Behind Blue Eyes


By Silk


Part 5


Birkoff stood in the doorway of the White Room, his entire body tense. He had memories of the time he was sent there, memories so terrible, so indelible, he might never get over them. Still, he came. His feelings for Michael, never voiced, clawed their way from the depths of his being and into his throat, choking him.


Michael sensed his presence, but never took his eyes off the man he was interrogating. "What is it, Birkoff?"


"Michael..." he began, eyeing the threshold of the room anxiously. He couldn't bring himself to enter the room. "Operations wants a report on what you've got so far."


"I'm not done here."


At the risk of sounding insubordinate, Birkoff promptly contradicted Michael. "Yes, you are. Operations said-"


"I heard you the first time, Birkoff," Michael snapped. Birkoff blinked. He was accustomed to Michael's terseness, even his apparent moodiness. It was all part and parcel of the dark knight's persona. But Michael never became personally involved. Never. His bittersweet chocolate eyes studied the man in the chair. So this was the exception to Michael's rule. Shit.


Birkoff resisted the urge to protest, But you never look at me that way! How can you waste all this time on someone who doesn't want you? I want you.'s more than that. It's always been more than that. Birkoff's emotions were painfully visible, written across a sensitive face that probably deserved better, but would never find it.


Blair's smoky blue eyes met Birkoff's for an instant. Birkoff jerked back a half-step from the contact, seeing kindness, compassion, even empathy, in the eyes of a prisoner. How could a stranger see what he so carefully hid inside himself? What he never revealed to anyone, not even the man, he didn't dare think that way.


Slowly Birkoff backed away, deciding to let Michael take the consequences of his actions. It wasn't up to him to interfere. But it would kill him if Michael failed. If Operations sent Michael to Abeyance. Or worse, if he finally acted on his fervent desire to cancel him.


"Are you still here, Birkoff?" There was an underlying edge to Michael's voice that Birkoff rarely, if ever, heard.


"What do you want me to...tell him?" Birkoff couldn't believe he'd asked that. He wished the words back into his mouth, but it was no use.


Michael glanced at Birkoff curiously, as if he were weighing some unseen option. He moved closer to the younger man, his hand reaching out as if he would touch Birkoff's cheek, a gesture that would be as familiar as it would be out of character. His hand abruptly dropped to Birkoff's right shoulder, settling for an avuncular pat. His eyes more gray than green now, Michael unconsciously rubbed his thumb against Birkoff's shoulder as he spoke. It was all Birkoff could do not to shudder and melt into that body. " won't reflect badly on you. There's no need to worry."


"It's not me I'm worried about," Birkoff blurted out, his face flushing dark red.


Michael gave Birkoff a crooked half-smile that Blair would have sworn would never cross the older man's lips. "I'll be okay." Birkoff took that to mean that Michael thought his only interest in him was protective. Relieved that Michael still seemed in the dark about his feelings for him, Birkoff nodded slightly and left.




" want to continue your research? Let us set you up in a state-of-the-art lab. Wouldn't that be your dream come true?"


It would be if you had asked me before the whole dissertation fiasco, yeah. Talk about timing. But now, you're asking me to help you set a trap for Jim.


"All I have to do is give you Jim, huh?"


Michael nodded.


"Well, he's not mine to give." Blair blushed at the unbidden desire that welled up in him. I wish he was mine, but I certainly wouldn't trade his life for my own. State-of-the-art, my ass. Captivity is captivity, no matter how nice the cage looks.


"You're being very altruistic, Mr. Sandburg," Michael purred in that low sensual voice of his.


"Hardly," Blair snorted. "If you really want to know, I'm being goddamned selfish. I need Jim to survive. If that means he has to do it without me, so be it."


Michael made a moue of disappointment. "Such a sacrifice. And so unnecessary. You could always be together. Here."


"Jim will never come for me." He prayed he was telling the truth. Once he'd been convinced that he no longer mattered to Jim, but somehow, the effort, the lengths to which Section was going, cast doubt into his mind. And his heart.


"I think he will. But let's make sure that he does."


Michael bent to unfasten the manacles that restrained Blair's legs. Producing a pair of handcuffs, he quickly released Blair from the arm restraints as well, snapping the cuffs over his wrists.


Michael stared deeply into Blair's face, his eyes no longer dispassionate and cool. "There's a bond between you two. He will come. If he thinks that someone else is interested in possessing what he already considers to be his."


"I told you. He doesn't have those kinds of feelings for me."


"Too bad. But he will sense that his Guide is in danger...and he will respond. Won't he? Even if he doesn't care?"


Blair clasped his manacled hands together in front of him and stared at the floor. "Yeah," he whispered, almost inaudibly.


Michael moved so rapidly, Blair never saw it coming. He claimed the younger man's mouth in a kiss, his hands threading through all those silky brown curls. Nudging his mouth open under his, Michael plundered the treasure within, his tongue sweeping inside.


"You are so beautiful," Michael whispered against Blair's mouth.


Blair felt helpless against such a sensual onslaught, but he couldn't prevent himself from responding. An inarticulate noise escaping him, Blair nuzzled the mouth that bedeviled him.


Unable to tell if Michael truly desired him, or if this was just another in a series of manipulations, Blair sighed Jim's name. In his heart, there would always be Jim.


Michael drew back, quite breathless himself. "Ellison must be a fool."




"To not take something this beautiful when it's offered?"


Blair started to shake his head. "I-I never said I told him, man. Just that he doesn't feel the same way."


"How do you know?"


"I just do, man. Okay?"


"I do you know that he doesn't know how you feel?" Michael traced a path along Blair's cheek with his tongue, making the younger man groan.


"Well, look at me. I mean, the man'd have to be totally asleep at the switch to miss how I feel."


Michael smiled. "Then let's wake him up."


Part 6