Title: Mission Silk

Author/pseudonym: Silk

Fandom: La Femme Nikita

Pairing: Birkoff/Declan

Rating: NC-17

Status: New/Complete

E-mail address for feedback: silkn1@worldnet.att.net

Series/sequel: No

Other websites: Not yet

Disclaimers: Birkoff still belongs to WB, though they don't treat him nearly as well as I do. Declan, on the other hand, still belongs to me, copyright and all, and may not be used by anyone else. 

Summary: Lingerie is meant to be worn next to the skin....

Warnings: None

Part 1

It wasn’t his fault. The ethereal concoction that wafted across his lover’s body even now was originally intended for someone quite different. Someone with an axe to grind. Among other things.

But mail being what mail is, the package came to the wrong place. Whoever made that mistake was surely not long for this world. Not once Madeline discovered the error.

On the other hand, she could hardly admit that she was the owner of the black silk teddy, could she? Sey sighed. He’d thought about this and thought about this until his eyes were ready to cross.

He never expected Declan to wear it. If anything, he was positive that Declan would demand that Sey wear the damned thing. And he could have. It would have been a snug fit, but he could have done it. Anything for his Celtic warrior prince. Even if it involved sticking a piece of silk the width of dental floss up the crack of his ass. Ooh...maybe especially that.

But Sey couldn’t be sorry that Madeline’s thwarted erotic fantasy became his own living, walking wet dream. It looked damned good on Declan. Black silk contrasting nicely with that soft, pale skin and that long red hair. Black silk clinging to Declan’s tall, lean frame in all the right places. 

“What made you think of something like this, baby?” Declan continued to run his hands down the length of his body. Sey swallowed hard. He wasn’t about to tell Declan the truth. Not now. Maybe later.

Much later.

After he’d had his way with him.

A few times.

Hell, he wasn’t greedy. Just...hungry. 

“I thought....” God, he was virtually speechless. He wanted Declan so badly, he was having trouble forming words, never mind whole sentences.

Declan walked slowly towards his lover, his slim hips rocking gently side to side, the silk moving in a distinctive rhythm with him. Just as Declan was about to touch him, Sey found his voice. It squeaked a little, but Declan personally found that charming. 

“I wanted you to wear it...under your mission blacks,” Sey managed to choke out.

Declan’s right eyebrow quirked upwards. “Really? What an...” Declan pressed the flat of his palm against Birkoff’s chest, tracing an idle pattern around one nipple. Then he smiled, his storm-grey eyes turning the color of molten silver. 

“Do you know what an incredible turn-on that is?” Declan whispered against his lover’s mouth. 

Birkoff’s dark chocolate eyes gleamed. “That’s why I said it. Just the idea of you...wearing this...under all that...buttery-soft...black leather...you usually wear....” Sey let his head fall back, his mouth opening under Declan’s. Declan’s tongue swirled inside even as his lips sucked and nibbled at Sey’s delicious honey mouth.

Declan’s hand slid between Birkoff’s legs, delicately trailing over the growing erection there. Declan’s cock strained against the soft, almost liquid feel of the material that encased it. With one last kiss, Declan broke away, his pale eyes hot and distracted.

“I have an idea...” he whispered. He slid his cheek along the side of Sey’s face, his teeth latching onto his lover’s earlobe. A few words made their way into Sey’s ear. Uttered in that tobacco-and-whiskey voice with the smoky Irish inflection.

Birkoff’s eyes went black. He might die. But he would die happy.

“Do it,” he exclaimed hoarsely.

So he did.

Part 2

Within minutes, Declan was dressed. But he had never looked like this before. He pulled on his tight black leather mission pants, noting how easily they slid over his skin and the silk. Standing in front of his lover, he motioned to Birkoff to come closer.

“You look...hot.” Sey’s voice was barely above a whisper. The image in his head could not compete with the reality. Declan standing there, legs apart, black leather cupping him like a jealous lover. Black silk covering his upper torso like a second skin.

Declan reached for Sey’s hand and took a deep breath. Pushing Sey’s hand inside the taut leather confining him, he groaned, “I need...an adjustment.”

Birkoff’s eyes grew hot and melted, like the bittersweet chocolate they so often resembled. Sey grasped Declan’s cock in his hand and gently rearranged it, but it was a tight fit. “There’s not...much room.”

“Even less, now that you’re touching me,” Declan said with a saucy grin.

“Maybe my hand will just be...um...trapped here forever.”

Declan laughed. “You should be so lucky.”

Birkoff removed his hand, but not before he drew his fingertips across the length of Declan’s now-rigid erection. “You...should be so lucky.”

Declan reached for his black T-shirt, and Birkoff helped him lower it over his head. Slowly. “What, you’re helping me with this reverse striptease?”

Birkoff leaned closer, his mouth touching Declan’s once, twice, three times in succession. “I like it better when your clothes are coming off, but...I don’t mind giving you...a hand.”


Next, Declan pulled on his black leather jacket, leaving it open. But Birkoff grabbed the zipper in his hands and very, very slowly pulled the zipper up to his neck. “I’m not cold, baby. Far from it.”

“Just protecting what belongs to me, Declan.”

“Are you hiding me away?” Declan asked with a mischievous smile.

“For my eyes only, Dec. And don’t you forget it.”

“Always, baby.” Declan strode towards the door of his quarters and stopped. “Give me a five minute headstart before you come looking for me.”

Birkoff nodded. “Are you going to tell me what sub-level you’ll be on?”

Declan’s eyelashes fluttered down, covering his splendid silver-grey eyes for a moment. “No...hide ‘n’ seek’s more fun.”

“When I find you, can I do anything I want to you?”

“Oh, God, yes. As long as you unwrap me first, like a bloody Christmas present.”

“You know how dangerous this is, don’t you?”

Declan barely nodded. The element of risk was not lost on him at all. He would be the first to admit that he was not an adrenaline junkie. He didn’t get off on the dangerous, sometimes life-threatening, missions he went out on. But this...this was merely a game. Love play. Between two lovers who would quite literally die for one another. 

If it came to that.

He prayed it never came to that.

Part 3

It was the longest five minutes in the history of Birkoff’s small universe. As soon as the time was up, he headed for the stairwell to the sub-basement. It was tempting to use the elevators, for the sake of time, but it would be dangerous.

His nostrils flared as he entered the darkness of the first sub-level. He felt like a hunter scenting his prey. Birkoff smiled, though no one was there to see. Declan had a unique smell, a combination of leather and something spicy that Birkoff could never quite identify. His smile slowly widened. But he could pick Declan out of a line-up, blindfolded.

The heels of his boots were well-worn, making virtually no sound on the cement floor. But his search was in vain. Declan was not here. Birkoff sighed. Trust Declan to become absorbed in the chase. That was not Sey’s favorite part of this particular fantasy. Personally, he preferred getting caught. In the figurative sense, of course.

Giving up on the first sub-level, Birkoff made his way back to the stairwell. Christ, it was dark. A person could literally fall to their death down here, and no one would ever know. Well, he shrugged, even though he refused to consider himself an important cog in the Section machinery, he knew his disappearance would cause some kind of comment amongst TPTB.

Perhaps something along the lines of, Whatever happened to that strange kid who used to work in Comm? Oh, yeah, Seymour. That one. 

He was so preoccupied, he barrelled down the stairwell, nearly slipping off the steps to certain injury. Only a hand reaching out into the pitch-black righted him. “Declan!”

“I hate to spoil the game, but it wouldn’t be much fun picking up your broken body at the bottom of the stairwell,” Declan said, hiding his concern as usual behind a sardonic remark.

Birkoff’s breath puffed out in a tiny sigh. “Yeah, I’d hate for you to lose your hard-on just cause I got dead.”



Suddenly Declan laughed softly. “I’m undone by your mordant wit, baby.”

“The only thing I want undone is all that leather you’re wearing. I want to get to the silk before I have an accident here.”

Declan pulled Birkoff against his lean but muscular frame, settling the younger man between his legs, where his erection throbbed back into life. “It’s so fucking dark in here, I can’t see you.”

“Guess we’ll have to rely on...touch.” Birkoff slid his hand over the growing bump between Declan’s leather-clad thighs. Declan’s slim hips jerked forward involuntarily, seeking the warm hand that pleasured it so. Birkoff smiled enigmatically to himself and withdrew his hand.

“You little cocktease,” Declan muttered under his breath.

“Only for you, Dec. No one else.”

Declan’s hands glided down Birkoff’s back until they reached his hips. Birkoff slipped his knee between Declan’s legs, partly to drive his lover crazy with anticipation, partly to make contact with yet another part of Declan’s body. He could feel Declan’s hands cupping and clenching his ass, intermittently, as if his control were beginning to unravel.

This was the part that Birkoff savored. The fact that he, plain brown sparrow that he might be, could mate with him, magnificent peacock that Declan was. “You’re so beautiful....”

It was occasionally a bone of contention between them. Birkoff’s repeated litany of Declan’s beauty and other positive attributes. Yet the fact that Declan was somehow unaware of his own beauty made it even more moving. That he would give himself to Birkoff, who had nothing to offer in return but his love and his undying devotion.

Declan smiled and ignored his lover’s compliment. He knew who was truly beautiful, and it wasn’t him. Sey shone with a purity that lit up the dark places in Declan’s soul. There was no one else like him. There never would be.

“Come here, baby.”

Declan’s head dipped down to capture Sey’s mouth, and Sey’s hand splayed across Declan’s cheek as they kissed. Soft, liquid sounds echoed throughout the darkness as the kisses continued, almost uninterrupted. 

Panting, Birkoff finally broke away. “God, I love you so much, Declan.”

Declan nuzzled Sey’s cheek, his lips warm and moist against his neck. “Show me,” he begged in a hoarse whisper.

Part 4

Declan leaned back against the wall. He and Birkoff were standing on the landing in between the first two sub-levels, having decided that being too close to the stairwell was more dangerous than erotic.

Neither of them could see the other. The darkness made sure of that. But that was part of the excitement of trysting so deep within the bowels of Section One. Forced to rely on their other senses, they brailled one another, listened to each other’s harsh breathing, smelled the scent of arousal in the air, and finally, tasted each other, sipping first delicately, then with increasing urgency.

Birkoff felt Declan smile. They were that close. “What? What is it? Tell. Me.”

“I was just thinking.”

“Wow. Film at 11.”

Declan sighed. The sound traveled through the air and right into Birkoff’s heart. “Sorry, Dec. What were you thinking?”

Declan cupped Birkoff’s chin, tilting his face up for a tender kiss. “About how happy you make me.”

“Mmm...I’m thinking, too.” Unlike Declan, Birkoff’s voice sounded decidedly relaxed, almost amused.

“About what?”

“About how I’m gonna get you out of all that leather.”


Birkoff palmed Declan’s burgeoning erection, his fingers kneading the leather-clad vee between his legs. “And you love me.”

“I do, baby. If you knew just how much, you’d never let me out of your sight.”

Their mouths found each other in the blackness, meshing almost seamlessly, while Declan struggled to remove his leather jacket. Finally free, Declan dropped the offending article on the floor at his feet. “Hey, that jacket belongs to Section. They expect you to take better care of it,” Birkoff chided softly.

“They can send me the fucking bill for dry cleaning it. Are you going to touch me or not?”

“Hmm...I thought I was.” Declan could hear the frown in Birkoff’s voice. He knew his lover well.

Declan’s fingers reached out and intertwined themselves with Sey’s. Thrusting his hips restlessly at Birkoff, Declan did something of a dance. Unfortunately for him, Sey burst out laughing. “Is that supposed to be some kind of mating ritual or something, Dec?”

“Christ, you’re such a fucking prick today,” Declan pouted.

Birkoff’s mouth curved into an impish grin, which Declan couldn’t see, but he was
definitely the beneficiary of the ensuing hands-on experience. Unsnapping the black leather mission pants, Birkoff slid both hands inside, savoring the coolness of the black silk teddy underneath.

When his fingertips grazed Declan’s abdomen, Sey heard Declan’s sudden intake of breath. “Am I getting warmer?”

“One of us is,” Declan muttered. “Come on and touch me, dammit.”

“Patience,” Birkoff hissed from between his own firmly clenched teeth. His fingers
locked on either side of Declan’s pants, he began to pull downwards, only to feel
frustrated by the sudden tightness over Declan’s hips.

“Jeez, you have these things custom-fit or what? I think my fingers are stuck,” Birkoff laughed, half-serious about the condition of his fingers.

Declan smiled brilliantly, the gleam of his sharp white teeth lost in the midnight black that surrounded them. “Let me help....” He placed his hands over Sey’s and pushed. Slowly, inexorably, the buttery-soft leather left the skin it clung to until...Declan’s arousal sprung free from its hiding-place within the silken teddy.

“Something came up,” he whispered.

Birkoff gave a curious little sound, something between a groan and a whimper, as he felt the velvety tip of Declan’s cock nudge his hand. “Umm...that’s never gonna fit back inside those pants.”

“Maybe you know a way to make it...better?”


Declan virtually melted against the wall of the landing as Sey took him in hand. It felt like his bones were liquefied, and Declan struggled to remain upright. “Your hand’s so hot....”

Birkoff chuckled. “It’s not my hand that’s hot, Dec, it’s you. That’s just reflected heat.”

“Spoken like a true scientist, Sey. Now shut up and suck my cock before I slide all the way down to the fucking floor.”

Birkoff stifled another giggle. “You’re so romantic, Dec.”

“Screw romance. I want to get off. Now.” As if to prove his point, Declan wriggled
closer to his lover, pressing his cock more firmly against Sey’s hand. Sey ignored his lover’s insistent presence against him.

“Work for it, Dec.”

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Hell, yeah. So are you.” Once he and Declan became lovers, Birkoff soon noted a definite pattern to their love play, no matter what they did or how inventive they were. Some people lavished compliments and endearments upon their lovers. He and Declan...fought. Oh, it never went beyond an argument. But Birkoff discovered that arguing with Declan was incredibly arousing. To both of them. In fact, it was prelude to most of their lovemaking. It became a form of foreplay.

Birkoff snickered out loud. Declan’s eyebrow raised, silently questioning the reason for the laughter this time. “I was just thinking--”

“Again? Don’t strain yourself, baby.”

“I was just wondering what Psych Ops would make of the fact that we argue before we make love. Almost every time.”

“Psych Ops? As in Madeline?”


“I don’t doubt for a minute that she’d have some cockamamie convoluted explanation. But all I know is...when we argue, I get hot.” Declan lowered his voice to a near-whisper and let himself feel the slow stroking Sey was now doing. His cock slipped wetly through Sey’s hands, its pre-ejaculate lubricating its entire length, as Declan grew harder and hotter. Glancing significantly at his lover, Declan said, “I think I deserve more than a bloody hand job.”

“Think of this as the prelude.”


“To the most mind-blowing sex you’ve ever had the good fortune to get.”

“Promises, promises,” Declan’s low but oddly compelling voice commented, that deep throaty whisper getting to Birkoff at last. He could feel it washing over him in hot, powerful waves that made him ache and throb.

“God, I could listen to you forever.”

“That’s good,” Declan whispered out into the dark. “Cause that’s exactly how much time I’ve got to be with you.”

Part 5—NC-17

Birkoff slid down the length of Declan's hard, aroused body, feeling him
trying to push his groin toward him before he was ready. "Patience...."

"Don't have any left," Declan panted. "You used it up...with that last

Birkoff gave Declan a bemused smile, knowing that his lover couldn't see him
in the dark. They were operating almost totally on touch. Not that that was
a bad thing.

Birkoff's hand gripped Declan's erection, and Declan gasped. "Very close,
baby. Don't waste it."

"Good to the last drop, huh?" Birkoff teased.

"See...for yourself. Wiseass." Declan tried to control the urge to hump
Birkoff's hand, knowing the pleasure that awaited inside his honey mouth was
far, far greater. And well worth waiting for.

Birkoff palmed Declan's thighs, spreading his legs further apart with subtle
pressure. "You still up there?"

"Jesus. You *are* trying to torture me, aren't you?"

"Just checking," Birkoff chuckled against his groin, the vibration driving
him more or less out of his mind.

"You know..." Birkoff began, hearing Declan swear colorfully above his head.
"I think you just like me on my knees."

"Isn't that your rightful place in my...life?" Declan managed to choke out,
the feel of his lover's tongue continuing to elude him. "Between my legs?"

"Bitch!" Birkoff cursed.

Declan sighed, the soft exhalation of air audible in the otherwise silent
darkness. "Shit, please don't bite me, baby."

"As if." Birkoff snuffled the wiry hair in Declan's groin, his fingers
clutching at the black silk above him. The contrast in textures was arousing
in and of itself. "You're much too good to waste."

"Aren't you afraid all those compliments will go to my head?"

"Which one?"

Birkoff took pity on his lover at last, his tongue flicking out to capture
Declan's sac, which hung heavily between his legs. The warm wetness was
almost enough to send Declan over the edge. But the thought of what he would
miss, being enveloped in the moist heat that was Birkoff's delicious mouth,
gave him extraordinary strength to resist.

Licking, stroking the entire hard length of Declan's cock, Birkoff felt
Declan shiver. He was practically trembling. Such power at his command.
Birkoff couldn't help but smile again. He was hard just thinking about
Declan shuddering, coming apart in his arms.

The moment Birkoff took Declan in his mouth, Declan's head fell back against
the wall. Sey's hands massaged and kneaded tender flesh, even as the hottest
part of Declan sought the heart of his mouth. "Fuck."

"Yeah...." Sey agreed, a beatific smile curving his lips. Declan thrust
harder into his mouth, feeling the imminent eruption gathering strength down

Encouraging Declan, Sey worked his hands a bit faster, harder, pushing
Declan's throbbing erection deeper and deeper into his mouth. Pausing for
breath himself, Sey panted harshly. "You don't need me to talk dirty to you,
Dec, do you? You're doing just fine all by yourself."

"But you know what I like," Declan hissed between clenched teeth.

Taking a deep breath before allowing Declan to have his way with his mouth,
Sey whispered, "Fuck my mouth, Dec. You want to. And it's yours. No one else’s. Not ever."

Declan groaned, sounding almost like he was suffering. But Sey knew better.
Declan's hands tangled restlessly in his hair before starting the rhythm
that would bring him to completion.

It didn't take long. A few hard, impossibly deep strokes into the hot, wet
recesses of Birkoff's mouth, and it was over. Declan lost control, pumping
excitedly, arching his back at the moment of climax, sizzling white come
jetting into his lover's waiting mouth in an intermittent stream.

"God...." Declan said, when he could finally speak. "That was...incredible."

He pulled on Sey's shoulders, literally lifting the younger man to a
standing position against his still-heaving body. Overcome by a wave of
tenderness that was every bit as strong as the climax that just shook him,
Declan kissed Sey, tasting himself on his lover's tongue.

Licking Sey's cheek slowly, Declan whispered, "Do we have time for me to
repay the favor?"

In answer, Sey closed his eyes and pulled Declan's hands to the snap of his
jeans, where his own arousal strained the fabric. "I don't think I have the
strength to object."

Declan laughed softly against Sey's mouth. "As if."


Part 6/End

It wouldn’t take much to bring Birkoff to climax. Declan pressed him into the wall, his hands sliding down to cup his still-cloaked arousal. He could feel his cock quivering like a barely concealed weapon within Declan’s grasp.

Declan licked the back of his lover’s neck, his long, pink tongue caressing and tasting the tender skin as if it were an erotic delicacy. A drop of saliva trickled slowly down until it disappeared below the collar of Birkoff’s shirt. At the sound of Birkoff’s soft groan, Declan whispered, “It’s not enough, you know.”

"I know,” Birkoff admitted.

“I want to lay you out in my bed.” Declan kissed his nape with a moist, audible sound.

“Pour warm oil all over your naked flesh.”

 Birkoff gasped.

“Seduce you.” Declan’s mouth was so close to his ear, Birkoff could hear the drawn out sibilance in his consonants.

“Bury myself deep inside you.” Birkoff closed his eyes and saw it, saw *them*, and the young Comm op slid his hot cheek against the cool roughness of the concrete wall.

Declan’s hands braced his shoulders, then slipped down his arms with all the gentleness Birkoff had come to associate with his lover. “Make *love* to you,” he whispered against Birkoff’s short, velvety hair. “Slowly.”

 Birkoff turned to face him, and he saw the suspicious wetness in Declan’s quicksilver eyes. Birkoff’s mouth formed the word “no” in protest of the pain he saw reflected there, but no sound came out. Declan claimed his mouth, parted his lips, opened him wide to his tongue’s ruthless exploration.

And then there was only a hollow ache as Declan rubbed his cheek against his, a single tear tracing its way from the corner of Declan’s eye to his lover’s face.

Birkoff could have wept for all the time they would never have. But for the briefest of moments, they touched, heart to heart, soul to soul.

And it was real. More real than the death that stalked the hallways every day. More real than the destruction of countless lives, including theirs, in the pursuit of objectives they could not see or feel or believe in.

“Hold you in my arms until you sleep,” Declan whispered brokenly, knowing it was but a spell that he wove over both of them.

Birkoff’s vision blurred.

This, then, was the reason that they retreated behind stinging wit and carelessly flung insults that had no meaning. An overpowering love that could only be hinted at,  could never be revealed, for fear that their jailers would steal even that before they took what was left of their lives.

Declan gently closed his lover’s eyes with a touch of his fingertips. “And in the morning, when you woke, I would be there.”

He kissed each eyelid softly, ignoring the tears that threatened to spill their silvery burden down his lover’s pale cheeks.

His voice so low as to be inaudible, he continued. “And I would love you just as much as I do now.”

“And it would be forever?” Birkoff asked, the impossibility of a word like forever stuck in his throat.

“And it would be forever,” Declan vowed.

There was a long pause, interrupted only by the impatient, almost angry chirrup of Declan’s cell phone. Declan touched a button without looking.

He listened without speaking, then snapped the phone shut with one hand.

Birkoff looked up, feeling hope flee before the terrible rage that briefly shone in Declan’s eyes. Then Declan’s face softened as his gaze fell upon his lover.

“I love you, acushla.”

“I love you, too.”

Declan never raised his voice, but there was a quiet determination there, new and freshly placed but unalterable.

“We *will* be together.”
