Title:  Never Let 'em See You Sweat

Author:  Silk

Fandom:  La Femme Nikita

Pairing:  Michael/Davenport

Rating:  R

Email address: silkn1@worldnet.att.net

Date:  2/1/01

Webpage:  www.angelfire.com/ny4/tinsel/

Disclaimer: Michael and Davenport belong to LFN Productions, Fireworks
Entertainment, Warner Bros, and USA Network. All of whom are not me. Still
not making any money off these things. Haven't given up writing 'em, though.

 Series: This is a sequel to Eat 'em and Smile. Part of an as-yet unnamed

Warnings:  Set at the end of Season 3/beginning of Season 4 for those who
need to be aware of spoilers. Occasional bad words.

Summary: Davenport takes advantage of Michael's conflict.

This is for Gail, who has only recently discovered Michael, and for Kathy,
who loves when I give Davenport the initiative.

And as always, for Tinnean.




Never Let 'em See You Sweat


By Silk



Michael's impassive look didn't frighten Davenport. He didn't get where he was by being easily intimidated. Sliding a hand over his meticulously-shaved head, Davenport let his midnight-colored eyes wander slowly down Michael's muscular frame.


"Why are you doing that?"


"Why not?"


"Your orders were to kill me, not fuck me."


Davenport almost laughed at the intentional use of obscenity. He caught the scent of arousal and correctly surmised that Michael and Nikita's formerly active sex life was just that. Formerly active.


"You're an attractive piece, I'll give you that. It'd be such a shame to waste that."


Davenport raked a fingertip down Michael's bare arm. "Maybe I'll fuck you before I kill you," he hissed.


"What makes you think I'll let you get close enough?" Michael ground out between clenched white teeth.


"You don't think I can make you want it?" The question sounded casual, but it was anything but. Davenport didn't want to hurt Michael, much less kill him, but he *would* exact a price for letting him go.


"You might be able to overpower me eventually, but you could never take me willingly."


Davenport's gaze dropped to Michael's sensually-cut mouth. "You sure about that?" he asked hoarsely.


"You want me." Michael didn't sound surprised or disturbed. A point in his favor. Then again, Operations and his state-of-the-art mindfucks had Michael seriously off-balance.


"Yeah," Davenport admitted.


"What if *I* don't want *you*?" Michael drawled slowly.


"What if I say I don't care?" Davenport replied softly.


Michael nodded in acknowledgement, then gave the older man a curious half-smile that transformed him into a completely different entity. "You care," Michael said, letting Davenport see what that knowledge did to him, how it changed things. And it did.


Davenport closed the distance between them without further thought. Backing Michael into the wall, Davenport used his superior strength to hold him there. His large hands framing Michael's face, he claimed the mouth he hungered for, unable to deny himself any longer. Though Michael did his best to resist, simply by not reacting, the seductiveness of that kiss got to him in a way that few others had.


With a soft sigh, Michael relented, opening his mouth, and Davenport took full advantage, plunging his tongue deep inside. Davenport's hand slid between their bodies, searching, seeking the source of that delicious heat. When he found Michael hard and wanting, he chuckled, low and deep in his throat.


All at once, Michael wrenched his head away, gasping brokenly. "I can't."


"You can."




Davenport licked the corner of Michael's mouth, reveling in the feel of that silken skin beneath his tongue. Michael closed his eyes again with a fervent groan.


"Please," he whispered. Such need was rare, but should always be exploited.


They were both strong men. In leadership roles. Used to command. For either of them to submit to the other would be unthinkable.


Wouldn't it?

