Mercury In Retrograde


by Silk


Part 2


Blair meant to kiss Jim only once, but the softness of his lips belied the

granite-hard visage he presented to the world. Jim's hands sank into Blair's

silky dark hair as he pressed the younger man back against the door. Blair's

mouth opened, and Jim plunged his tongue inside, tasting everything from the

minty toothpaste he used to the last vestiges of the herbal tea he had

reluctantly chugged down in the interest of settling his stomach.


When Jim finally released him, Blair sagged against the door, his vivid blue

eyes half-shut. "Wow."


"Wow yourself, Chief. It takes two to tango."


Blair gulped. "No tango this morning, Jim. No time, dammit."


"You're know...sore?"


"Hell, yeah. But it was *wonderful*, Jim, and I can't wait to do it again."

Blair's natural enthusiasm was like balm to Jim's oft-tortured soul.


Jim gave his lover a bemused smile, having only recently realized that he

was stroking him, much the way one might cosset a favorite pet. But Blair

was no *pet*. A pet was nearly the same thing as a sidekick, and Jim gave up

thinking of Blair that way long ago. Sidekicks were not equals, and Blair

was not only his peer, but in some areas, he surpassed Jim. Which was very

much as it should be. They complemented one another.


"Are you sure you have to run *all* those errands today, Chief?" Jim asked,

bending over to allow his tongue to lave the corner of Blair's mouth. That

delicious, full-lipped, meal-for-the-senses mouth.


Blair groaned. "Umm...*someone* needs to shop, Jim, or we could



"We could go shopping later, Chief."


Um, Jim, I don't know how to break it to you, but I have big plans for you

and me and that bed upstairs later. But the way you're massaging my mouth

with your tongue makes me think that perhaps...I should reconsider. A man

has to be open to *all* the options.


"Meet me for lunch, Chief," Jim said as he rubbed his cheek against Blair's.


"Lunch? I can do that," Blair replied breathlessly.


Blair reached out with one hand to caress Jim through his pants, feeling the

growing arousal that hid out of sight behind the zipper. "I've got a better

idea, Jim."


This time it was Jim's turn to groan as he restrained himself from thrusting

into Blair's hand. A hand that was so warm, he didn't need Sentinel touch to

know that Blair was every bit as aroused as he was. "Idea?"


"Meet me here and we can make love."


"You want me to skip lunch?" Jim asked incredulously, knowing his penchant

for junk food was well-known.


Blair's eyes narrowed on Jim's face and he beckoned with one finger crooked

in Jim's direction. When Jim was close enough, Blair cupped his hands over

Jim's ear and whispered, "If you fuck me at lunchtime, I'll drive you to

Wonderburger myself."


Jim pulled back, his blue eyes all wide-eyed and innocent. "Are you offering

me a bribe, Chief?"


"Absolutely. Is it working?"


Jim smiled serenely.




By the time that Blair finished enlightening more than one hundred

entry-level Anthro majors about the wonders of his field of study, he was

exhausted. He pinched the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses further

up, where they belonged. Suppressing the urge to yawn expansively, Blair

gathered up his lecture notes, stuffed them into his ubiquitous backpack and

headed towards the overgrown closet that passed for his office.


The phone was ringing just as he fitted the key into the lock. Afraid that

he might be missing a call from Jim, Blair hurriedly dropped his backpack

onto the floor near the door and ran. Picking up the receiver, Blair panted,



"Hi, Chief. How did class go?"


A beatific smile transformed the anthropologist's face. "Fine." Pause. "I

miss you, Jim."


"Same here." Blair sighed, realizing that Jim was undoubtedly in the middle

of the bullpen, surrounded by fellow cops, making it difficult, if not

downright impossible, to speak freely.


"We still on for...lunch?" Blair paused significantly.


"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Chief."




"Bye, Chief."


"Bye, Jim. Love you," he added before the older man hung up, knowing that he

couldn't reply or even acknowledge what he said.


But saying the words, even just to himself, made him feel warm inside. He

was *loved*. He was very *much* loved.




Blair was ankle-deep in his own paperwork when the phone rang again.

Thinking it must be Jim, Blair picked it up without a qualm. "Jim?"


A low, dark laugh broke the silence on the other end of the phone.


Blair felt a shiver skitter up and down his spine. Must be kids. Playing a



"Hello? Hello?"


When no one answered, Blair abruptly hung up the phone, trying to quell his

racing thoughts. There was nothing to be afraid of. It was a crank call.

That's all.




By the time that Blair entered the bullpen at Major Crimes, he had forgotten

the phone call. Every cell in his body was clamoring for release at the

hands of his lover. He meant to see that they got exactly what they wanted.

As soon as possible.


The moment he saw Jim, Blair broke into a big smile. Much to his surprise,

Jim scowled.


His brows knitting together into a huge frown, Blair wondered what was

wrong. "Hey, Jim."




Ouch. *That* was part of what was wrong. He understood that Jim wasn't ready

to come out to his fellow cops at MC, but...*Sandburg*? Come on, that was

one giant step forward, but at least three giant steps back.




Jim glanced around the bullpen, as if trying to assess who was watching, who

was listening, who was even paying attention to them. No curious looks. No

overt signs of eavesdropping. Nevertheless, it was a skittish Jim Ellison

who grabbed Blair by the arm and pulled him behind him until they reached

the break room.


"Sandburg," Jim hissed, "do you *have to* look so fucking happy to see me?"


Blair shrugged. "I'm always happy to see you, Jim."


"You're deliberately misunderstanding what I'm saying here. You'll make

people suspicious if you keep looking at me like you want to eat me with a



Blair kept what he really wanted to say off his face, knowing it would

probably not be well-received. "What's going to make people suspicious is

one thing, Jim. You're having second thoughts about *us*, aren't you?"




Jim ached to touch Blair, but it was way too dangerous. His hands clenched

and unclenched at the air. "We just need to be discreet."




Jim stacked the last of his paperwork in his "out" tray. Simon promised Jim

that if he forewent lunch and worked straight through, he would give him the

rest of the day off. To Jim, that sounded like a much better deal than

rushing home to have a quickie. How unsatisfying that sounded in comparison

to having enough time to wine and dine Blair. If Simon only knew.


Unbeknownst to Jim, however, Blair was doing a slow burn. He changed his

whole schedule around, just to be with Jim, and Jim, the big lug that he was

sometimes, took it for granted.


"Are you done *now*, Jim? Blair asked, his stomach rumbling audibly.


"Almost, Sandburg. Be with you in a minute," Jim said absently, not even

realizing that he'd been avoiding Blair for as many hours as he'd been there

and now, *now*, he was treating him like a fucking visitor.


"Be with you in a minute? Fuck you, Jim!" Blair blurted out, forgetting his

backpack in his rush to leave.


Heads turned. Those same heads stared at Jim. But not to commiserate. They

were accusing. Silently. What the fuck did you do to the kid, Jim? Jim

winced. He could just hear them.


Simon's bellow interrupted his reverie. "Ellison! My office! Now!"




"Sit down, Detective."


Ohhh, it was going to be one of *those* kinds of lectures. Jim gritted his

teeth. "I'd rather stand, sir."


"And I said, sit down! What part of that did you not understand?"


Jim reluctantly sat. On the edge of his chair. He turned up his hearing, and

he could tell that Blair was still in the building. Somewhere nearby.

Probably the men's room. His heartbeat was way too fast. The same with his

respirations. But he wasn't in any kind of danger. Just emotional distress.


Just? Jim grimaced inwardly. He was on the verge of fucking up again, and

every sense he had told him to find Blair and make things right. As soon as



"What's *wrong* with you?"


"Excuse me, sir?"


"Oh, knock it off, Jim. This is me and you. What did the kid do? Piss you

off by making you eat tofu or something?"


"With all due respect, sir, it's personal. And I happen to *like* tofu," Jim

added, the lie coming surprisingly easy to his lips.


Simon wasn't letting go of the topic. He sensed a mystery here, and he

wanted it solved. But his badgering and his seemingly endless questions

enraged Jim. To the point of losing control.


Blaming Blair for this, especially in absentia, seemed like a cowardly, even

unworthy thing to do. But Jim was not ready to let his personal life become

fodder for the gossip mill at the PD. Blaming Blair hardly seemed to make a

ripple in the undercurrents of all that rage at all.


Storming out of Simon's office, Jim strode into the bullpen, his blue eyes

searching, searching...found you! To everyone else, Blair looked like

someone had been running his poor ass ragged all day. To Jim, he was both

the source of his pain and the remedy.


Not caring that the bullpen was filled with fellow officers, some of them

close friends, who were still finishing up the day's work, Jim purposefully

seized Blair in a vise-like grip, backing him up against the edge of his



Jim was so intensely focused on Blair, he didn't register Simon coming up

behind him. Or the anxious glances that his friends sent in Blair's

direction. "Simon thinks I'm *avoiding* you, Sandburg! *He* thinks I should

be *nicer* to you!"


"Well, how's this for *nice*, Sandburg?" Jim ground out, right before he

kissed Blair senseless. In front of Simon. And Megan. Not to mention Rafe,

Brown, Taggert....


Blair barely had time to squeak, "Jimmm!!!"


When Jim finally wrenched his mouth away from Blair's, he was breathless.

The rest of the MC squad was speechless. And about equally divided between

applauding and cheering.


"There! Is that better?"


Simon smiled. "Much."


Jim stared at his superior, his mouth dropping open. "It is?"


"Shit, Jim, you always were an overachiever. All I wanted was for you to be

*nice* to the kid, not *eat* him like he was dinner. What *will* people



Blair hid a smile, but he couldn't prevent a chuckle from escaping. Jim

cuffed him. Gently.


"We'll think what we always thought, sir," chimed in Taggert. "Some things

are just meant to be together. Like hot dogs and sauerkraut."


"Now *there's* a charming image. Thanks."


Megan grinned. "Sweet and sour."


"Milk and cookies," said Rafe.


Brown offered his own unique contribution, "Sprouts and pita bread," and

everyone groaned in unison.


Simon allowed himself one more smile before issuing a terse, "Back to work,

people." He leaned close to Jim and said, "Why don't you two take the rest

of the day off, like I promised?"


Jim gave him a weary smile in return. "You're a prince, sir."


As Simon walked away, Jim picked up Blair's backpack and fitted it onto his

Guide's shoulders. "Let's go home, Chief."


And as the couple left the bullpen, Taggert laughed to himself. He could

swear that Blair's last words to Jim were, "Oh, you are *so* busted, man.

Just wait till I get you where I want you."


Jim's reply was inaudible.


Part 3