Mercury In Retrograde


By Silk


Part 4


Jim licked the last of the hot sauce from Blair's mouth. "Mmm...I always liked Chinese food."


"Fried chicken wings with hot sauce doesn't exactly qualify as Chinese food, Jim. Besides...I thought you couldn't eat anything that spicy," Blair added with a suspicious gleam in his vibrant blue eyes.


Jim stared at the man sitting directly across the table from him. "No, no, no, you have me confused with some other Jim Ellison. You're spicier than hot sauce, Chief, and...", he lowered his voice to a whisper, "I eat you."


Blair almost swallowed a mouthful of chicken with broccoli without chewing. "Jim! We're in a public place!"


Jim smiled, that cat-got-the-canary-right-where-he-wants-him smile that made Blair's cock sit up and take notice. "Who would have thought a man my age could get it up as many times as I did today? Not me. You're an insatiable beast, Chief, and you're ruining my reputation for being a hard-assed son of a bitch."


"Nuh uh, man. I'm as much a beast as an innocent little wolf cub who hasn't started teething yet, and as for your've still got an impressively hard ass. I've got the pics to prove it, man."


"Blackmail, eh, Chief?"


"Blackmail is such an ugly word, Jim. Let's call it...incentive."


"To do what?"


"To do me."


Jim toed his shoe off and slid his socked foot up the inside of Blair's leg. "Umm...what are you doing, man?" Blair asked in a quavery voice.


"Resting," Jim said in a tone of voice that bespoke total innocence. In truth, his foot was the part that was resting...on Blair's lap. Or maybe that should have been in Blair's lap.


"You wouldn't use that thing against me, would you, Jim?"


"Not even if you begged."




By the time they arrived back at the loft, they were well-sated. Well, for food. Blair  felt like Jim was treating sex like an undiscovered country, one he wanted to explore further, one he hoped to visit often. That was okay with Blair, as long as Blair was the only one that Jim let stamp his visa.


"Let's go to bed, Jim," Blair cajoled.


"It's 6 pm, Chief."


"I didn't say I wanted to sleep." Blair grasped one of Jim's long, well-shaped fingers and sucked it into his full sensual mouth. Jim gasped as sensation arrowed straight down to his groin.


"Jesus, Chief. I think keeping up with you is going to kill me."


Blair's smoky blue eyes grew hot as he released Jim's finger, all wet and glistening with his saliva, his tongue flicking out to give it one final lick. "But what a way to go."




Slowly they stripped the clothes from each other's bodies. Blair chuckled as Jim bypassed hanging up each item, neglecting his usual smoothing of every minute fold and crease. No wonder he rarely needed to iron anything. His clothes wouldn't dare get wrinkled.


"You are in a hurry, big guy, aren't you?"


Jim blushed. Sometimes he felt so shy around Blair. This part of their relationship was still so new, and he was so afraid of fucking things up in some irrevocable way. But Blair charged in fearlessly, like some sort of psychic cheerleader, keeping Jim's spirit from flagging.


"Kiss me," he whispered, and Blair obliged, standing on tiptoe to reach Jim's brow. His lips touched him there, ever so gently, before moving down to caress his cheeks, his hairline, his neck.


"Kiss me, please."


"Ssh, patience, I'm loving you," Blair whispered back.


You certainly are, Chief. You certainly are.




They had already gone through their relatively limited repertoire of sexual expression. Jim lay on his back, contemplating the next step. It might take Jim a long time to come to a decision of this type, but once his mind was set, he had no qualms about pursuing it to its logical conclusion.


Blair was on his side, facing Jim, his hands ceaselessly stroking the older man's skin. "What are you thinking?"


"That for two previously straight men, we seem to be dealing with all this pretty well, Chief."


Blair nodded, nuzzling Jim's chest with his cheek. "And?"


"Well, don't freak out or anything, but there's something I really want you to try."


Blair's eyebrows rose to the level of his forehead. "Like?"


"You let me fuck you, Chief-"


Before Jim could continue, Blair interrupted with a heartfelt sigh. "I loved being part of you like that. It was we were one person. Connected."


"We are connected, Blair. Heart to heart." Jim pulled the younger man into a tight hug, kissing him fervently.


"That's why I want you to fuck me."


Dead silence.


Jim didn't know if Blair was so thoroughly repulsed by the idea that he couldn't speak or if it was something else....


Suddenly he became aware that Blair was crying. Silent tears that trickled slowly down his cheeks and onto Jim's still-heated flesh. "Chief? Blair? What is it? We don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You know that. I-"


Blair splayed his hands across the broad expanse of Jim's chest, pushing him down into the mattress. "I love you so fucking much, Jim. I just can't believe that you would let me...."


Jim buried his face in that hair, that dark silken cloud of hair, whimpering at the need that suddenly clawed at his insides. "Want you so bad. Please...."


Blair stretched Jim's arms to their outermost limits, kissing the inside of each wrist when he was done. "You claimed me. Now I'm going to make you mine."


"Oh, yes. Make me yours, Chief," Jim intoned huskily, moments before Blair's mouth possessed his.


Blair settled himself comfortably atop his Sentinel, gradually kissing his way down the length of his lover's body. Slicking his finger with lubricant, he pressed between Jim's legs, seeking, seeking...ah, there it was, the tight opening to his virgin channel.


Gently working his finger inside, he could hear Jim's initial sounds of discomfort. "Relax,'s only me, and I want to come inside...."


Jim seemed to hold his breath for a long moment, then all at once, he gave in. Blair fit a second finger into that snug space, twisting his fingers to widen the area. Sticking his tongue out between love-bitten lips, Blair licked tentatively at Jim's balls, wondering if that would be enough to make his body yield the rest of the way.


It was. It took Jim by surprise, and with a groan that indicated things were starting to get interesting, he acceded to Blair's request for entrance. Blair rolled the condom over his throbbing erection with shaking hands, taking a moment to make sure that it was well-lubricated.


Lining up his cock carefully, Blair took a deep breath and held it, murmuring to himself, Think good thoughts, only good thoughts. Jim almost laughed, and his good humor loosened the passage even further. With a soft cry, Blair slid inside Jim, reveling in the feel of him around him.


"Oh, God."


Jim's cry stopped Blair from moving any further. "Are you okay, Jim? I can st-"


"Don't you dare stop, Chief. Don't you fucking stop."


Soon enough they established a rhythm, Blair managing to find and hit Jim's prostate, quite by accident. But once he did, he memorized where it was, diving right at it, again and again.


Blair's slippery fingers stroked Jim's cock, feeling the wetness at the tip grow. "Unh...going to"


"Fuck yeah!" Blair agreed, thrusting harder and deeper into Jim's willing body.


Jim spilled himself all over Blair, hitting as high as his nipples and as low as the wiry curls at his groin. Jim's inner muscles clenched and spasmed around Blair's cock, sending him over the precipice with his lover.


Blair gave one final thrust and collapsed atop Jim, his dark curls wet with sweat. After he disposed of the condom, Blair sank back into Jim's waiting arms, his cheek about even with Jim's left nipple. His fingers idly rubbing at the other nipple, Blair muttered, "Mine," so low only Sentinel ears could hear it.


Jim kissed Blair's forehead tenderly. "Yours, Chief."


As they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, a phone rang in the distance. Let the machine pick it up, Jim thought. Nothing's going to disturb us now.


Part 5