Title: Snap, Crackle, Sizzle

Author/Pseudonym: Silk

E-mail: silkn1@worldnet.att.net

Rating: NC-17

Fandom: La Femme Nikita

Pairing: Jason Crawford/Mick Schtoppel (aka Mr. Jones)

Date: 10/00

Disclaimers: All things LFN are owned by WB, USA, Fireworks, and LFN
Productions. Not me, sad to say. No money being made here. Ditto.

Category: PWP, with a little humor and an even tinier bit of a plot.

Warnings: m/m sex, angst

Notes: No spoilers per se. Just refers to two characters who belong to the
latter portion of Season 4 LFN. This is for Tinn and Gail, who are too, too
good to me. This is the sequel to Can't Get Enough of Those Sugar Crisps.





Snap, Crackle, Sizzle


By Silk



There's something humbling about a man down on all fours. Something hot, too. Jason sighed happily as he contemplated what would be the realization of a dream. For nigh on to six months, he and the head of Center, Mr. Jones, had been having a torrid love affair. One would have thought they would have burned each other to a crisp by now. But no...


He even liked the sound of his voice. And the way that he spoke had its own frenetic rhythm, kinda like Eliza Dolittle on steroids. "Did you turn on my Sarah MacLachlan CD, Jase? You know how important the right background music is."


That made Jason laugh, albeit quietly. He didn't want to hurt Mick's feelings. For all of his bravado, he was really a sensitive guy. As deep as a pan pizza, maybe. But he tried.


"We don't have time to take it slow, Sugar Bear. If we turn on the stereo, we might as well stay home because you always want to listen to every song." Now how weird was that? He, the young and the studly heir apparent to Center, wanted to get the hell out of Dodge, while Mick, the older and wiser He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, liked to linger. Over romantic ballads. Over lyrics that fucking meant something.


Sometimes that scared Jason.


He had a feeling that however claustrophobic living in Section One might be, falling in love with its head jailer might be worse. Oh, this wasn't a prison. He was free to come and go as he pleased. But his chief job outside of Center was to meet Mick's needs. Any hour of the night or day. Some men, no matter what the state of their hormones or libido, might find that daunting. But not Jason.


He *liked* his job. Only problem was, he'd fallen in love with the boss. Granted, Mick doted on him. Calling him Honey Bear. Buying him expensive gifts. But none of that mattered as much as knowing that Mick *trusted* him. Enough to let him fuck him.


Okay, it wasn't an undying declaration of love. A faint smile tugged at the corner of Jason's sensual mouth. But it would have to do. For now.


They had no use for toys. Silken ties, handcuffs, cock rings, and the like. Jason's youthful energy was enough for Mick, and he had it in abundance. As for Mick, he found Jason a willing pupil, and he gladly showed him what experience had taught him over the years.


"Are you ready, sweetness? Papa Bear's getting a mite restless." As if for emphasis, Mick waggled his bare ass back and forth.


Shucking his jeans off, Jason stood there a bit unsteadily. This was fucking important. Mick was trusting him to do this right. What if he screwed up? Oh, come on, his alter ego chided him, what's to fuck up? Part A goes into Slot B. It doesn't fit anywhere else. Well, below the waist anyway.


But what if I can't get it up? As if to reassure him, his cock sprang to attention as if it was attached to a rubber band. Boinnnggg! Not a problem, babe. Everything's still attached in the right places. Just don't try to operate any heavy machinery with it, and you'll be fine. Oh, sure, like pushing his ass halfway through the wall doesn't qualify?


Jason heard Mick snort, and he grabbed the lube. This was no time to be caught daydreaming. Mick wouldn't understand. He slipped a well-lubricated finger into the cleft between Mick's buttocks, and the answering sigh almost made him come. Without even touching himself. Oh, shit, he had it bad.


Gently massaging and stretching the snug channel with two fingers now, Jason applied himself to the task of preparing his lover. Unable to resist touching that still-firm ass, Jason lowered his head to the opening that even now grew wider under his patient ministrations.


Temporarily removing his fingers from inside his lover, Jason spread Mick's cheeks wider, his tongue dabbing daintily at the darkened skin surrounding the opening. Flicking a light stroke across Mick's balls, he felt his cock jump in response. Down, boy. Should never have taught that puppy to beg.


He wet his tongue and slid it along the crack of Mick's ass. The way Mick's body jerked under his hands let him know that he was in the right place. He worshipped the cleft, swirling his tongue inside, only to pull out a moment later. "Unhhhh..." groaned the older man. "You're going to torture me to death with that tongue of yours, baby. I thought you wanted to fuck me."


"I do," Jason said unhesitatingly. "I will."


When he felt Mick's cheeks begin to quiver and tremble with the beginnings of what promised to be an earth-shattering climax, Jason cloaked his cock in a condom quickly. With a handful of lube, he stroked himself to complete readiness, though it was hardly necessary. He was going to go off the moment he got inside.


Sliding inside his mentor slowly took discipline, and it was almost Jason's undoing. All those hormones might make Jason a happy boy, but they were clamoring for release, and they wanted it *now*.


Fingernails digging into Mick's back, Jason pushed himself as deep as he could go. God, it felt good. He didn't dare think about it. He didn't dare-Oh! He was coming! His entry triggered off Mick's climax, and the clenching and unclenching of all those delighted muscles milked Jason's cock dry.


Slumped over his lover's back, Jason should have cringed at the sight of all those red marks where his fingernails had nearly torn through the skin. But he didn't. He lay his head down on Mick's back and felt his cock soften inside the man he loved. "Love you," he murmured.


Mick stiffened beneath him, and that sudden increase in body tension was what alerted Jason that something was wrong. Dumping the younger man unceremoniously off his back, Mick fairly scowled at Jason. "What the fuck did you say?"




Mick's usually tranquil brown gaze was now roiling with some unidentified emotion. Not anger. But something equally powerful. Equally dangerous.


"Go ahead, boy. Spit it out. Have the courage of your convictions."


Jason paled. Okay, this might be the end of life as he knew it. But he couldn't deny his feelings any longer. At least he would die because he believed in *something*.


"I love you."


Mick broke into a radiant smile that could have fueled the sun for a couple of million years. "Yeah?"


Jason shivered with the realization of how close to death he'd been, and probably still was. "Yeah."


Mick kissed the tear that hung in a fat drop on the end of Jason's eyelashes. Burying his face against Jason's neck, Mick whispered, "I love you, too."


At Jason's sharp intake of breath, Mick quickly added, "And if you ever use it against me, you'll break my fucking heart."


Jason smiled.

