Title:  No Easy Way Out

Author:  Silk

Fandom:  La Femme Nikita

Pairing:  Michael/Davenport

Rating:  NC-17

Email address: silkn1@worldnet.att.net

Date:  2/17/01

Webpage:  www.angelfire.com/ny4/tinsel/

Disclaimer: Michael and Davenport belong to LFN Productions, Fireworks
Entertainment, Warner Bros, and USA Network. All of whom are not me. Still
not making any money off these things. Haven't given up writing 'em, though.

Series: This is a sequel to Lick and a Promise. This is Part 4 of  the In
Command series.

Warnings:  Set at the end of Season 3/beginning of Season 4 for those who
need to be aware of spoilers. Occasional bad words.

Summary: Michael needs to be in control. Davenport realizes that the path of
least resistance is not always taken by the weak.

Special thanks to Gail, who kindly asked for more, and Palmer, for
inspiration above and beyond the call of duty.

And of course, thanks to Tinn, who was one of the first to see that
Davenport was *not* on top of everything.



No Easy Way Out


By Silk



"You're not going to kill me?"


Michael produced a handkerchief from within his jacket and carefully wiped his hands, leaving a small spot of come on the back of his hand. Offering it to Davenport, he demanded, "Lick it."


"And if I don't?" Davenport snapped back, not sure if he wanted Michael to like what was going on between them *that* much.


Michael cocked his head, as if to say: "You started this. Now you want to back out?" When Davenport didn't immediately respond, Michael shrugged and licked the spot himself. Slowly. So slowly that it made Davenport's groin ache. Which was nothing short of a miracle considering how well-sated he felt. That could only mean one thing. They were *not* done yet.


About to say something, Davenport never had the opportunity. Michael seized him by the hips, pulling his unfastened pants down with a jerk and rolled him onto his stomach. "W-wait, this was about *me* fucking you, not the other way around."


"Get over it. My terms, your ass."


"Oh, come on, Michael, you don't have the taste for it. This isn't about sex for you. It's about power."


"What's your point?"


"There are plenty of other ways to prove you're better than me."


"I don't have to prove anything. I *am* better and we both know it."


"Then why?" Davenport's last words were turned into an anguished wail as he tried desperately to look over his shoulder at the man who would subjugate him.


"You wanted this." Michael pushed Davenport's shirt all the way up, exposing his back. Leaning over the older operative, he breathed harshly in his ear, "Then you made me want it, too."


Michael bit down on Davenport's shoulder, marking him. It was an act more possessive than mere coupling would have been. His tongue laved the bruise he had made, causing the man beneath him to shudder, though not with pain. "Shit, Michael, you don't play fair."


"I don't play at all."


Giving in to the inevitable, Davenport fumbled to reach his pants pocket in vain. "The lube. It's in my pocket."


They both reached for the small tube at the same time, Davenport's unexpected attempt to cooperate causing Michael to drop it. It rolled away into the darkness. Now they would never find it.


When Davenport felt Michael's hands on his buttocks, he yelped in anticipation of what would soon follow. "Michael, no! It'll hurt like hell."


"Be patient. There's always another way," Michael whispered to him, his softly-accented voice sounding even more enigmatic than usual.


"Well, unless you're carrying lube, I don't see how," Davenport growled, beginning to feel like this had been a bad idea from the start.


"I know. That's why you're you...and I'm me."


Michael parted his buttocks and slid his tongue along the shadowy cleft there. "Umm..." Davenport groaned. "That's not going to be...enough."


Michael's tongue swirled around Davenport's puckered opening, feeling the tiny bud open and flower in expectation of being penetrated. As his lover quivered, Michael folded his tongue and pierced the avidly waiting orifice. Davenport gasped, automatically clenching his buttocks, but Michael's hands eased them apart again.


After a few more moments of Michael's quiet ministrations, Davenport wriggled eagerly, unconsciously rubbing his cock at the same time. "God, I don't know how much more of this I can stand."


"Don't come yet."




Michael gave Davenport a warning bite on his right cheek, and Davenport exhaled slowly, suddenly aware of just how much he wanted to please Michael.


Sitting up on his knees, Michael quickly unfastened his own pants, pushing them down far enough to unsheathe his rigid length. His cock already dripping with beads of natural lubricant, Michael nudged it forward into the crack between Davenport's buttocks. Making no effort to thrust inside his lover, Michael was content to rub his erection back and forth, teasing Davenport's eager opening with what was yet to come.


Davenport thought he was going to lose his battle for control. Michael's cock slid into a niche where his lover's buttocks came together, the pressure just enough to abrade gently. Slowly but surely Michael began to move, coming off his knees to push harder against the top of  Davenport's buttocks. "Please let me come, Michael," the older man pleaded.


In response, Michael's hands gripped his shoulders as Michael's cock slid across his back for the last time. He came hard, long streams of semen shooting from the tip to pool at the dip in Davenport's back. Now coated heavily with the viscous white fluid, Michael reared back, placing his still-throbbing erection at his lover's entrance. Relaxed from Michael's rimming as well as his own near-orgasmic state, Davenport  pushed back. With one deep thrust, Michael was inside, his cock already wilting.


But it was more than enough to send Davenport over the edge. Without even touching himself, he came for the second time, the feeling more intense with Michael's half-hard length still buried within him.


"Good, so good, so good...."


It was. It was so good that Davenport wanted to repeat the experience as often as possible. But now that Michael had finished with him, what was going to happen?


Michael's withdrawal brought him back to his senses rapidly. From the moment that Michael rolled him onto his back, Davenport was convinced that the younger man no longer had any use for him.


Michael's fervent kiss took him completely by surprise.


God, he loved being wrong.

