Title: Dark Approach

Author/pseudonym: Silk

Email address: silkn1@worldnet.att.net


Fandom:  The Sentinel

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Jim/Blair

Status: Complete

Date: 10/00
Category: First Times, Crossover with LFN, Drama

Disclaimer: All things LFN belong to WB, USA, Fireworks, and LFN Productions. All things Sentinel belong to Paramount and Pet Fly. I don't own 'em. Wish I did. I don't get paid for this either. Ditto.

Notes: Technically, this is a crossover with La Femme Nikita, but barely. Michael Samuelle makes an appearance, but the story is 99 percent TS, and the only pairing here is Jim and Blair.

Summary: Jim takes a secret meeting. Blair follows. What he discovers changes everything between them.

Warnings: m/m, crossovers, angst





Dark Approach


By ~Silk


Part 1



"Do you mean it?"


"Do you mean it?"


"Do you mean it?"


"Why don't you mean it?"


"Why do I follow you and


Where do you go?"


--March of the Black Queen by Queen



He'd been following him for over an hour now. Jim showed no signs of tiring yet. He wanted to know where Jim was headed. Just yesterday, Jim swore that he wasn't holding back anything.




Then, this morning, he took off for parts unknown. Alone. Without back-up. That would be him. **Blair**.  AKA: the Guide, the partner, the best friend, the man hopelessly, desperately, and, lest he forget, unrequitedly, in love with Jim.


Blair stopped for a moment to catch his breath, noting Jim's superior staying power. God, what stamina. Just like his animal spirit, the black jaguar. In fact, if Blair weren't already so damn preoccupied with where Jim was going and why, he would be happily trotting after him, admiring the view from the back. All those sinuous muscles moving up and down in splendid unison. His back, his ass, his thighs.


Fuck, for a second there, he was getting dangerously distracted. He needed to stay focused. If he lost Jim, he might never get to the bottom of this.


The weird thing was, Jim never out and out lied to him. He might omit certain details, ostensibly for Blair's protection; he might even refuse to tell him something when directly questioned. But he didn't lie.


Sigh. Was it only yesterday that Jim said, "What? Chief? You think I'm not telling you something here? We don't have any secrets, you and me."


Oh, yes, we do, Jim. The biggest one is what's driving me to stalk you like a perp in search of a victim. I love you. But if there's one thing I know you don't need to hear right now, it's that.


Otherwise, we'd be on the same side. Otherwise, you wouldn't be running away from me just as fast as your feet can carry you.


Be careful not to stand too long in one place, Jim. You might enter the Sandburg Zone. Blair huffed, the gentle puff of air he exhaled catching an errant curl of dark auburn hair.


Christ, Jim, there are easily three hundred thousand people living in this city, more than half of them women. Some of them think I'm cute. Some of them even think I'm beautiful.


Why can't you look at me that way, man? I'm not asking you to change your life drastically. I know you love me like a friend, like a brother, like a partner. That's already a helluva lot closer than some married couples. So why, Jim?


Blair's attention was drawn by a tall, dark, charismatic man across the street. He seemed to be waiting for something or someone. Dressed all in black, he blended perfectly with the gathering afternoon shadows. His eyes covered by dark glass, it was impossible to tell what color they were or to read the expression in them.


Perhaps that was for the best.


Because Jim was headed his way.


And the man inclined his head in Jim's direction. A nod so nearly imperceptible that had Blair not been looking for it, he would have missed it.


His heart in his mouth, Blair watched as the scene played out, seemingly in slow motion. Jim and the enigmatic stranger were on a collision course. Suddenly the man smiled, and the way he wore that smile told Blair that smiles were a rare and precious commodity in his world.


Jim greeted the man like a long lost lover. All at once Blair couldn't catch his breath. He felt like he'd been sucker-punched in the chest. So...when push came to shove, it wasn't that Jim couldn't love him because he wasn't attracted to men.


It was worse. Jim wasn't attracted to **Blair**.


Because the way he was greeting the mysterious man left no doubt in Blair's mind. Jim had run away to meet someone. But it wasn't a female someone.


Suddenly Blair saw his future. Saw himself standing on another street corner, impatiently waiting for Jim and someone else. And he knew, right then and there, that someone else was never going to be him.


He closed his eyes, the smoky heat of his blue eyes dampened by incipient tears.


And so it was that he missed the grateful but platonic hug that the man gave Jim, opening his eyes just as Jim flashed a beatific smile back at the cryptic stranger.


Oh, fuck, that hurt. He didn't know it was going to hurt this much. Blair leaned over, trying to quell the burgeoning nausea roiling within, his hands spread wide across muscular thighs.


There was something else that Blair didn't know. That his distress was so intense, it telegraphed itself across the street, homing in on the one man who could decipher its signal.


Chief. Blair blinked. He didn't hear that. He couldn't have.  Nevertheless, he felt the word form itself inside his head.


Jim's head swung around. Their eyes met. Blair flushed. Jim gave him a look that Blair interpreted as a series of emotions in quick succession: surprise, fear, angst, and rage.


Wait a minute! What was that again? Fear? Angst? Jim was afraid? Dismayed by Blair's presence? Then what he was doing **was** dangerous, and all of this backtracking was for Blair's benefit. To keep him from discovering who he was meeting, yes.


But to protect him from...




Part 2