Mercury In Retrograde


By Silk


Part 3


"Jimjimjimjimjim," Blair managed to say as Jim pushed him to the back of the elevator.


Jim waited until there was no one but him and Blair in the elevator, his face impassive, not a trace of the longing that so evidently drove him. He reached out one hand to hit the emergency stop button. "We've got about thirty seconds before that fucking phone rings and someone thinks they're doing us a favor to get us out of here."


"Jim?" Blair yelped as Sentinel teeth grazed his neck. Then his eyes fluttered shut as Jim's mouth found his. "Jimmm..." he sighed.


His knee insinuated itself between Blair's legs, finding just the right spot for maximum pleasure in minimum time. Blair's mouth fell open in surprise, a fact that Jim took full advantage of moments later. "I know you can't tell, Blair, from the way I've been acting, but I've been waiting to kiss you all fucking day."


Blair huffed gently, his breath warming Jim's face. "What was that in there, playing hard to get?"


Jim buried his face against Blair's hair, nosing the gold hoop earring aside. "Don't be mad, Chief. I'm trying."


"I know, Jim. I'm sorry loving me is so hard for you."


Jim pulled away from Blair with a sharp tug. "Oh, no, Chief, loving you is the easiest thing in the world. Making our lives work is what's hard."


"Told you we should have called in and stayed in bed all day," Blair quipped.


"Now what would that solve?"


"Nothing. Didn't say it would solve a goddamned thing. But it would have been so wonderful."


Jim lifted Blair's hair off his neck and pressed his lips tenderly there. "We'll have other days, Chief."


"Yeah. But you owe me, man. You owe me bigtime. You've got major sucking up to do."


Suddenly a voice came over the intercom, startling both of them. "Hello in there! Is everyone all right?"


Jim gazed intently into his lover's incredibly blue eyes. "We'll be just fine," he said softly.




Blair smiled to himself. It looked like Jim was going to blow a shock absorber, taking the truck over some of the dicier roads at such high speed, but he was a make up with Blair.


Their ride up in the elevator to the loft was, strangely enough, uneventful. That was good because Blair already felt overstimulated. He imagined that this must be what Jim felt like when his senses were wide open.


When they got to the loft door, Jim placed the key in the lock and a hand in the small of Blair's back, giving him a gentle push over the threshold. Blair turned to face Jim, his eyes drifting over the hardened length of Jim's body. "Do you realize that we still haven't eaten a thing, Jim?"


"Food is highly overrated, Chief."


"You don't bite, do you? I wouldn't want you to like mistake me for a tasty egg roll or something. That could end tragically."


"Chief, the only reason you're still standing up and not bent over the couch with your pants down around your ankles is because"


"Wow. I'm impressed, man."


"You are so fucking easy, Chief." For all of the banter and sexual innuendo, Jim wanted Blair to know just how deeply he loved him. He had a feeling that Blair, in some ways, might be just as difficult to convince, as he was.


Jim slid both hands down Blair's back, a bit startled to discover that Blair wore no underwear. "So that's how you got ready so quickly this morning!"


"I'm starving, Jim. This is so not fair. You treat all your other dates to fancy food at classy restaurants. What do I get?"


"In the first place, Chief, we're not dating. I know this because you and I do not go out. In the second place, we don't have to go out because we have everything we need right here. At home." Jim wrapped his arms around Blair's waist, pulling him closer. "And in the third place, if you need any other good reasons, I never loved any of them."


"Not any, Jim?"


"Not any, Chief. You've been in my heart for longer than you know."


Blair smiled. He was very much the sun that came out from behind Jim's clouds.


Part 4