Title: The Gypsy in his Soul

Author: Tinnean

Fandom: Love and Human Remains

Pairing: David McMillan/Kane

Rating: R


Date: 12/00

Feedback email: Tinneantoo@aol.com

Disclaimers: These characters belong to Brad Fraser, although Guy
and Mike are mine. I just let them run amok from time to time.
The song lyrics are "Let Me Entertain You" from the score of
the musical Gypsy.

Summary: This is in response to Peja's wedding challenge: a ring,
rice, a satin pillow and a stripper. Twas the night before David
and Kane's wedding...

Series/Sequel: part of the Poor Little Rich Boy series

Warning: m/m, language.



The Gypsy in his Soul

For too many years David had tomcatted around, jeopardizing his
emotional health, so his acting friends were thrilled that he was
finally settling down and getting married. Unbeknownst to him,
they got together with some of the friends he had made through
Kane, his young lover, and decided to throw him a surprise
bachelor party.

The play they were rehearsing, a prison drama that was actually a
play within a play, with all the characters, including the female
roles, portrayed by men, would never last much beyond opening
night. On the pretext that they might as well celebrate its
closing early, they planned to lure David to one of Amore's
banquet rooms and throw him a major party, complete with cake and

Mike, the gang leader turned deli man who had been Kane's friend
for so many years, was given the task of making sure the actor
left for the restaurant without tipping his hand. They were just
finishing a stir-fry meal Kane had wanted to experiment with,
substituting brown rice for white rice, when Mike showed up at
the enormous house the two men had spent months having remodeled.
He grinned wryly at his young friend. "Saving it for the

Kane's eyes grew wide at the unintentional double entendre. At
least he thought it was unintentional, but he could never tell
for sure with Mike. He grinned and stuck his tongue out at the
other man.

Mike got himself under control and went into the story he had
concocted to insure that Kane did not go with his lover to
Amore's. "I really need a friendly ear, Kane! I'm having some
problems with Candy and I don't know what to do with that girl!
She's driving me freaking *nuts*! Yes, she will see me; no, she
*won't* see me! I don't know where I stand with her! David
doesn't need you to go to that thing. It isn't even a party, just
some actors trying to mooch free drinks from the famous
television actor!"

Kane pulled a face, and David said hastily, "I don't need to go
to Amore's, Kane. They can do it without me! I'll stay with you
and Mike."

Mike was too strong to panic. Yet. But Kane began to look a
little green.

"C'mon, David," Mike wheedled. "You're with Kane all the time. I
never even get to see him anymore, since you two moved in
together. Go on out, have some fun, and let me spend a couple of
hours with my bud!" He gave David a winning smile.

David gave him a confused glance. This was strange.

"Go ahead, David," Kane said, anxious to get his lover out of the
house so their plans could go into effect. "I don't want you to
get tired of me. Go be with your friends for a while."

The undercurrents went right over David's head. "Okay baby, if
you insist. I won't be out too late, I promise. And I won't drink
too much either. I have serious plans for your delicious bod
later tonight!"

Delighted at the blush his words drew forth, David took Kane's
left hand and rubbed his thumb over the tiger's eye stone on his
ring finger. He raised it to his lips and pressed an openmouthed
kiss to it, letting his tongue wrap about the ring and the finger
it graced. Kane shuddered and leaned into his lover.


The actor laughed and threaded his fingers into the hair that was
no longer a shocking yellow, or a bright green, bringing the
younger man's face to him for a kiss that stole the breath from
both of them.

Mike was whistling tonelessly, gazing up at the ceiling. "If you
gentlemen are finished corrupting me?"

Kane stepped back from his lover, a hectic flush covering his
cheeks. David refused to let him go. He pulled him back into his
embrace for one last kiss that quickly grew out of control. David
wedged a thigh between his lover's knees, forcing them apart. He
burrowed his hands in the back pockets of Kane's pants, forcing
him to almost sit on his leg, controlling his movements, setting
up a rocking motion that caused a deliciously hard friction
against the crotch of his jeans.

David had decreed that for the four weeks before their wedding,
they should not have sex. And he was kicking himself in the ass
for that high-handed statement. Thank God their wedding was only
a day away!

Kane was oblivious to everything else. His hands holding his
lover's face still, his lips glued to David's, Kane slid his
tongue in to fuck the older man's mouth. He rubbed himself
frantically over David's thigh, his breath almost a whine as he
struggled not to pass out from lack of oxygen. He pulled his head
back, only to find himself wedged into a corner of the hallway,
unable to move further, David's mouth seeking his own in a frenzy
of desire.

It had been much too long, for both of them! "Come for me, baby!"
David whispered hoarsely in his ear. That was all Kane needed to
hear. He came apart in David's arms, clinging tightly.

The two lovers gazed into each other's eyes, slowly bringing
their breathing under control. Kane leaned against the wall, and
David leaned against Kane, nuzzling the spot under his left ear,
just below the hoop earring his lover wore, that matched the one
in his own ear.

"Is it safe to come out now?" Mike called, from the back of the
house. David laughed and straightened.

"Sure, Mike. We just need to make a few adjustments and then I'll
be out of here and leave you two to your tete a tete."

Mike watched wistfully as they climbed the stairs to the master
suite which occupied the whole second floor. He'd like a
relationship like that one day. Maybe he could convince Candy
that he wasn't fucking with her. But she had been burned so many
times before that it was impossible for her to trust a man who
wasn't gay.


David was still unaware that the party was to celebrate his few
remaining hours as a bachelor. His champagne glass was never
allowed to go empty. Whenever he would be about to protest,
someone would distract him and someone else would slyly refill
his glass.

He listened absently to the off-color jokes and raunchy stories
that his friends were swapping, and nibbled at the platter of
hors d'oeuvres. Someone had brought along a boombox and the
pulsing beat was starting to reverberate in his brain.

Nino, his regular waiter at Amore's, came bustling in, and David
was positive that they were about to be tossed out for being too
rowdy. Instead, the little man threw the double doors open with a
flourish as an enormous, four-tiered wedding cake was wheeled in.

Perched on the top was a pair of grooms, one dressed in a black
tux, and the other in a white tie and tails. David stared at it,
bemused. Everyone in the room was clapping and cheering.

The music changed to a pounding, driving beat with an underlying
seductiveness to it. The lights dimmed and a blue baby spot hit
the cake. The top layer flew off and a figure began to emerge.

All David could see was the upper half of the person in the cake.
A top hat perched on a riot of chestnut curls. Black silk
concealed the upper face, the eyes seeming to search for someone.
And then they found him, and he could see the lush lips part in a

The figure's torso undulated lazily forward and then back, and a
black tuxedo jacket was next to be revealed. She sat on the edge
of the cake and quickly freed an elegant leg covered in thigh
high black leather boots. The other leg followed and she unwound
herself to stand easily with a hip thrust toward David.

She turned casually and began to step down, leaning forward to
allow one of the men to give her a hand down from the cake. Her
coat tails rode up. That movement afforded David an amazing view
of the thong that parted the cheeks of her delectable ass.

One of his friends poked his shoulder. "Whacha think, Davey? Neat
idea for a bachelor party, huh?"

David looked at him aghast. "What?"

"Hey, you're getting married, aincha? The groom gets a bachelor

The stripper strutted around the room before approaching them,
her body rippling sinuously.

"Let me...entertain you!" The voice was soft and breathy, and...

Very definitely male!

"Let me...make you smile!" The dark eyes seemed to trap his, and
to his consternation, David felt himself grow hard.

With a start, he realized he was attracted to the dancer. In the
months since he had been with Kane, he hadn't once looked at
another man. And now, on the verge of their marriage, here he was
lusting after some bimbo in a G-string!

The boots were butter soft. The dancer stood between David's
thighs and rubbed them against his knees. "I'm *very*

His nimble fingers began unbuttoning the tux jacket. "And if
you're real good..."

The tie was removed next and then shirt studs went pattering over
the floor. "...I'll make you feel good!"

He leaned close and licked David's ear, then took the lobe
between his teeth and bit down gently. "I want your...spirits to
climb!" The stripper left no doubt that David's spirits were not
what he was concerned about.

David swallowed hard and tried to scoot away, but that lithe body
gave him no leeway. He couldn't believe that he wanted this
unknown figure so much. He wanted to bend the dancer over, shove
that thong out of his way and bury himself in that firm ass.

He could have cried. It was going to break Kane's heart when he
found out about this, and there was no doubt in David's mind that
his young lover would find out. There were too many people in
this room who were giggling hysterically at the hard-on he was

Surging to his feet, David scooped the dancer up into his arms
and strode toward the door that led to the private rooms. He was
surprised none of his friends tried to stop him, but he assumed
they knew that at this point he would have committed mayhem to
get into the alluring burden he carried.

He kicked the door shut with his foot and set the stripper down
carefully. "Take off your mask!" he ordered.

"I think maybe you'd like to do that yourself." A happy smile
parted the lips he wanted around his cock. "Along with the rest
of my clothes?"

David recognized that voice and began to choke. "Kane?" He tore
the scrap of silk from his lover's face. "KANE?"

He pulled the younger man into his arms and began to kiss him
fiercely. Then he began to shake him. "Do you realize I was about
to fuck a stranger?"

"No, David, you were about to fuck *me*!"

"I *didn't know* it was you!"

"Didn't you?" Kane touched David's cheek with tender fingers.

David decided he didn't want to look into that too closely. "Have
you any idea how much I was loathing myself out there?"

Kane shrugged and turned away. "Well, it was all your fault,
anyway. This whole month you wouldn't fuck me. Just because we're
getting married doesn't mean we couldn't..."

"That was my decision, Kane!"

"But it wasn't *mine*!" Kane shouted in frustration. "And I went
to all the trouble of shaving my legs and finding these goddamned
boots! Do you have any idea how *uncomfortable* they are? How
hard it is to look sexy when you're afraid you're going to fall
on your ass?"

David's eyes had a strange glitter, and Kane felt a sudden
frisson of unease. He began to back away.

"That's not all that's going to happen to your ass, little boy!"

"Uh oh!" Kane whirled and raced for the door, but David was on
him in a shot. He dragged him over to the chaise lounge that was
against the wall and seated himself comfortably. Then he pulled
Kane over his knee.

"Do you know what the sight of you in this outlandish getup does
to me?"

Of course Kane knew. He could feel David's erection against his
hip. He wriggled a little, and David's hand came down on the
crevice of his ass. Kane jumped and bit his lip to prevent a
whimper. He braced himself for the next blow, but instead soft
fingers whispered over his buttocks.

Just as he was thinking that perhaps David wasn't quite so angry
as he'd seemed, the flat of his lover's hand began a rain of hard
spanks all over his ass. He squirmed and tried to avoid the
blows, but David had his lover's legs secured between his own,
and Kane was helpless.

"David, no! Please, David! David, I'm sorry!"

"*I'm* not!"

And then he was in David's arms, being kissed so fiercely he
could scarcely breathe.


The day was bright and beautiful, the sun shining and just a hint
of the winter past in the air. David stood at the front of the
room, Guy and Mike by his side.

Opposite them were Benita and Candy, smiling softly into their
men's eyes.

A chord sounded from the organ and everyone stood up as Kane
appeared in the doorway. He was dressed in the same tuxedo jacket
that he had worn for David's bachelor party. The black trousers
with their slim satin stripe hugged his legs. A deep red rose
graced his lapel, matching his cummerbund.

In contrast, David awaited him in white tails. They suited his
lean height and dark good looks. In his lapel also was a red, red

Kane walked down the aisle to join his lover in the most
important event of his life. David took his hand and drew him to
his side, rubbing his thumb over the tiger's eye ring.

Before them, the woman who was to marry them requested the small
satin pillow where their matching wedding bands reposed.

Kane's eyes were caught on that little pillow. He would be
needing something similar to sit on for some time.

But it had been worth it.
