Poor Little Rich Boy

by Tinnean

Part 17 

David caught a glimpse of the bedside clock and swore. "Shit!" He began 
scooping up articles of clothing. "If we don't get a move on, we are going to 
be so late for work!" He paused in the act of stepping into his shorts.

Kane sat in the middle of that outrageous bed, starring up at his lover with 
his heart in his eyes. David leaned toward him, resting his weight on one 
hand. His eyes stared deeply into Kane's, then fastened on his lush mouth. 
With a soft groan, he touched his lips to Kane's, resisting the urge to 
deepen the kiss. "Come on, baby. Get your gorgeous ass in gear and let's get 

Kane smiled and rolled off the bed, padding to the walk-in closet. He walked 
out after a few minutes, buttoning a neat white shirt, his denim jacket 
carried casually in the crook of his arm.

They headed down the stairs and out through the side door to where the black 
Porsche waited. Something about Kane's silence disturbed him. "What, baby? 
What's wrong?"

"You mean besides my mother being dead, and me not caring a damn?"

"Come on, Kane, don't beat yourself up over this! If she had been any kind of 
a mother, if your father had been any kind of decent human being, we wouldn't 
be going in to work right now, we'd be in mourning!"

"We? That sounds...I can't tell you how wonderful that sounds to me!" Kane 
offered him a lopsided smile. "I guess you're right, love," and the 
hesitation he used in calling his lover by an endearment once again struck 
David. No one had ever called Kane any pet names. Neither had he ever heard 
his parents affectionately call each other silly things like pretty foots or 

Well, David vowed, he was going to pour all the care and devotion on his 
young lover that was in his own starved heart. Kane had been deprived of that 
all his short life.

But first David needed to find out what was troubling him. "Kane, talk to me. 
You don't want me to have to discipline you again, do you?" he demanded, 
outrageously waggling his eyebrows and causing Kane to drop the car keys. 

The younger man's eyes were widened in remembered pleasure, and he shivered 
delicately. "Oh, would you, David? Would you really spank me again? Would 
you...would you pull down my pants and take me over your knee and...spank me 
on my bare backside?"

"Kane, I think I have perverted you! Yes, I will do all that, and much more! 
I saw the erotic books on your shelf, and I know what intrigues you now! I'm 
going to spank you, and play with you and fuck you! I’m going to introduce 
you to the most fascinating of sex toys! And most important of all, I am 
going to love you! Now pick up the keys and get in the car! We've got to get 
to work, and then we'll go back to my place."

Kane shifted uncomfortably behind the wheel of the expensive European car. "I 
thought you said we wouldn't be living with Candy?"

"We won't," David concurred, "but I need to change my clothes and pack a bag. 
We've got a few days to figure out what to do before you'll need to think 
about moving. It's a good thing we have the same schedule and will have off 
till the middle of the week. We'll get through this together. I'll be right 
beside you at the funeral. You trust me to be right there with you, don't 
you, my pooh bear?"

Kane’s hands stilled at the absurd endearment, his eyes pooling with tears. 
Then he nodded gratefully, putting the car into gear and heading back into 
the city. David would stand by him. Maybe, just maybe he could start to 
believe that this time, someone he loved, loved him back enough to stay.

"I love you David," he said shyly.

"Enough to tell me what was bothering you this morning, aside from your 
father's little bombshell?"

"Oh, that." Kane looked as if he didn't really want to go into it at this 
particular moment.

"Yes, that!" David retorted. "Kane....!"

Kane ducked his head so that his long hair swung forward, concealing his 
flushed face. David reached over and brushed the chestnut hair aside. Kane 
wanted to press his lips to that palm, but settled instead for rubbing his 
cheek against it.

"David, I wanted to make you breakfast!"

Part 18 

The night flew; the night dragged, but somehow they got through to the end of 
their shift. If Kane was a trifle fumblefingered, well, management wrote it 
off to his emotional state, not realizing how close to the truth they 
actually were. They were just so grateful that he had not left them high and 
dry on a Saturday night.

And if David was a trifle preoccupied, well, David did tend to be that way on 
occasion, and it was attributed to actor's eccentricity. Having Toby of The 
Beavertons was such a great draw that they were willing to cut him any kind 
of slack just to keep him happy; more, perhaps, than was sometimes 

The restaurant closed its doors in the early morning hours, having served the 
last of the pub-hoppers the late night meals it was noted for. While David 
counted his tips and prepared to split them with his busboy, Kane finished 
carting dishes and glasses and silverware to the kitchen and wiped down the 
tables and straightened the chairs.

Kane was hanging up his neat red busboy's jacket in his locker when the 
events of the past twenty-four hours caught up with him, and tears slid down 
his cheeks in a silver path. Then he felt a presence behind him, and he 
stilled. A hand gently massaged his shoulder, and he rubbed his cheek against 
it. "David!" he breathed.

David embraced him tightly, highly aware of the curious stares of their 
coworkers. Not sure if Kane was ready to have his alternative lifestyle 
exposed to the casual scrutiny that heterosexuals so callously demonstrated, 
David was prepared to shield his young lover in the only way he knew how at 
the moment.

"Kane, I'm so sorry for your loss! You're in no shape to drive home tonight! 
Give me your keys!"

And just like that, the sight of the two males embracing lost any appeal to 
the onlookers.

David kept his arm firmly locked around Kane and led him out to the parking 
lot where the employees kept their transportation. Tenderly he tucked Kane 
into the passenger seat, then hurried around to the driver's side and got in. 
Casting increasingly worried glances at his young lover, David maneuvered the 
Porsche onto the road and in the direction of the apartment he kept with 

Candy would not be happy when she learned that David planned to move out. It 
was hard for her to accept the fact that although David had once slept with 
her, he had no desire to do so again, and while he allowed her to remain in 
his life as a friend, she still hoped one day he would grow tired of the 
one-night stands and casual sex that too often comprised the only kind of 
closeness he would permit.

Now he had grown past the self-hatred that had governed his actions for so 
many years, aided greatly by the young man who adored him so unreservedly. 
And he would leave his arrangement with Candy without a backward glance, 
sorry she was so discontented, but with no regrets on his part.


For once there was an available parking spot in front of his building. The 
Porsche slid easily into it and David turned off the engine. Angling to face 
Kane, he saw that the younger man had been watching him. Kane sniffed 
inelegantly. David ran his fingers through the long strands of Kane's hair, 
which had slid loose from the thong the habitually held it back from his face.

"I love your hair, Kane. I love when you have it tied back. But most of all I 
love it when you wear it loose for me, like you did that night when you came 
up to my apartment. God, you looked so sexy, it was all I could do to keep my 
hands off you! If Candy hadn't been there, getting ready for a hot date, I 
would have had you stripped of your clothes and naked on the floor under me!"

Rapt, Kane listened to the sweet words that poured balm on his battered 
heart. "You loved me even then?" Searching fruitlessly for a handkerchief, he 
finally settled for swiping his hand under his nose.

David watched with amused eyes. "You really are very young, aren't you?" he 
remarked as he handed Kane his own handkerchief.

Kane mopped his face and blew his nose, then tried to return it to David, who 
declined it ruefully. "No, Pooh, you keep it."

"Pooh?" Kane asked.

"Yes, Pooh. My own Pooh Bear, who is sweeter than honey in my mouth!"

"David, you say such things to me! I thought there must be something wrong 
with me, because I wanted you that way!"

"What way, baby?"

"You know what I mean! What you promised me: in me so deep, so filled with 
the feel of you! David, I need you like that right now!"

David reached over and cupped the nape of Kane's neck in his hand. "Tell me 
what you need. Tell me how you want me."

Kane's breath caught in his throat. "David!" he whispered. "I want you inside 
me! I want you behind me, in my ass, holding my cock in your hand, stroking 
me, squeezing me, biting my neck, fucking me until I'm weak from it! I want 
you to come deep inside me; I want to feel you come, without anything between 
us! I want to feel all of you in all of me."

David almost choked at the pictures painted by Kane’s words. "Kane, you do 
pick your moments! You've gotten me harder in a car than I’ve been since I 
was a horny teenager!"

"Does this mean you're going to show me your bedroom?" he asked hopefully.

David gripped his chin, his eyes glowing. "After that description of what you 
want me to do to you, I don't think I have much of a choice: it's either 
that, or take you right now in this car! And what I have in mind would 
startle the neighbors!" He opened the door to step out of the car. Looking 
at Kane who was already at the apartment house door, he found himself hoping 
that Candy wasn't at home. The image of having Kane on the floor in the small 
foyer was so irresistible that he wasn't sure he could make it all the way up 
the stairs without taking him right there.

David got the door opened, then grabbed Kane's hand as he headed for the 
elevator. "No, baby, let's take the stairs up."

Kane looked at him curiously, but headed for the staircase. He paused on the 
first landing, realizing that David was not next to him. Turning, he found 
David a few steps below him his eyes fastened on the younger man's 
deliciously tight buttocks.

Kane felt a telltale blush color his cheeks. "Are you going to grope me 
again, David?"

Part 19

Kane stood above David on the stairs, unable to take his eyes off his lover. 
His lips parted, his tongue darted out to moisten them, all the while his 
restless gaze devoured the older man. "David!"

David climbed up until he was level with Kane. Hooking a hand around his 
neck, he drew him close to him, watching his lips with a fascination that 
bordered on desperation. "Baby, I need you to kiss me! I need that right now!"

Kane angled his body and oh, so gently touched his lips to David's. Pulling 
back just far enough to observe his lover's mouth, Kane ran his tongue over 
his lips, tasting David there. Moving in closer, he leaned his weight against 
David's body and with a small moan, licked at his mouth.

Threading his fingers through David's dark hair, he seized handfuls to hold 
him in place for a kiss that ravished him. Plunging into the recesses of his 
lover's mouth, he dueled with his tongue, drawing it into his own mouth, 
sucking on it voraciously.

Finally, unable to draw enough oxygen into his lungs, Kane was forced to turn 
his head away, leaning it on David's shoulder, gasping for air.

"Baby, we'd better get up to my place!"

Stifling a spurt of laughter, Kane said, "But David, I already *am* up!"

David ruffled his hair lovingly and lead the way to his apartment, pulling 
Kane along by the hand. 

When they got the door closed behind them, David tossed their jackets aside 
and pressed Kane back against the wall, lacing his fingers in Kane's and 
imprisoning them by his head. He began licking a path from the base of Kane’s 
throat up to his ear, where he paused and nibbled as if it was a great 
delicacy. Then he made his way to his young lover's tempting mouth.

David crushed Kane's lips under the onslaught of his mouth. Whimpering, Kane 
writhed, straining to get closer to David, but David teased him by keeping 
his lower body out of his lover's reach, driving his lust to uncontrolled 
heights. Finally unable to bear the teasing himself, David nudged Kane's legs 
apart, making a space for himself there, and Kane moaned into his mouth. 

David's erection was becoming almost painful and he needed to free it from 
his trousers and bury it deep within his lover's body. Holding Kane tightly 
against him, he breathed hot sex words into his ear.

He was about to lead Kane to his bedroom when they spotted the forlorn figure 
leaning against the wall, silently watching them. "You never kissed me like 
that! Are you still not quite sure who this is David?"

David swore under his breath. "Since when have you become a voyeur, Candy?" 
he demanded coldly. He felt Kane freezing up next to him.

In the deepest corners of his soul he could admit that he had dreamed of Kane 
long before their mutual attraction became evident. In those dreams he had 
deflowered his young lover in the most tender of acts, creating memories that 
would be cherished.

This was not shaping up the way he had hoped. Falling apart after forcing 
your way into your lover's virgin anatomy was not designed to inspire 
devotion. In fact, he could not understand how Kane so calmly ministered to 
him and then actually wanted another physical encounter.

And now this, a confrontation with his lover's former lover, and current 
roommate. No, this was definitely not turning out to be the kind of memorable 
day they would recall fondly in their twilight years.

Slow tears slid down Candy's face. "I really have lost you, haven't I, David?"

David went to her and put his arms around her. She searched for the lover in 
that touch, but could only find the friend, and she bowed her head and sobbed.

"Will you be leaving this apartment?"

"Yes. Soon. I want to give you time to either find another roommate or 
another place to stay."

"No! This place is *ours*! You shared it with me for five years! I won't 
leave here!"

Kane offered her David's handkerchief. She eyes it with distaste, then 
reluctantly laughed. "I'll find someone else to split the rent with. Maybe I 
can ask Jeri." At Kane's confused look, Candy elaborated, "She was a lover 
too. There must be something about me. Most people leave their ex-lovers. 
Mine become my friends and move in with me!

"And then find new lovers and move on!"

Part 20

Candy disappeared into her own room. David looked after her, his expression 
enigmatic. Kane began to get worried again.

"David?" He gently touched the older man's chest. "This isn't a good time. 
Maybe I should just leave."

Desolate at the thought of losing his lover of a little more than a day, 
Kane turned to go to the door. He was stooping over to retrieve his jacket, 
tears beginning to form in his eyes, when a firm hand collided with his 
backside. The tingle reminded him of all the new experiences David had 
introduced him to, and he bit his lip to prevent a cry of protest from 
passing his lips. Keeping his head averted, he sniffed audibly and searched 
for the handkerchief.

"Kane!" David's voice was short, reminiscent of the time when he wasn't sure 
whether to keep the younger man as an exasperating, puppy-ish friend or take 
him to his bed as a lover. His long fingers grasped Kane's chin and turned 
his face toward him. The sight of his lover's tears dissolved his anger. "No, 
baby, please don't cry! Just let me grab some clothes and we can get out of 

"You're coming with me? You're not going to stay with Candy?"

David halted in the doorway to his room. "Silly monkey!" He held out his 
hand. "Come help me pack."

Kane rushed to his side, pausing just long enough to hug him tightly. Then he 
went into David's bedroom for the first time, looking around with interest. 

It was a curiously impersonal room, sparsely furnished with a neat, 
full-sized bed, a dresser and a night table. Although there were rock posters 
and scenescapes on the walls, it contained no mementos of his years on The 
Beavertons, nothing to indicate that once he had been an actor of some note. 
He pulled a carry-on out of the closet and opened it on the bed. As Kane 
watched, David stacked the items he would need next to it.

Powerless to resist the urge to be near to the man who had introduced him to 
a whole new side of himself, Kane drifted close to him, touching the silk 
shirts and wool trousers that David packed, as well as jeans and casual tees 
and collarless shirts.

David slanted him an amused glance. "Get my gear out of the bathroom?"

Kane hurried away on his mission, giving David time to throw some things into 
the bag that he didn't want Kane to see. Yet. He had an interesting 
collection of toys, but he didn't want to frighten his young lover. All in 
due time. And he shivered voluptuously.

Kane returned with David's razor, toothbrush and hairbrush, and the older man 
cocked an eyebrow at him. "Aren't there a few other items I might have use 
for?" he inquired with a laugh.

Leaning close and putting his arms around his lover, Kane shook his head. "I 
have everything you need, David! Hurry and finish packing. I want you home 
and I want you in my bed and in my body!"

David quietly shut his bedroom door and pushed Kane back against it. Rubbing 
his body against his young lover's, David eased his lips apart with his 
tongue and fitted their mouths together. A soft moan escaped Kane and he slid 
his hands up David's chest and around his neck, clinging tightly to him.

The kiss left them both shaking and shaken. "Kane!" David whispered. "Baby! 
Let's get out of here."

Pausing in the tiny foyer, David tapped softly on Candy's door. "We're going 
now. I should be back in a couple of days to pack up my things. You can have 
whatever of the furnishings you want, okay?" Pressing his hand lightly 
against the door, he turned away from it, his lips set in an unhappy line.

They left the apartment without another word from Candy. Kane could see that 
David was more upset by the rift than he had anticipated.

Having gotten into the habit of denying the existence of love, he hadn't 
recognized the symptons in Candy until it was too late. Perhaps this was for 
the best. Without David living in her pocket, she might no longer measure 
every man she met by his impossible yardstick. Maybe now she would find 
someone upon whom she could bestow all the love in her heart , and be loved 
wholeheartedly in return. David hoped so.

Kane took the keys from David's reluctant hand. Knowing how Kane drove, David 
did not look forward to the trip back to Kane's place. He stowed his carry-on 
in the miniscule back seat of the Porsche and got into the car beside Kane, 
making sure his seatbelt was securely fastened.

He was pleasantly surprised at the sedate pace that Kane set this time 
around. "Are you feeling quite the thing, baby?" he asked him.

Kane glanced at him distractedly, and mumbled something.

"What?" David demanded.

Kane looked uncomfortable. "You call me baby. And Pooh Bear. And Monkey."

"And you'd rather I didn't?" he asked stiffly, hurt that Kane might not enjoy 
his pet names. 

"David, no! I love what you call me, and the way you sound when you call me 
those names, like I belong to you! But I've got nothing to call you, nothing 
that doesn't make me feel silly saying it!"

His breath caught in his throat, David had difficulty getting the words past 
it."Kane, baby, don't you know-----just the way you say my name---no one has 
ever called me 'David' the way you do! It makes me so hard, sometimes I can 
barely walk! Your 'David' is worth a ton of Pooky's or Daviekins or..."

"Or honey man? That’s what you are to me, David. My own, sweet man, who’s 
poured honey into all the empty places in my life!” And he blushed at his 
unintentional double entendre.

David was touched. That Kane could worry about something as inconsequential 
as a pet name, and then come up with one on his own gave David a funny 
feeling in his chest. At first he thought it must be having heart trouble, 
angina perhaps.

Then he realized it truly was a heart problem: he no longer had one.

He had given it to Kane.

Part 21 

              While David was contemplating the loss of his heart to Kane,
his young lover was slowing the Porsche to a crawl. They were in a
residential neighborhood filled with old country homes, most built at the
turn of the century. Kane  was observing one in particular. With a soft sigh,
he murmured, "I was hoping she'd leave the lights on. I guess it's too late

    David looked at him curiously, but Kane had already shifted gears and the
Porsche resumed it's normal cruising speed. David clutched the elbow rest on
the door and prayed for an empty road.

    However fast Kane drove, he was extremely competent behind the wheel and
was soon pulling safely past the gates of his home. Again he parked the
Porsche by the pool and grabbing  David by the hand, he lead him to the
electronic door and swiped them in.

    David had barely gotten past the door when Kane's body backed into his.
"What, baby?" he asked. Then he looked past the younger man. His mouth
dropped open and the carryon tumbled from nerveless fingers. "Jesus, Kane!
What's happened here?"

    Kane was trembling so hard David could see it. He slid his arm around his
shoulders, and Kane turned into his embrace. "Oh, my God, David! He's already
emptied the media room! And our pool table! He's taken our pool table!"

    The room, which hadn't seemed inordinately  large when it had been
comfortably filled with furniture and a rich man's toys, now echoed their
footsteps desolately. Everything was gone: the paintings, the furniture, the
TV and stereo systems.

    And, as Kane had pointed out, their pool table.

    "My room!" Kane suddenly recollected. Seizing David's arm, he pulled him
toward the other side of the house and the stairs that led to the family's
quarters. In the hall outside his door he slowed, reluctant now to see if the
father had violated the son's privacy. David stepped past him, to shield him
from the devastating possibility that his room had been stripped of
everything that belonged to him. Relief almost made him lightheaded.

    "It's okay, baby. It looks as if nothing's been touched."

    Kane stepped into the room after his lover, ashamed of the weakness that
had momentarily held him back. "Oh!" It was a soft moan.

    David began to worry. "What is it?"

    "That's just it, David. *Nothing* has been touched! Usually the servants
come up here and make the bed and dust and stuff. Look at this! Everything is
just the way we left it this afternoon!"

    "Which really isn't a bad thing when you think of it, Kane." He gestured
toward the night table where an almost empty box of condoms and a battered
tube of lubricant had been left carelessly in sight. "I don't think you'd be
really comfortable with your father's servants knowing that you have a
penchant for an ex-actor!"

    "I don't have a penchant for an ex-actor!" Kane mumbled as he buried his
head against David's chest. "I have an overwhelming letch, and lust and love
for you!"

    David tilted up his chin and kissed him. "Let's get ready for bed. It's
been a long day for you, and tomorrow is going to be even longer! We'll start
looking for an apartment, and maybe you can pick out what you want to bring
with you."

    He walked back to the door and closed and locked it. Shoving his carryon
aside he began to casually unbutton his shirt, keeping his eyes on Kane all
the while. Kane stared at him helplessly, his mouth like cotton, the tremors
coursing through him now solely due to excitement.

    "Ummmm, maybe I'd better take a shower."

    "Why don't you wait until morning?" David asked, sitting down now to
remove his shoes and socks.

    "I think I'm a little sweaty," Kane said weakly.

    And David smiled at him. "Baby, that's nothing to how sweaty I plan on
making you in just a few minutes!"

    Kane's eyes lit up. "Really, David? You're going to make love to me
again? I didn't want to ask, in case you didn't feel like it!"

    "Ahh,  baby, I've thought of nothing else all night while we were at
work. All I've wanted to do is peel off those snug leather trousers you're
wearing and slide into your delicious body!" He stood and began to undo his
pants. "By the way, did you deliberately choose them in order to drive me

    Kane watched, his eyes huge, his tongue  licking lips that were suddenly

    David groaned and pulled him into his arms. Embracing him tightly, his
slanted frantic kisses on those lips, wetting them with his own tongue. "Take
your clothes off now, baby! Right now!"

    Dazed, Kane took a tiny step back and began tearing at the buttons that
held his shirt closed, trying to keep his lips fastened to David's all the
while. His usually nimble fingers fumbled with his belt buckle as his tongue
toyed with David's in the warm recesses of the older man's mouth.

    Panting as he skinned his pants down his legs and off his shoeless feet,
he heard David give a muffled laugh. "Naughty monkey! You didn't put any
underwear on today!"

    "But David," he said huskily as he pressed his now-naked body against
that of his lover, "I never wear underwear!"

    David wound his fingers in Kane's long hair. Gently forcing his face up, 
he rubbed his beard-roughed cheek against Kane's  smooth one. "You are
definitely going to wear me out, baby, you know that?" Shaking his head in
mock despair, he took the tone of voice that he knew made Kane wild. "All
right, little boy, lay down on that bed!"

    Kane's lips parted in excitement. He lay down on his back, angling his
head up so he could see what David would do next. His lover was competently
rolling on a condom and lubricating it. Kane felt his insides grip with
passion. David frowned down at him.

    "On your stomach, Kane! Don't make me have to discipline you, little boy!"

    Obediently, his young lover rolled over and waited impatiently to see
what David would do next. David pressed a series of teasing kisses from the
base of Kane's spine to the nape of his neck. Then he encircled his waist
with one arm and hauled him onto his knees. "Rest your head on your arms,
baby, and relax!" David stroked the shadowed cleft between Kane's buttocks
raising his level of arousal.

    Kane felt a long finger press for entrance into his body and  tensed with

    "Relax, baby."


    "Shhh. Just...relax!'

    David began a gentle in and out motion and Kane pushed himself back
against his hand, seeking a deeper penetration. David permitted them both a
few moments of enjoyment before he felt Kane was lubricated enough to allow
him into his body comfortably.  He gently removed his finger and replaced it
with his hard erection, slowly rocking  against the ring of muscle until he
was past it and firmly encased in his lover's snug, hot passage.

    Groaning, he reached around Kane's chest and palmed the flat male
nipples, feeling the hardened peaks stabbing into his hands. "Do you like
this, baby?" he whispered in his ear. "Do you like what I'm doing to you?"

    Kane moaned and attempted to thrust his hips backwards and seize more of
his lover's arousal. David lightly slapped a buttock. "Don't move, baby! I
don't want you to move your delicious ass one centimeter, do you understand
me? If you do, I'm going to pull out of you and  spank you very hard. I won't
come, and I won't let you come, and I will be very angry with you!"

    The stern words were extremely difficult for Kane to obey. They made him
so hot he was about to go off like a firecracker.  David's hands squeezed
him. "Not yet, baby, don't come yet! I have something special planned if you
can just....hold....out...a little...longer....."

    David's lower body jerked as he began to come in his lover's tender body.


    "Hold on!"


    Withdrawing rapidly from Kane's body, he quickly flipped him onto his
back. His hot, moist mouth engulfed his lover's quivering arousal, taking it
deep into his throat. And with a wild cry, Kane erupted, spilling his essence
into his lover’s mouth, trembling with the force of his climax.

    David continued to suckle him until he was completely drained. Then he
dragged his torso along that of the younger man, gently abrading their
senses,  until their faces were level. Tenderly, David kissed his love,
letting him taste himself on  his lips.

    Kane's face was wet with tears. "David!" He wrapped his arms around his
lover's neck and held him tightly. " I love you, my honey man! That was the
most marvelous...."

    His voice faded and his breathing smoothed out. David brushed the long
hair off his lover's face.

    Kane was fast asleep.

Part 22

The house was not empty, as they had thought. In the hallway outside
Kane's room a solitary figure lurked in the shadows. He could not make out
the words his son and his lover shared, but he could hear the laughter, and
he heard his son's cry of satisfaction.

His hands clenched in fists of impotent rage, he fumed that the boy was
not even mourning the death of the woman who bore him, ignoring the fact that
both she and he had had little to do with their son's upbringing. With Kane
now of legal age, there was little the father could do to hurt him. The boy
was content in a dead-end job, he had sole access to the trustfund his
maternal grandmother had left him and the threat of selling the house out
from under him was not having the anticipated results.

What Kane's father failed to realize was that this would not be the first
time he had been uprooted on the capricious whim of a parent. He had been a
quiet, well-behaved toddler, and his mother would peripatetically swoop down
and carry him off to whatever playground she favored at the moment,
displaying him to the sycophants who surrounded her. Quickly bored, with an
attention span not much greater than her child's, she would soon send him
back to the servants who tended him because they were paid to and not from
any affection for the boy. Paradoxically, if any servant expressed fondness
for their child, Kane's parents dismissed them from their service.

Unable to discommode his son in any other way, Kane's father accessed the
climate control unit inside his own suite. Each suite contained one, but his
was the master and could override the others. Punching in a code, he dropped
the temperature in Kane's room from a comfortable 76 degrees to a less
tolerable 55. Smiling nastily, he programmed the console to deny access at
any other unit, then locked his bedroom door and left the house.


Neither Kane nor David was used to sleeping with a partner, and in the
course of the night had drifted apart. The chill in the room roused Kane to a
level that sensed the discomfort, but not to the point of waking. He groped
for the duvet, and, unable to find it, gravitated toward the one spot in his
bed that produced heat. His unconscious realized it was his lover, and with a
sigh of pleasure, he wrapped his arms around David, snuggling close. He
gently rubbed his morning erection against the cleft of David's buttocks and
sank deeper into sleep.

 Someone was holding David prisoner, preparing to mount an assault on his
body. He moaned and whimpered in his sleep, beginning to thrash restlessly,
to no avail: whoever held him was not letting go. He was going to be used
against his will again!

 Flailing his arms, he struck out blindly and connected with his
assailant, hearing a satisfying crunch and a cry of pain. And then he was
free, and awake. He scrambled off the bed and reached for the light switch.

The sudden brightness revealed the disaster in the bed.

Blood had fountained from the broken nose that Kane cupped protectively.
It splattered across the bed, symbolic of his deflowering. Tears of pain
streamed down his cheeks and he watched David reproachfully and warily.

David stepped toward him, but stopped when Kane scooted back, and slid
off the bed, keeping it between them. David swore viciously and a sudden
shiver wracked his nude body, making him aware of the chill in the room.
"What the *fuck* is going on?"

Kane backed his way into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door.
Through his tears, he examined the damage done to his nose. Grabbing a towel,
he held it to absorb the blood pouring out. Then he, too, shivered,
goosebumps rising on his body. What *was* going on?

He couldn't remain in the bathroom. It was too undignified. If David was
going to be an abusive lover, they would have to have this out right now. He
knew, growing up, that he was merely an addendum to his parents' lives, but
his self-esteem was not so low that he would tolerate unacceptable treatment
in order to be loved. He opened the door and walked out to face his future.

David was fully dressed. He sat on the edge of the shattered bed, his
head in his hands. Kane approached him carefully, moistening his lips.

"David, if you plan on beating me, I'm going to have to ask you to
leave." Oh God! that sounded so stilted. Next he'd be asking what his lover's
intentions were!

David looked up at him, his face ravaged. "Baby," a sob hitched in his
voice. He cleared it and tried again. "Baby, I'm so sorry! I thought I had
dealt with what had happened in that closet all those years ago. Obviously, I
haven't. And obviously I can't be trusted not to hurt you. Do you want me out
of your life?"

At first reluctant to even allow the younger man near him, he was now
devastated at the thought of losing him.

Before he could answer, Kane began shivering in earnest. He also became
aware of just how cold it was in his room. "David, did you turn the
thermostat down in here?"

David shook his head tiredly and watched with dull eyes as Kane went to
the panel next to the door. But Kane was too cold to get his fingers to obey
his brain. "David, would you do this for me?"

"What, baby? Cut my throat? Gladly!" he laughed harshly.

"David! I need you to punch in a code for me. I have to get dressed; I'm

Kane pulled out warm clothes and dressed clumsily as he tried to avoid
getting blood all over himself. He rattled off the series of numbers and
David entered them, with no results. Kane watched as he did it again, holding
a clean part of the towel to his nose.

"Are you sure those are the correct numbers Kane? Nothing is happening."

For the first time in the months that David had known Kane, he heard him
swear. The younger man's vocabulary was nothing short of impressive. "That
cold-hearted, mean-spirited bastard! That cock-sucking, mother-fucking son of
a whore prick!"

David's mouth dropped open as Kane went on to enumerate all his father's
sterling qualities. Then the light dawned. "Your father, Kane? Your father
did this?"

"Goddamned son of a bitch bastard!"

"Uhhh, Kane, you're starting to repeat yourself!"

 "And I'm not too happy with you right now, honey man. So just watch your

David grinned, relieved that Kane seemed to have forgiven him. "I'd much
rather watch yours instead, baby," he said winsomely. Then he turned serious.
"Will you let me hold you?"

With a small cry, Kane went into David's arms. "I'm going to get blood
all over you!" he mumbled.

"’sokay, baby. It's okay. We'd better get you to an emergency room and
have your nose looked at. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean it; I just
can't tolerate anyone on my back. Give me time, baby, please! I want you so

Kane leaned back and looked into his lover's dark eyes. "Do you think
you'll ever let me ride you the way you ride me?" He rubbed his cheek against
David's shoulder. "It gets me so hot just thinking of having you that way!"

David laughed. "It makes me hot too, baby. It's just having someone on my
back that gives me the frights. If you're willing to work on it with me, I'll
do my best to give you the fuck of your life!"

Kane wanted to kiss his lover, but he was afraid of getting more blood on
him. "Led's go ged by dose fixed." It was swelling now, and starting to
interfere with his speech. "And Dabid, jusd do led you dnow, as far as I'b
concerned, you'b a'ready giben be dhe fuck ob by libe!"

Shaking his head ruefully, David led Kane by the hand down the stairs and
out to the Porsche.

Part 23

David drove the Porsche while Kane tried to stop the bleeding with a towel 
that was fast becoming saturated. More than a little worried at this point, 
he was wracking his brains for any remedy that might aid his young lover.

"Kane! Do you have any gum on you?"

Kane gave him a startled look, but dug a stick out of the pocket of his denim 
jacket and offered it to him.

David gave a snort of laughter. "Not for me, baby. For you. Chew it.”

Kane shrugged and obeyed this lover's order. "Okay, I've just about worked 
all the flavor out of it. You want a nibble?"

To his amazement, David felt a flash of lust spear through him. "Kane, please 
shut up before you make me crash this car!"

Kane looked at him in confusion. "What?"

David took a deep breath. "Don't you realize? Just the thought of your mouth 
makes me crazy! It doesn't matter that it's only been a few hours since I've 
had you. I want you again!"

A silly grin crossed the younger man's face. "How, David? How do you want me?"

"Oh, you're really pressing your luck, you bad monkey! Never mind that. I 
want you to stick that wad of gum under your upper lip on the side where the 
most blood is coming. Can you do that, baby?"

"Done, David. But I still wish you'd tell me how you want me," he murmured 

"I'll make a deal with you, Kane. You tell me the bleeding has stopped, and 
I'll tell you exactly what I plan to do to your sweet ass when we get your 
nose taken care of!"

Kane settled back in his seat to wait happily, if impatiently, for the 
bleeding to subside. Taking the towel away from his abused nose, he found 
that there was less blood. "David! I think it's working!"

"And we're here at the hospital, so let's have a doctor take a look at it."

David was able to find a spot for the Porsche quite close to the emergency 
room entrance and he hustled his young lover inside. The waiting room was 
astonishingly deserted, and the receptionist behind the glass enclosure 
looked the epitome of boredom. Then he got a good look at the towel that Kane 
still held over his nose.

Shoving the paperwork at David, he paged for the covering MD stat. 

A young, good-looking doctor strode through the doors that separated the 
waiting room from the emergency bay. "What's the problem, Jamie?"

"Dunno, Doc, but we got a lot of blood here!"

The doctor pulled out latex gloves and began drawing them on as he ushered 
Kane to a cubicle and drew the curtain, blocking David's view of his lover. 
Distractedly, he began filling out the forms he had been given. Then he 
looked over the questions again. And again.

And discovered that he could answer most of them. In an effort to learn more 
about the young busboy he had found so fascinating, he had learned more that 
he realized. He looked at the man seated in front of him, grinning foolishly.

A loud "Owww!" came from behind the curtain where Kane had been taken. David 
dropped the clipboard and headed in that direction. The sliding door would 
not open for him, and he began beating on it.

"Open this door!" he shouted. "Open this goddamned door, or I’ll break it 

Jamie, the receptionist, was about to buzz for night security, when the 
doctor poked his head around the curtain to see what all the commotion was 
about. "We're all done here. Just let me write up a discharge note and you 
two can be on your way."

Kane walked a little unsteadily to the door and the doctor hit the panel that 
opened it from that side. A butterfly bandage covered the bridge of his nose, 
and he was daintily clearing away whatever blood was left on his face. The 
area around his eyes was beginning to take on some startling hues of purple. 

David swooped down on him and wrapped him in a fierce embrace. 

"See your own doctor in a couple of days. Here's a script for pain 
medication, but over-the-counter should do fine!" The doctor glanced up from 
his notes, and observing the affectionate embrace, looked decidedly put out. 
He slammed the instructions down on the counter. Jamie looked on with 
interest as he stalked back into the bay. 

"Hmm. Now that's a fine how-do-you-do!" Watching the concern with which David 
fussed over Kane, he bit back a grin and again proffered the papers. "I hate 
to break this up, but one of you will have to finish filling these out."

David whispered into Kane's ear, "I'm sorry baby, I answered as much as I 
could, but the insurance information has me stumped."

Kane pressed a brief kiss to David's cheek and pulled out his wallet, 
thumbing through it to find his insurance card.

Jamie was now grinning unabashedly. The doctor had rediscovered his 
professionalism and returned just in time to see the younger man bestow a 
sweet kiss on the older one. "And just who *is* this?" he asked snidely.

"I'm his daddy!" David replied. Putting his arm around Kane's shoulders, he 
asked, "Are we about ready, baby?"

Kane's eyes gleamed wickedly. "Yes, sir."

"Then thank the nice doctor and let's go home."

Obediently, Kane said, "Thank you, doctor." He smiled sunnily and allowed his 
lover to pull him out to the parking lot.

"Would you mind telling me what that was all about?" David asked.

"He wanted to ask me out."

"On a date?"


"And what did you say?" David demanded through gritted teeth.

Realizing that his lover was not secure enough in their relationship to take 
teasing in stride, Kane relented. "I told him my dance card was all filled 
up. And what did you mean by telling him you were my father?"

"I didn't say I was your father." David got them settled in the car and 
switched on the ignition. 

The sun was streaking the low hanging clouds an amazing shade of pink and 
orange. A new day was dawning. He would take his young lover home, and 
perhaps they could wile away a few hours in bed before they would look to the 
boxing of Kane's belongings.

"David! You did so tell him you're my father!"

For the first time that day, David felt like laughing. "No baby. I didn't say 
I was your father.

"I said I was your daddy!"

Part 24
David noticed that Kane was getting quieter and quieter. Before he could 
question him, Kane shifted in his seat. "David, I can't do this!"

David felt his insides clutch. Very carefully he steered the Porsche to the 
shoulder of the road and parked. "What can't you do, Kane?" This is it, he 
thought. He's going to tell me last night was too much; he's going to leave 

Kane's eyes held a world of devastation. "I can't go home now! Just the 
thought of that empty house, of having to walk through it to get to my room: 
it's tearing me apart! Would you...would you mind very much if we didn't go 
back there right now?"

Relief flooded through David. Almost lightheaded, he leaned his head back 
against the seat rest. "Sure, baby, whatever you want. How about if I take 
you out to breakfast?"

Suddenly Kane looked like a child whose belief in Santa Claus was verified. 
"Like in a date, David? Like you're asking me out on a date?"

David felt like a worm. He had never taken his young lover anywhere, except 
to bed. And while he was anxious to do that again, he felt he owed him more 
than a fast fuck. Or even a long, slow, deep one.

Then he noticed how tired Kane’s eyes were. "Maybe we ought to put that on 
hold, baby. You need to be off your feet."

"Again, David? We're going to do it again?"

"No, I just meant this has been an eventful couple of days for you and..." 
David noticed how crestfallen Kane looked and altered what he was going to 
say. "Do you think you're up to it, because I sure as hell am!” He took 
Kane’s hand and let his fingers slide along the length of his arousal. “You 
keep asking what I'm going to do to you? Well, I'll tell you!

"When I get you into bed again I'm going to strip you naked. I'm going to 
start at your toes and kiss my way up your body. I'm going to tease and 
torment you until you're begging me to slide into your hot body. And I'm 
going to put you on your back and pull your legs over my shoulders, leaving 
you exposed to my hands and my mouth. I'm going to eat you until you're ready 
to explode, and then I'm going to fuck you until we both come!"

Kane sighed blissfully. "That sounds wonderful, David." Then he asked 
soberly, "But where can we go? I don't want to go home, and I'd feel 
uncomfortable at your apartment."

"Because of Candy?" David nodded in agreement, realizing it would be too 
stressful for his young lover. A sudden idea came to him. "How would you feel 
about going to Benita's place?"

Kane looked self-conscious. "She's the one who jerked me off, isn't she? Will 
she think I'm a baby for passing out like that from the heroin?"

David ran his fingers through Kane's hair, loosening it, as was fast becoming 
his tendency. He fingered the long strands, and then pressed them to his 
lips. "She knew before I did that you loved me. And if she thinks you're a 
baby, she thinks you're *my* babe! Shall we go there?"

The younger man was still uncertain about visiting Benita so early in the 
day, but he reluctantly agreed. David put the car in gear and headed for the 
part of town where the psychic dominatrix lived.


The persistent buzzing of her intercom brought Benita out of a deep sleep. 
Her last client had kept her up long past his time limit, and she was afraid 
she was becoming too personally involved with him. She enjoyed what she did 
for a living, seeing it as a means of helping people come to grips with their 
inner desires, but with him it was becoming personal: she enjoyed what she 
did to him, and what he in turn was starting to do to her. 

She was beginning to dream, and he was making her dreams come true.

Unable to see into her own future, beyond knowing that danger was lurking on 
the horizon involving her friendship with David McMillan, she was as blind as 
anyone else when it came to the paths her own relationships would take. And 
she wasn't sure if she was willing to take the risk of falling in love.

Drawing on a Japanese silk kimono, she brushed her hair out of her eyes and 
touched the intercom. "Yes?"

"Benita, it's David. I've brought a friend. Can we come up?"

"It's after hours, David."

"He just needs a place to crash for a few hours, Nita. Okay?"

Benita sensed something new and promising in David and pushed the buzzer to 
let him into the building. She liked him, they had been friends and 
colleagues for a long time, but his careless attitude toward those who loved 
him disturbed her. She hoped David wouldn't hurt that young man Kane, who was 
so obviously in love with him. Something had happened in David's past that 
had marked him so deeply he would savage anyone who showed an emotional 
attachment to him, in order to keep his heart safe.

And she hoped Kane was not destined to rue his infatuation. She'd have to ask 
David to bring him back sometime for another reading. And perhaps this time 
she could get David to personally handle the young man.

Her doorbell chimed sweetly, the first sixteen bars of Ravel's Bolero, and 
she opened the door to admit David and his friend. 

David brushed a friendly kiss against her cheek and strolled in, tossing his 
jacket casually onto a chair. "You remember Kane, don't you?"

Benita felt her jaw drop. Kane returned her gaze sheepishly. "Hi Benita," he 

Large, dark eyes went from Kane to David and back again, her amazement 
palpable. David became uncomfortable. "Is this a bad time, Nita? Do you have 
a client?"

"No, David, this is a perfect time! Kane, I'm so glad to see you again, and 
to see you with David!" Ushering them to her living room, she offered them 
seats. "I was just thinking of you, Kane. How are you?" 

Self-consciously, he touched the bandage on his nose. "Other than this, I'm 

Carefully she touched the black and blue discoloration circling his eyes, and 
sucked in her breath. "David! You did this!"

Before she could tear into his lover, Kane took her hand and squeezed it 
gently. "He didn't mean to, Benita. He was just reacting to something in his 

David walked next to him and draped his arm around Kane. "He's being too 
kind, Nita. He tried to hug me and I broke his nose!"

Benita touched David's hand where it rested over the younger man's heart. 
Images flashed through her mind, naked lovers embracing, the fierce 
culmination of the act of love, and then bone-chilling cold. An innocent 
desire for warmth and affection, and uncontrolled fear lashing out, resulting 
in the violent breaking of Kane's nose. 

She also felt something new, the deep, abiding love that David felt for Kane, 
and a brilliant smile lit her face. Kissing first David and then Kane, she 
welcomed the young man into the select circle of her friends. 

"This has been an eventful night for the two of you! Let me make you some 

They followed her into the breakfast nook and sat down while she made coffee 
and drew some microwaveable pancakes and sausages out of her freezer. As she 
turned to set plates and silverware on the table, she heard David give a 
muffled chuckle.

“The night appears to have caught up with my babe," he remarked tenderly.

Kane's head was cushioned on his arms and he was breathing through his mouth. 
His impossibly long lashes fanned against his cheek. 

Just like that he was sound asleep.

Part 25/End
David stood over Kane, smiling slightly. Taking a napkin, he wiped the
moisture that was gathering at the corner of his young lover's mouth, and
gesturing with it to Benita, he laughed softly. "Can you believe it? I even
find this lovable about him!"

Benita's eyes glowed with approbation. "You really care about him, David?
" She touched his sleeve. "Don't hurt him. He loves you deeply."

"I'm way too old for him."

Benita smiled.

"There are a thousand things he needs to experience, that I couldn't
possibly consider going through again!"

The smile widened to a grin.

David sighed. "And I don't just care about him, I love him! There, are
you happy now?"

At her nod, he grunted and stooped to pick his sleeping lover up in his
arms, unconsciously mimicking the dream Kane had once had. Following Benita
into her spare bedroom, he gently laid Kane down on the flowered coverlet,
pulling off his jogging shoes. The younger man mumbled something and turned
over, curling onto his side.

David knew the smile on his face was decidedly fatuous, but there seemed
to be nothing he could do about it. "I really love him!" he repeated to

She stood on tiptoe and placed a tender kiss on his cheek. "It’s been a
long night. Why don't you get some rest too?" she suggested as she walked
out, closing the door behind her.

Suddenly he felt exhausted. Padding over to the blanket chest Benita kept
beneath the window, he took out a down-filled comforter and placed it over
Kane. He unlaced his shoes and toed them off,  then slid under the covers and
arranged himself along his lover's back, holding him snugly in his arms.
Pressing a kiss to the soft skin below his ear, he breathed in Kane's scent
and slid easily into sleep.


(now you know it isn't, really!)