Section. Ellison seems to be one jump ahead of us at every turn. How do you explain that? If he's...*not*...a Sentinel?"


"What do you mean?"


Michael shook his head. "He sees and hears us coming. Even on dark approach. That sound familiar to you?"


Blair narrowed his eyes, looking up at Michael. "If he was a fucking Sentinel, why would he let me be captured?"


"Good question. Maybe he doesn't place that high a value on your life." Michael's casual words struck true fear into Blair's heart. It was what he'd been telling himself for months. But to hear it from another's lips, especially a somewhat disinterested party, hurt.


Michael took note of the younger man's apparent distress, which he was unable to keep off his face, briefly wondering why it bothered him. He was no stranger to interrogation. Nor was he inexperienced with Valentine missions. Even the fact that Blair was a man was not necessarily a deterrent. There were things in Michael's past that Section wasn't aware of. Some potentially dangerous. Some merely...interesting.


"The truth is..." Michael began, only to be cut short by Blair's surly, "You wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up on my lap and introduced itself!"


Stifling the desire to choke the life out of the young scientist, Michael continued, his face showing absolutely no trace of his inner irritability. "As I was saying..." Michael paused, as if waiting to be interrupted again, pondering how it was possible that Blair Sandburg seemed unaffected by the not-inconsiderable array of weapons of intimidation present.


"The truth is, Section wants Jim Ellison. To study. To...create a whole new breed of anti-terrorist warrior. One with advantages the other side could only dream about." It was unusual for Michael to feel so passionate about his work. Most of the time, his feelings were carefully compartmentalized, divorced from the task at hand. It was a necessity. To take any other path would mean madness.


"Then why take me? Why not just read my fucking dissertation? Hey, I've got an idea. Let me up, I'll just run down to Kinko's and make you a copy. Be back in a jiff," quipped Blair sarcastically.


"As I said..." Michael averted his face, curiously loath to admit that Section had in fact failed in its primary mission. To acquire Jim Ellison and his Sentinel abilities. "So far, he's managed to elude capture."


"And you think I can help you?" As if.


Michael turned back to face the younger man. "We think that Ellison will come for you."


"In other words, I'm the cheese."


Michael almost smiled. "Something like that."


"There's only one problem with your splendid scenario," Blair sneered at the Level 5 cold op.


"Ellison doesn't want anything to do with me."


At Michael's raised eyebrow, Blair added, a ferocious note entering his voice. "We've already established that I want him. But what you seem to have missed, despite your state-of-the-art technocrap, is that he doesn't want me."


This time, Michael did smile, his eyes glowing a brilliant shade of green. "*We* think you're wrong."


"Then you can all get fucked."


Part 5