That Sunday, That Summer


By Tinnean


Part 2


It was Sunday. The antique shop should have been closed.


Mr. Claudius, nee Cohen, was fidgeting behind the counter while I examined a new specimen of mercury glass. It had been on display in his window when I had sauntered past on my usual constitutional. I had called him and ordered him to come down and open his shop immediately for me.


He had complied, but I could see his reluctance, especially when he realized what had caught my attention.


“Lovely! Positively lovely!”


“It’s not for sale, Mr. Lydecker.”


I had been caressing the smooth, cool lines of the bowl with sensitive fingertips, almost orgasmic at the thought of owning such a fine piece. My gaze shot up to pierce him like a dagger.


“What do you mean, it’s not for sale? You had it in your window!”


His face was becoming a rather sickly green. “It was a commission I undertook for someone else, Mr. Lydecker. Another customer. I took money for it. I can’t sell it to you!” His tone was becoming desperate.


“Nonsense! I’ll give you twice what you paid for it!” Carefully I set it back down on its pedestal and picked up my Irish hardwood engraved walking stick, a pretty affectation, but I was never without it. I reached into the breast pocket of my topcoat for my billfold.


The bell over his door jingled, and Mr. Claudius jumped. “I’m closed!” he snapped tensely.


The man who entered stepped casually out of the shadows. The light of the dim bulb that swung fitfully above the ancient cash register illuminated the contained features of Mark McPherson.


My breath caught painfully in my chest and I felt myself grow hard.


“Lieutenant McPherson!” The antique dealer visibly relaxed.


“You know Mr. McPherson?” I queried irritably. I wanted those pale eyes looking at me. Only at me!


“The Lieutenant got me out of a jam one time. What can I do for you, Lieutenant?”


The two men settled into a friendly conversation, and I began to seethe. I turned sharply, and my walking stick connected with the mercury glass bowl. It fell off its pedestal and the sound it made when it came into contact with the floor was like chimes mourning the passing of something living.


Claudius whirled around. His cry of dismay pleased me, although I took pains to conceal my glee. “Oh dear. So sorry. I had no idea it was so close.”


Claudius was actually pale, wringing his hands as if a member of his own family had been killed. I swallowed my smile and smoothly extended a handful of bills. “This should cover the damage. Next time, perhaps, you’ll contact me first!”


I turned to find McPherson watching me with cold eyes, and a shiver of lust burrowed deep inside me. I wanted those eyes warm with appreciation as he took me, buried himself in me.


My eyebrow rose, and I stared down my nose at him. “You wanted something of me, McPherson?” The tone I used had been known to make maitre d’s quake with trepidation.


The police lieutenant merely cocked his own eyebrow at me and gestured toward the door. Behind us, Claudius was bemoaning the lovely piece of glass as he swept up the broken shards. I dismissed him out of hand.


When McPherson spoke, his breath was warm on the back of my neck. I hadn’t realized how close he was to me. More than anything I wanted to lean back into him, letting him bear my weight. And then his hand on my back was urging me out of the antique shop.


“I need you to answer some questions.”


“Am I a suspect?” I asked sharply.


Oh, he was smooth! “Not at all,” he responded as he ushered me into an unmarked car. “Miss Hunt’s apartment,” he instructed the driver.


I felt a frisson of unease. “Why are we going there? Don’t you want to take me down to headquarters?”


He leaned back against the seat and pulled out his pipe. Helplessly, I watched as his long fingers competently handled the bag of tobacco. The rich, fruity scent flooded the back seat of the car. I moistened my lips. He filled the bowl with the tobacco and pressed it down, then lit it.


Again I was drawn to his mouth, those chiseled lips, and I wondered with a kind of desperation what they would feel like ravaging my own, engulfing my…cock.


“Actually, I’m meeting Laura Hunt’s fiancé and her aunt, Mrs. Treadwell there.”


With difficulty I recalled that he was taking me to Laura’s apartment. “Why do you need me there?”


His mouth twisted in a sardonic grin




Laura Hunt’s home was in the exclusive area of town. In the six years since she had come to New York from the Midwest, she had done very well indeed.


Due in large part to my friendship with her.


Traffic was scarce that August Sunday. People were either summering on Long Island to escape the sweltering heat, or were glued to their radios listening to the baseball game. Still, it took a good twenty minutes to get to Laura’s apartment from Claudius’ antique shop.


I tried to make conversation with the detective next to me, but he was silent, his eyes fastened on the little child’s game he held between his strong hands. Tilting it first one way and then the other in order to get the little steel balls into the holes, he ignored me completely.


I couldn’t tear my eyes away from those long-fingered hands. There was a sprinkling of fine hairs on the back of his hands and the nails were blunt and neatly kept. More than anything, I wanted those hands on me, those nails gently scoring the flesh of my buttocks as he pulled me close to his own arousal.


The car drew to a halt. “We’re here!”


I stared stupidly at the brownstone where Laura had lived.


“Coming, Waldo?”


No, but that was something I would truly like to enjoy. With him.


I followed him up the shallow steps and into the vestibule of Laura Hunt’s apartment.


Shelby Carpenter, Laura’s fiancé and her Aunt Susan were already there when we finally got to Laura’s door. Shelby flung it open, exuding Southern charm, playing the bereaved fiancé to the hilt. I sneered at him as I tossed my walking stick aside and went to pour myself a drink.


“What are you doing here, Carpenter?” I demanded as I took a healthy sip of my highball.


“The lieutenant asked Susan to meet him here. Since I was with her at the time, I volunteered to accompany her.”


“You were with her? How long had you been with her, Shelby? All night perhaps? How would Laura have felt about the fact that the man she no longer intended to marry was keeping company with her aunt?”


“Shelby has always been very good to me!” Mrs. Treadwell hastened to intervene. “He’s been the soul of kindness during this trying time!”

“Of course!” I said dryly.


“See here, Lydecker, what do you mean to insinuate when you say Laura no longer wanted to marry me?”


 “Simply this, you cheap gigolo! Laura had come to her senses. She told me Friday, when she broke our dinner date, that she had decided to call off the wedding!”


Shelby lunged for me, and McPherson casually stepped between us, tossing the big Southerner back toward the couch with negligent ease. Oh, I wished the others were not there! I wanted to melt in his powerful embrace, taking his mouth hungrily!


Just through that door there was Laura’s bedroom, frilly and feminine, and McPherson’s masculinity would contrast pleasingly with it. I wondered how many nights he spent in this apartment, trying to decipher the mystery that was Laura Hunt. If I walked past her house, as I so often did since her death, it I climbed up those flights of steps to this apartment, and crossed to her bedroom, would I find him sleeping, exhausted, in her bed?


//Standing in the doorway, I observed the strong, sleek lines of his back, naked to my avid stare. The sheets were bunched at his waist, but I could see the outline of his body beneath the delicate pastel material. My fingers itched to trace the muscles.


His knee flexed, and the sheet fell away, revealing the scars that marred the smooth beauty of his thigh and calf. I reached out and stroked his leg. With a soft sigh, he turned onto his back, and the sheet might as well not have been there. His erection was tenting the material to an alarming extent. Could I accept something that large inside me?


It was all I dreamed of, since meeting the detective.


I pulled the sheet away and gasped at his masculine beauty, then leaned over and hesitantly touched my tongue to the moisture seeping from the tip of his arousal. Liking the taste, I began lapping at it, setting it to quivering. And then I slid my lips over him, loosening my throat and taking as much of him as I could.


I tilted my head back and saw that he was awake now, watching me with slumberous desire. His hands tangled in my hair and showed me the rhythm that pleasured him most.


I knew that eventually he must ejaculate…must come. Could I swallow that?


Could I not?


He was thrusting harder and harder into my mouth. I was quaking with unfamiliar passion. I needed to have him touch me. I needed this more than anything I had ever needed.


And then…//


Shelby must have been sniping at the detective. “Methinks yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look!”


I resented the fop using my label on the man with whom I was enamored. “If Lieutenant McPherson is Cassius, then who are you Shelby? Envious Casca?”


Carpenter’s refined features tightened in anger. I loved these little battles of wits with him; he always came to them unarmed!


“Perhaps I am Casca,” he snarled. “But I see you as Caesar!”


I knew better than to preen, I had cut too deeply his amore proper. “Oh?”


He continued, paraphrasing Robert Graves this time, “No woman’s husband, every man’s wife!”


I blanched and recoiled.


Part 3