Title: Can't Get Enough of Those Sugar Crisps

Author/Pseudonym: Silk

E-mail: silkn1@worldnet.att.net

Rating: NC-17

Fandom: La Femme Nikita

Pairing: Jason Crawford/Mick Schtoppel (aka Mr. Jones)

Date: 10/27/00

Disclaimers: All things LFN are owned by WB, USA, Fireworks, and LFN
Productions. Not me, sad to say. No money being made here. Ditto.

Category: PWP, plain and simple. No more, no less. Just an excuse to see two
guys I'd *really* like to go at it.

Warnings: m/m sex, and oh, boy, is it consensual.

Notes: No spoilers per se. Just refers to two characters who belong to the
latter portion of Season 4 LFN. This is for Tinn, who asked nicely, and
Gail, who chimed in. Consider this *my* gift to *you*. And if you like this,
yell. You just might get the sequel. :-)





Can’t Get Enough of Those Sugar Crisps


By Silk



He would never look at cereal the same way again. Jason didn’t care that much for breakfast, but as he discovered, it all depends on what you eat.


He wasn’t even sure why he bothered to get dressed this morning. His faded blue jeans were open at the waist, his lover’s hands splayed wide across his groin, holding him in place for that tongue.


“Ummm, we’re going to be so late, Mick.”


The man revered by some, reviled by many, the man who doubled as Section One’s clown and Center’s leading light, paused only to swat Jason’s hands away from his mouth. He was happy in his work. And right now his work was making his second-in-command, Jason Crawford, come so hard that he could see stars.


“One of the perks of being the boss, Honey Bear.”


“Oh, this is definitely one of your better fairy tales, then.”


Mick spread Jason’s legs wider, allowing him greater access to that sweet young body. Jason sat on the couch, his head thrown back against the cushions, his long, slender fingers threading restlessly through what was left of Mick’s hair. His eyes, so dark to begin with, turned the color of melting chocolate as his eyelids fluttered down.


“Thank you for giving me such grand material to work with, my lad.” Mick chortled with glee as Jason’s cock rose to the occasion valiantly.


Jason arched his back, almost coming off the couch in an attempt to thrust harder and deeper into that welcoming recess. He groaned in frustration, his full lips pouting prettily when he was denied entry. “Aww, come on, Sugar Bear. Let me fuck your mouth. I need to come.”


Mick pressed his knuckles against the heavy weight of the balls that were still covered by denim. “You’ll come when I say so.” He lowered his mouth to Jason’s groin and blew gently, his moist breath making Jason’s cock sizzle.


Jason opened his eyes partway, regarding Mick soulfully. He touched a finger to Mick’s mouth, and Mick swallowed it whole, his talented tongue laving its length from top to bottom and back again. “I can feel that someplace else,” he said huskily.


“I know you can, sweetness.”


Mick was inordinately fond of his young protégé, something he made abundantly clear on a daily basis. There was something decadent about having him here, on the couch, fully clothed yet deliciously exposed. Surreptitiously rubbing his own erection, Mick cheerfully re-dedicated himself to sucking his young lover’s cock.


He glanced up at the dreamy-eyed young man, his sensual mouth curving involuntarily in response to Mick’s ministrations. As if sensing his lover’s eyes upon him, Jason groaned softly, his heavy-lidded, sloe-eyed look heated despite its darkness. “So hot,” he managed to say, barely controlling a shudder.


“So hot you want to come?”


“Oh, yeahhh…” Jason breathed. “Do it, do it, please.”


“Are you sure?” Mick drawled, his tongue tickling the base of Jason’s cock. It twitched in reply, and Mick laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”


Ardently worshipping his young lover’s body, Mick grasped both edges of Jason’s jeans and pulled. Hard. Jason bucked upwards to free the cloth trapped beneath him, inadvertently thrusting himself deeply into Mick’s welcoming depths. With a sharp gasp, Jason pulsed, and as his naked flesh met the slightly roughened texture of the couch once more, he came.


Mick gratefully accepted his lover’s tribute, taking great care to catch each and every drop. As he swallowed, he felt Jason’s entire body go boneless within his arms. “Jesus,” Jason sighed happily, his long, slender cock lodged seemingly permanently inside Mick’s mouth.


Mick released Jason’s cock with a loud pop, his dark eyes gleaming at the sight of the still-leaking tip. “I’ll just clean that up for you, baby,” he said helpfully, knowing that he never tired of tasting him.


Jason smiled, a tiny crease at the corner of his mouth that Mick longed to kiss. “If you clean me up any better, I’ll go right to sleep.”


“Oh, no, you don’t. Up with you, then.”


Jason chuckled, a low, throaty noise that sent tremors throughout Mick’s groin, reminding him that he hadn’t been satisfied yet. Well, that was only true in a technical sense. Mick was delightfully satisfied at the moment. He just hadn’t come.


“I don’t think even you can make me get up again,” Jason added wearily.


“Not even if I let you fuck me?”


Jason almost leaped to his feet, his lithe but well-muscled young body responding immediately to the idea of fucking his lover. Though they had been lovers for almost six months, Mick had never allowed Jason that privilege. Mick being the senior partner, not to mention his dominant role in Section, preferred  remaining in control of every aspect of their lovemaking. Hence, while Jason was well-used, in every sense of that phrase, he was always the bottom, never the top.


Since Mick also had the power of life and death over his little Section playmate, Jason never voiced his very real desire to fuck Mick. However, as a figurehead, Mr. Jones rivaled only the Wizard of Oz.


And Jason desperately wanted a peek behind **his** curtain.