Gemini Rising


By Silk


Part 3-R


It was going to be a long night. Jim pummeled his pillow into submission several times, muttering under his breath that he should have been asleep long ago. Only the fact that Blair didn't have Sentinel senses kept him from going over the edge. At least he can't tell that I can't sleep. Not that he would know that I wasn't sleeping because of him. I mean, it's not. It's-


--oh, who the hell am I kidding here? My body knows something my head evidently doesn't.


With one last tug of the pillowcase, Jim felt his weary mind relent, and he began to dream.




Blair was wearing his backpack. It was filled to the brim with stuff. Blairstuff. His suitcase sat obediently at his side. Right by the door.


"Chief?" Jim queried with a worried look. "Where are you going?"


"Away," his Guide answered sadly.


"Away where?"


"Away from you, Jim."


"You can't, Chief."


"Why not, Jim? It's what you want. Isn't it?"


"No! No, it's not what I want, Chief. I swear."


"Then what do you want, Jim?"




Blair nodded in slow motion. "Thought so, Jim. Bye, Jim."


Blair turned away from Jim, and suddenly Jim caught him by his shoulder, wrenching him backwards. "Don't you go, Chief! Don't you go!"


Blair's lips parted as if to speak. Jim's heated blue gaze fell upon those lips and he was lost. Digging his fingers into Blair's shoulder, he used the leverage to pull Blair even closer. His hands slid up and under Blair's hair, tangling themselves in the silky curls. His hands looked huge on Blair's neck, and he thought, I have to be gentle. He's so-


--damn beautiful.


"You can't go, Chief." Jim fought the urge to claim what was rightfully his, but he was losing the battle with himself. He brushed his mouth against Blair's, gasping at the way even that brief contact made him ache. "You belong to me."


"I belong to myself, Jim. No one owns me. Least of all, you."


"I love you." The words reverberated inside Jim's head until he began to twitch in his sleep. First his foot, then his arm. "I love you."


The restlessness grew until it took shape in his dream.


Suddenly he was no longer holding Blair. He was staring at himself. Face in the mirror. "What do you fear?"




"You cannot lose what you never had. What do you fear?"


"Living the rest of my life...without him."


"Your choice. What do you fear?"


His voice but a hollowed out shell, he whispered, "That he doesn't love me the way I love him."


The mirror image smiled mysteriously. "Only one way to find out."




It was a groggy Sentinel who made his way down the stairs in the morning. He froze in mid-yawn when he saw Blair's suitcase set out neatly by the loft door. "Chief? I thought you were grading papers all night. But it looks like you managed to find time to pack, after all."


"Yeah, well...." Blair ran an impatient hand through his long hair, inadvertently exposing the gold hoop earring in his left ear. "I hate to leave things to the last minute."


"But Chief, you're never on time. For anything." Why now? Why this time? You can't wait to get away from me?


"First time for everything, I guess," Blair said with a weak laugh.


"I don't suppose I-"


"Maybe you-"


Both of them laughed at their attempt to speak at the same time. Jim recovered first. Which was nothing short of amazing, considering how tired he was. "Chief?" He paused, then concentrated. Hard. "*Blair*. Maybe you could hang around a couple more days? Give me a...little time to get used to the idea?" Of what, Jim? Of losing Sandburg? Of losing your Guide? Of losing the love of your life?


"Well...." Blair sounded conflicted.


Christ, Jim told himself sternly, it's fucking obvious that the kid doesn't want to go. What's the matter with you? You're a fucking detective, aren't you? Detect!


Blair bit his lip. "A clean break is probably best, Jim. I don't think long goodbyes are in anyone's best interests."


Blair started to turn away, and suddenly, it was just like Jim's dream. Jim reached out to touch Blair's shoulder, his touch becoming a vise-like grasp that pulled Blair inexorably into Jim's embrace.


"I don't want you to go, Blair." God, was that his voice? Did he really sound that desperate?


"Blair, huh?" Blair smiled despite the icy grip that fear and anxiety had on his heart. "You must really want me to stay, man."


"You have no idea."


"No, Jim, I don't. Maybe that's what's wrong with this picture. Maybe you-" Blair sighed. "You don't give anything away, man. Not even the tiniest piece of yourself. That's all I'm asking for."


"Stay...and I'll work on it. Hell, we'll work on it together."


Blair shook his head. "You make everything into a fucking project, man. Why can't you see how simple things really are?"


"Why can't you meet me halfway, dammit?"


"Halfway? Jim, look at us!" Blair pointed to the mere inch or so of space between their bodies, and Jim's hand abruptly relaxed its hold on Blair.


It was just like his dream. Except for one thing. One fucking thing. One big fucking thing.


Jim couldn't say the words that came so easily to his alter ego.


Part 4