Title: Sweet Dreams

Author/Pseudonym: Tinnean

Fandom: Love and Human Remains

Pairing: David/Kane

Rating: NC-17


Date:  3/00

Status: New/Complete

 E-mail address for feedback: Tinneantoo@aol.com

Series/sequel: yes, sequel to Poor Little Rich Boy

Disclaimers: David & Kane, Candy, Benita and Bernie belong to Brad
Fraser, but some minor characters are mine: Guy, Mike, Angelina, Nino
and the *very* minor Harold

Notes: I liked this movie so much I couldn't bear to say goodbye.

Summary: David and Kane plan to live together, but as with all brand
new relationships, there are issues that will need to be ironed out.

Warning: m/m graphic sex, language, AU


Sweet Dreams

by Tinnean


Part 1


David was having the most amazing dream. Eager fingers were tackling
his belt and zipper. His trousers were eased over his hips, and with
his briefs, dragged down his legs. Warm lips scattered kisses like
soft summer rain on the skin of his lower abdomen.

A groan escaped him and he reached with restless hands to find the
mouth that tantalized him by approaching the fount of his desire and
then darting away again, leaving him unfulfilled.

A feather-light sensation teased his skin, and his fingers wrapped in
the hair that spilled onto his thighs, pulling that taunting mouth to
his hard, yearning flesh. Willing lips engulfed his quivering arousal,
teeth lightly scoring his erection, which became harder with each lick
and suck and nip of that wicked mouth. For an endless time he hung
suspended on the razor's edge of passion. Then he felt himself
starting the long tumble down.

"Kane!" he cried out.

The mouth drew back from his trembling body and he moaned in distress.

A voice asked softly, "Are you thinking of me?"

"Yes! Kane!"

"Then come, David! Come for me! Let me swallow your passion!"

And the mouth returned to its ministrations, driving his need to
maddening heights.

All at once David felt an inquisitive finger seeking entrance to his
body, pushing at the opening, exploring his heat, and he erupted in a
frenzy of completion. Lips and teeth and tongue continued pleasuring
him long after his flesh had relaxed to quiescence, and his breath
ceased shuddering in and out.

Lazily opening his eyes, he watched as Kane kissed his way up his
body, winding his arms around his neck and nestling his head against
David's chest.

David encircled his young lover, cuddling him close. "Is this how you
plan to wake me up everyday?" he asked.

Kane leaned back and met David's eyes, bright with laughter, then
deliberately licked his lips. "I love you so much, David. Whatever you
want, take: I give myself to you willingly, all of me: my mouth, my
cock, my ass. Whatever you want," he repeated, "however you want to
use them!"

This sounded suspiciously like 'for as long as we both shall live' and
worried David. Kane was so much younger than he. What would he do if
Kane found someone he loved better?


Kane interrupted him with a fierce, hot kiss, licking and biting at
David's mouth. "No! I'm yours and will be forever! When you leave me,
I'll go on, but I'll never take another lover for the rest of my

David felt something relax within him. "'When'? What you mean, 'when,'
white boy? If you're mine, then I'm yours as well, and I'll *never*
let you leave me!"

He found Kane's lips and caressed them until they opened, then plunged
into his mouth, teasing his young lover's tongue with his own. Driving
Kane's own passion savagely, David's hand stroked down his body, and
began fondling his arousal, which had not been assuaged when he had
brought his lover such satisfaction.

"I want to fuck you, Kane!" he whispered hotly into his ear. "I want
to slide into you and watch your face as I take you as high as you can
go, and then take you higher still. I want to spill myself inside you!
Oh God! I'd make you pregnant if I could!"

All the while he had been talking, he had been preparing their bodies,
rolling a condom on himself and lubricating Kane's sweet opening.
Pushing Kane's legs back against his chest, he separated his buttocks
and positioned himself for entry. Kane was panting with excitement,
fine tremors rippling through his body.

"Fuck me, David! Fuck me hard and fast! I'm so empty and I need you to
fill me up!"

Sliding easily into his young lover's body, David angled himself to
give maximum contact to Kane's own rampant erection. Deep, intense
strokes let him pleasure Kane as fully as he desired. He fought his
incipient climax down, intent on bringing the younger man to such a
level of excitation that he would never consider taking another lover.

Kane's whimpers became moans. He tried to push himself harder against
the flesh intruding into his body, but David held him still for the
loving assault he inflicted on him. "Do you like how I ride you,
baby?" he whispered in his ear. "Do you like how I feel inside you?
Just think about me coming deep in that sweet ass of yours!"

David's mouth crushed Kane's, swallowing the cry that signaled his
lover's climax His own body was drawn into an explosion that left him
trembling and sweating in the younger man's embrace.

"I'll never leave you! *Never*!"

But never, they found, has a nasty habit of showing up when it was
least expected.


Part 2

David pressed soft, butterfly kisses to Kane's cheek and jaw as he
eased himself out of his lover's body, now relaxed in a boneless
sprawl. One last kiss, and he rolled over to remove the condom and set
himself and his young lover to rights.

Kane started out of the light doze he had fallen into when he heard
his lover swear.

"Shit and goddamn!"

"What is it, honey man?" he asked lazily, not even bothering to sit

"The goddamned condom! It fucking broke!" David was beside himself.
Although he had been promiscuous to a fault, he had done his best to
avoid sex acts that would put him at risk. He, as he had told his
roommate Candy, took it in the face. Not only was he secure with that
act, but he enjoyed it and was less likely to develop something nasty
from it.

Kane sat up abruptly, suddenly wide awake. "What?"

David felt awful. "I'm sorry, baby. The condom broke!"

"It broke?" his young lover repeated. A deep flush mounted his cheeks.
"You mean, you actually came inside me?"

"Oh, baby, I swear it won't happen again! Next time I'll use two
condoms. Or three! Just trust me to keep you safe!"

A low growl came from Kane's lips. He had grown impossibly hot and
hard in a matter of seconds. The thought of David pouring himself into
his body was so exciting, he felt as if another orgasm was imminent.
Kane hurled himself at a stunned David, covering his face with wild,
frenzied kisses.

Before David could catch his breath and act on his lover's rising
passion, a quiet knock sounded on the door. Scarcely giving them time
to duck beneath the comforter, Benita poked her head around the door.
"Are you decent, gentlemen?" Droll eyes watched as Kane huddled under
the covers. "Sorry to disturb you, but you have a phone call, David."
She left the door ajar but gave them the privacy to cover up if they

David scrambled into his trousers, not bothering with his briefs, and
hurried into the other room. Benita was looking worried.

"It's Candy," she whispered. "I would have tried to put her off, but
she sounded desperate."

David gave her a conflicted look. "I told her last night that I would
be moving out soon. She didn't take it too badly."

A wry smile twisted Benita's mouth. "Men never think women take things
too badly!" she remarked.

David looked distracted, then turned to pick up the phone. "What is it
Candy?" he asked shortly.

"David, there's a message on the machine for you. From Sal," she added

"Who?" he asked stupidly.

"You remember Sal, don't you?" she replied snidely. "Your last lover?"

David felt as if his insides had turned to water, and he sat down
heavily. "I remember," he said numbly. "What does he want?"

"I think you'd better come home and listen to this in person. And
David, don't bring Kane with you. I don't think you want him to hear

David's grip on the receiver left his knuckles white. Benita touched
his hand gently, then removed the phone and hung it up. She embraced
David, seeking to offer what comfort she could. Whatever his roommate
had to tell him, Benita knew it would not be good.

Kane stood in the doorway of Benita's spare bedroom, watching the two
friends. Although he still was not quite comfortable with the
dominatrix, he had no fear that she would try to take David away from
him. Unlike Candy, who had actually had a physical relationship with
his lover. And he had heard enough to know that Candy was somehow

"David," he said quietly, bringing to their attention that he was in
the room. "What's wrong?"

With an effort, David pulled himself together. "Nothing's wrong, baby.
Candy's having some problems with the super. I'll just run over there
and get him sorted out. He's always had a letch for her, and he's
putting the moves on her again." He was babbling; always keep your
lies simple.

Brushing past the younger man, he went back into the bedroom and
gathered up his clothes. "I'll just catch a quick shower and see what
I can do. I'll be back before you even know I'm gone." He disappeared
into the bathroom.

"'Before you're gone'?" Kane repeated. "You're not taking me with

"Uhhhh, no Kane, not this time. It might get ugly," he didn't want to
think how ugly it might get. Why in the world would Sal get in touch
with him now? They had broken up months ago.

Kane cast a concerned look at Benita, but she just shrugged. She
wasn't certain at this point what the problem was. But she knew that
if David proceeded to shut his lover out, as it seemed he was inclined
to do, he would have more trouble on his hands than whatever Candy was
waiting to tell him.

David came out of the bathroom, combing back his wet hair. "I'll be
back as soon as I can, baby." He tried to embrace him, but his lover
stepped sulkily out of his way. Raising his hand toward him
helplessly, David searched for words to reassure the younger man, but
could get nothing past the dryness in his mouth.

Placing a swift kiss at the corner of his mouth, David cast Benita a
worried glance and hurried out of her apartment.

Kane fisted his mouth, trying to stifle a sob. "I'm a bad person,
aren't I?" he demanded. "He needs me to be strong for him, but I let
him go to face that woman without even letting him know that I'll
still be here when he gets back!"

"Will you be here, Kane?" she asked quietly, knowing the answer, but
wanting him to voice it aloud.

"Yes, I'll be here!" he cried. "Where else would I be? He's mine and I
love him!"

Benita held him and rocked him as he sobbed out his despair in her

"Then we'll wait for his return together. Come on, " she lead him to
the breakfast nook. "You never did get anything to eat."

Wiping his nose, he gave her a rueful smile. "Ummmm, as a matter of


Part 3

David hurried to the apartment he shared with the woman who had once
been his lover. His emotions splintered, he could not seem to settle
on a single thought. Whenever he tried to consider why Sal would get
in touch with him after all this time, his thoughts would shy away,
bouncing back to the young man he had left at Benita's. The nagging
possibility that Kane might not be there when he got back had him
sweating in terror.

So he was not in the best of moods by the time he got home. Too
impatient to wait for the elevator, he bounded up the stairs, pausing
on the landing where Kane had made such sweet love to his mouth. Again
the very real likelihood that he had pushed away too hard when he
should have been holding on with both hands, haunted him.

Slamming the door shut behind him, he shouted, "Candy, get your ass
over here and tell me what the *fuck* was so important that you had to
track me down at Benita's?"

Candy came out of the kitchen, wrapped in the white terry cloth
bathrobe that was her comfort food, her blue blanket, her wooby. Her
face was ashen and she looked devastated. Her bare feet padded
noiselessly over the hardwood floor. For a long moment she stood
before David, searching his eyes. Then her arms went around him to
embrace him fiercely.

"David, don't be angry with me. It really is very serious. I didn't
call you to cause problems. Well, not consciously," she admitted.
Taking his hand, she led him to the answering machine and pressed the
play button.

Sal's voice filled the room. "I know you probably won't answer this
call...I've been having trouble with my sinuses...I have the virus."

David staggered back, desperately seeking a chair before he collapsed.
"I have the virus! I have the virus!" The phrase reverberated around
in his brain, shutting out the rest of Sal's message.

A green tinge colored his skin. "I've been exposed?"

Candy went to hold him again. "David, I'm so sorry!"

Turning eyes that were blind in their distress, he whispered, "I've
exposed Kane! Oh my God, I've as good as signed his death warrant!"

*CRACK* Candy's hand slapped him so hard his head rocked back.

"You stupid fool! You stupid, fucking bastard! Did you hear the rest
of what Sal said? It's just the virus, not the disease, not yet! And
what you two did was low-risk! You did not hurt Kane!"

David watched her with misery in his eyes as she stormed back and
forth in front of him.

"Do you understand what I'm telling you, David? I'd break you and Kane
up in a New York City minute, if I thought I could, but I won't allow
you to destroy the best thing that's happened to you in all the time
I've known you!"

"You don't understand," David said, his lips numb with shock. "The
condom I was using broke! I've placed someone I love in very real

"David, when was the last time you had sex the normal way?"

"Huh? You mean with you?"

"No, damn it! I mean with another guy!"

"You know I take...took it in the face."

"David, are you deliberately being difficult? Are you going to make me
spell it out for you?" She huffed in aggravation. "Okay, fine! When
was the last time you took it up the ass? There, I've said it! Are you
happy now?"

Reluctantly, David smiled. "Not in a long time, before the other
night. Not in almost ten years."

"All right, you've been going for regular check-ups, I know you don't
hate yourself enough not to. If you're that worried, get a blood test.
And make Kane get one too!"

"He doesn't need one, "David countered defensively. "He's never been
with a guy before."

"Yeah, that's what he told you," she couldn't resist cattily. "I'm
sorry, David, I'll try to be happy for you, but to see you actually
settling with someone else is killing me. What I meant was that this
way you'll know you're both clean, that you haven't passed anything on
to him.

"Now promise me you'll talk to Sal. And get the hell out of here! I
have to get dressed for work!"

Candy kissed his cheek softly and gave him a push toward the door. If
she couldn't have David, she would just have to find someone else.

That guy down at the deli, near work, perhaps? The one with the hot
eyes and lush mouth? The one who, if she was kissing him with her eyes
closed, could maybe pass for David?



Part 4

Kane was lifting a cup of coffee to his lips when David burst into
Benita's apartment. Tormented eyes met Kane's and the younger man
gripped the cup so tightly his fingers spasmed. This is not good, he
told himself.

Benita stood behind Kane, her hands on his shoulders. The colors of
David's aura had taken on a muddy shade, and she was deeply worried
about him.

David slumped into the chair next to Kane's and scrubbed his unshaven
face with hands that trembled. His mouth firmed, trying to keep a
stiff upper lip.

"It's Sal," he told them. "I used to....see him occasionally. He left
a message on my machine. He's been having sinus trouble lately, so he
saw a doctor." Against his will, his eyes welled up and a single tear
escaped to roll down his cheek.

Mesmerized, Kane followed its path and reached out a shaking finger to
catch it. His heart beat painfully in his chest, and he found it
almost impossible to breathe. "David?" he whispered.

"He's got the virus! I...I've got to go for the blood test. And Kane,
baby, I'm so sorry, you're going to need one too!"

Kane was out of his seat like a shot, kneeling at David's feet, his
arms strong around him. "We're going together, David! Don't you dare
give me any grief over this! You belong to me as much as I belong to
you, and I will not let you push me away!"

Convulsively, David hugged his young lover. "Benita warned me about
this! She said that someone I loved would be in danger because of me!"

Kane looked at Benita, accusation written in his glare, and Benita's
face flushed with anger. "You're twisting my words, David!" she
retorted. "I didn't say it was because of you, you hardheaded cynic!
The danger I saw, the danger I still see is not related to your
health, so don't you dare try to use it to back out of your
relationship with Kane!"

David shook his head. "I'm no good for him. I'm damaged! I wind up
hurting everyone I love! He'll be better off without me!"

"You bastard!" Kane spat. "You just don't want me anymore, admit it!
Do you think I don't know there's something wrong with me? My own
parents couldn't love me! I don't know what made me think you would!"
He leaned his head against David's chest and began to cry silently. "I
don't know why I thought you could," he repeated brokenly.

"I'd like to seriously hurt your parents, Kane. There is nothing wrong
with you. The problem is...was with them. They were given the
opportunity to love the sweetest kid in the world, and they blew it
They were so busy with their own meaningless pursuits that they didn't
realize the prize they had in their possession!"

Dawning wonder filled David at his own words. He, too, had been given
this gift. And apparently Kane loved him enough to stay with him
through the stress of testing for the deadly virus. Was he that much
of a self-destructive jerk that he would toss a love like that away?

He thought back to all the conversations he had had with Kane, and try
as he might, although he knew he had insinuated it, alluded to it,
danced around it, he could only remember telling the younger man that
he loved him once. And as much as Kane might want to believe it was
true, he was not foolish enough to accept words spoken after a
passionate interlude as anything but the usual mouthings of a
satisfied male, never meant to be taken at face value. David took a
deep breath and held it for a moment, preparing to take the plunge.

"Kane? Baby," he tipped his chin up and kissed his lover's lush mouth,
"I love you. Before God, and this woman, I love you. I've asked you
before, but this time I want you to answer me before a witness: Will
you live with me, love me, grow old with me?"

Kane's chocolate brown eyes glowed with the intensity of his feelings.
"You really do love me, David?" At the older man's nod, Kane went into
his arms, his hands stroking his back until they reached his buttocks
and cupped them in palms so hot David could feel them through his

"Kane," he responded, "I really love you. Don't leave me in suspense!"

And Kane sighed happily. "Then, yes, David, yes. I will live with you
forever, and love you twice as long!"




Part Five

Benita had seen David and Kane off earlier and was now shopping for
dinner. They planned to return to her apartment after seeing the
doctor to get their blood drawn and then stopping at Kane's so he
could change.

She was getting the edgy feeling that predicated disaster. Not sure
where the distress was coming from, or who was the focal point, she
purchased what she would need for a simple stir-fry meal. Hoping that
once she was busy with it's preparation she would be distracted, she
hurried home.

Once there, however, she found her level of anxiety rising even more
and could not settle on the least complicated of tasks. Pacing
restlessly through her rooms, the feeling that there was something she
*had* to do grew more and more powerful.

Although this was not a common manifestation of her abilities, it had
happened enough for her to know that if she tried to fight it, or
ignore it, her 'sight' would be burnt for weeks afterward. But if she
surrendered to it, the end results tended to be worth the bother.

Snatching up her shoulder bag, she headed out the door, with no clue
as to where the pull might lead her. Her steps were directed to the
vicinity of the cluster of exclusive shops that were a couple of
blocks away, past a tiny art gallery, past a rare bookstore, past a
lingerie boutique and a men's shop....

Ah, *not* past the men's shop! She reversed her steps and opened the
door, whose tinkling bells heralded her entrance. The salesclerk gave
her a friendly smile, letting her know he was ready to assist whenever
she had made her decisions.

Confused as to why the 'pull' had taken her to this shop, she looked
helplessly around for a long moment, then suddenly began making
deliberate choices: shirts, slacks, jeans, socks. Her hands hovered
over briefs, then withdrew: no, they would not be needed.

Bringing her selections to the counter, she handed the clerk her
credit card and waited while he neatly folded the clothes. "Choke a
bird or kill a tree?" he inquired politely, startling a laugh from her
for the first time since she had interrupted David and Kane earlier
that morning.

"Tough choice. How about we choke a bird this time?" referring to a
plastic bag rather than a paper one for the clothes.

What a nice guy, she thought as she turned to leave the little shop.
Most people judged her by the gauzy skirts and multicolored
headscarves she wore in public, dismissing her as a mental lightweight.
And he had serious problems on his mind, she could tell by the color
of his aura.

Pausing at the door, she turned and smiled back at him. "You know what
your decision must be. Don't worry over it: it is the correct one!"

He wouldn't believe her, of course, but he would learn soon enough
that he was doing the right thing.

The high-stressed feeling was leaving her now, and she returned home
at a leisurely pace, finally able to enjoy the crisp fall bite in the
air. Thanksgiving was on the horizon; perhaps David and Kane would be
willing to spend it with her.

And perhaps....her newest client?




Part 6

She was slicing celery when her intercom buzzed. "Yes?" she sang.

"Benita, it's David." There was desperation in his voice. " Let us

Slamming her hand on the panel, she raced toward her door, flinging it
open and waiting impatiently for the pair to make the trip up from the
lobby. A small eternity later, the elevator deposited them on her
floor and they staggered out into the hallway.

David was supporting Kane, who could barely set one foot in front of
the other. His eyes were swollen shut, the black and blue bruising
around them standing out in base relief. Tears streamed down his face,
his grief all the more poignant for being silent.


A shake of his head was his only response. "Help me get him into bed!"

Propping her shoulder under Kane's other arm, she helped maneuver him
into the spare bedroom. Pulling off his jogging shoes, she watched as
David tenderly dried his face and brushed his hair back from his

Benita brought over the comforter and tucked it around Kane, then
said, "I'll make some hot tea, shall I?"

She wasn't sure if David heard her, but it was something for her to do
until they were in any shape to tell her what had happened. Pausing at
the door she glanced back, and saw David sitting on the bed, hunched
over his young lover, his shoulders shaking as he fought to subdue his
own sobs.

When the water was hot enough, she filled three mugs, into two of
which she then spooned generous amounts of honey. Her hand hesitated
over the bottle of whiskey, but she decided to hold off on that unless
it was absolutely necessary.

Hurrying back to the spare room, she set the mugs down on a night
table and aided David in getting Kane into a sitting position. The
younger man seemed more composed now, but Benita was still worried
about him. While David kept his arm around his young lover Benita held
the mug to his lips, taking care not to let him burn himself.

Slowly his color returned to normal and he was able to hold the mug
himself. Finishing with a noisy slurp, he smiled sheepishly at her.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I don't know why I fell apart like that.
It's not as if I expect him to love me, or anything like that." A
solitary tear clung to his lashes. "You'd think I'd know better after
all these years. What did Mr. Scott say? 'Fool me once, shame on you;
fool me twice, shame on me'. Oh, *shame on me*!" And he turned in
David's embrace and sobbed out his despair in the older man's arm.

"Kane," David spoke softly. "Baby, I'm here for you. Benita is here.
We'll be your family now. And you know there will be someone who loves
you as long as I'm alive!"

Kane's tears finally tapered off and his breathing smoothed out as an
exhausted sleep claimed him. David's hand lingered in Kane's hair and
he leaned over and kissed his lips softly. "I love you baby," he

Making sure he was snugly tucked in, David stood staring down at him,
feeling as if his heart had been savaged by some predator. When he
finally raised his eyes to Benita's, devastation looked out at her.
Leaving the soft glow of a lamp to light the room so that should Kane
awake it would not be to darkness, David followed Benita out of the

"David!" she hissed at him. "What happened?"

He took her wrist and let the images pour through to her. She jerked
back, but he refused to release her. Frustration, rage and inundating
grief flooded her. "Oh, no!" she moaned. "NO!"

David dropped her hand and turned away. "I'm sorry, Nita. I just
couldn't hold it all anymore! That bastard! That goddamned fucking
bastard! If he wasn't my infant's parent, I swear I'd take a hit out
on him!"

Benita put her arms around David and rocked him, weeping herself. "Oh,
David! Oh, David! How could he do that to his own son?"

They held each other and mourned for a young man whose father was so
uncaring that he would destroy all his only child's possessions, down
to the tiniest memento of a childhood too quickly outgrown.

A man who would bury his child's mother without informing the child.

A man who would announce to a cold, unforgiving world that this child
was a faggot.

And no longer his child.

Benita mopped at her eyes and blew her nose, then passed the box of
tissues to David, who did the same.

"I'm sorry, Nita. I didn't mean to dump all of that onto you, but I'd
be no good to my infant at all if I carried it all inside." His voice
was grim. "I'd go find that bastard and rip off his head and..."

She touched his sleeve in understanding. "Go stay with him. I'll
finish dinner; he's going to need something when he wakes up. Oh, and
David, there are some clothes for him on the dresser in there."

He looked at her in amazement. "Benita, you're a wonder! You had a

She nodded. "But David, I didn't get him shorts."

And David couldn't prevent the bubble of laughter that emerged. "Nita,
he doesn't wear 'em!"

Benita stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek lightly. "You try to
pretend to be so tough and cynical, but you're a good man, David
McMillan. And I think Kane will be your salvation!"

He looked after her as she went back to the kitchen, a tiny smile
still on his face. Then he returned to the bedroom to watch over his
young lover.

David closed the door. He settled himself on the bed and gathered Kane
against him. The younger man's arm went around his lover's neck,
knowing his lover even in his sleep. The fingers of his other hand
loosened the buttons of David's shirt, and drowsy lips followed the
trail those fingers blazed.

"You're awake aren't you?" David asked.

"Mmmmm, almost. I'm sorry I fell apart like that. You'd think I'd know
better after all this time: he doesn't love me, he has no use for me.
If he could erase me from his life I think he would. Why do I let it
bother me?"

"Because, baby, you're a nice person. You can't believe that someone
who should have devoted his life to taking care of you would have cut
you off at the knees."

Privately, David felt it was more than that. He had seen the way
Kane's father had been studying him when all he had worn was a short
robe that hinted of the delights hidden beneath it. The older man had
suddenly discovered his son was a sexual being, and if David hadn't
gotten Kane out of the house when he did, he had a strong feeling
Kane's father would have done serious physical damage to him. And
David would have wound up taking him to the hospital for much more
than a broken nose.

The thought that he had come so close to losing Kane left him

"Are you cold, David?" Kane asked, feeling the shiver. "Let me warm
you up, honey man." Wide awake now, Kane turned in David's arms and
ran his parted lips over the tendon in his lover's throat, letting his
tongue lap at the pulse beating strongly there.

David set Kane away from him and stood up. "Hold that thought," he
told him. Going to the door, he opened it a crack and called out to
Benita, "We're going to be a little late for dinner!"

"Mmmhmm," she answered, her mind on other things. "Have fun!"

David turned back to see Kane watching him avidly, his tongue peeking
between his lips. He had done that once before, when he was showing
off to David how good he was at video games. Kane had no clue how that
sight had turned David on to the point that if his friend Bernie
hadn't shown up to cop a score, he would have lured Kane to the men's
room and given him a demonstration of what happened when little boys
played with fire.

Shrugging out of his shirt, he threw himself on the bed, pulling Kane
down flat by his ankle. Spreading the younger man's legs, David
crawled forward, his gaze fastened on Kane's mouth. His hands paused
at his lover's belt, undoing it and carefully parting the zipper, then
drawing the slacks down over his narrow hips.

Kane's arousal sprang free and he found himself desperate for air as
David let his lips caress the rigid length, then probe the tip with
his tongue. David repeated his actions, driving Kane wild. When his
mouth finally enveloped Kane's erection, the younger man sighed in
relief, until he discovered that the torment was only beginning.

Over and over David let him feel his teeth, then scraped the hard
flesh with his nails before soothing it with long swipes of his
tongue. "David!" The word came out as a strangled gasp. "I'm going to

"Then come, baby. Don't be afraid to fall; I'm here to catch you!"

And Kane's hips began jerking uncontrollably as he poured himself into
his lover's mouth.

He sank back onto the pillows, almost comatose, content to just drift
in a twilight world. Then he felt his legs spread and pushed back as
David made his way up his body. At some point he had sheathed himself
in a condom and now he readied Kane's body for the ravishment he had

The finger he gently inserted into Kane brought his attention back to
that part of his body. He moaned softly as it mimicked the lovemaking
that was soon to come, and he proffered himself up willingly to his
lover's expert handling.

Biting his lips in an effort to contain his sighs of ecstasy, Kane
started when he felt David's tongue lick over them and then insinuate
itself into his mouth, inviting him to suck on it.

Kane was so distracted by this that he didn't realize that David's
fingers were parting his buttocks, preparing the way for a fuller
invasion until his lover was already lodged deep inside him.

David's lower body drove rhythmically into Kane's, the friction
causing a delicious sensation, that of being exposed and protected at
the same time, and at the mercy of the magnificent male who was his
lover. Helpless beneath the pounding of David's body into his, he also
felt powerful. The moans and sighs David uttered were a litany of the
pleasure he was receiving from his young lover's body.

Harder and harder David thrust into him.

Faster and faster he rode the younger man.

The spiral of sensation coiled tighter, and tighter still until the
only possible recourse was to unravel. With a hoarse cry, David felt
himself come undone as he poured himself into Kane.

Overwhelmed by such an intense orgasm, David's mouth opened over the
spot where Kane's neck and shoulder joined and he bit down.

Kane also had been about to fling himself off the mountaintop when he
felt David's teeth sink into his flesh. Stunned by the wave of lust
that overtook him at such an act, he whimpered and offered himself as
a sacrifice to the man he loved.

Sated, on the brink of slumber, David remained as he was, imbedded in
Kane, his long body covering that of his young lover. Licking idly at
the flesh beneath his mouth, the coppery taste of blood brought him
out of his doze. Although the bite marks were noticeable, the wound
itself was tiny, not much more than a scratch. But David felt like a

"Oh, Kane!" he groaned. "I've hurt you! I'm so sorry baby!"

Kane stretched out his body, rubbing against his lover like a
well-satisfied cat. "David," he said indolently, "bite me!"


Like the young of any species, Kane slipped easily into sleep. David,
still buried deep in his young lover's body, levered himself up and
watched ruefully as Kane's lips parted, his broken nose forcing him to
breathe through his mouth.

For just a moment David permitted himself the luxury of lying full
length upon his lover, placing a soft kiss beside the lush lips. "I
love you, baby," he whispered, then withdrew from Kane and rose to his
feet. Making his way to the adjacent bath, he disposed of the condom
and soaked a washcloth with warm water, then wrung it out.

Going back to the bed, he found that Kane had rolled onto his stomach.
Gently parting his buttocks, David tenderly cared for the area he had
so recently plundered. The firm young flanks called to him, and
helpless to resist, David pressed fevered kisses to the taut flesh.

"Mmmm!" Kane hummed, enjoying, even in his sleep, his lover's touch,
and he angled himself to invite more. Powerless to deny the urge,
David's teeth nipped sharply at the morsel before him.

Before he was tempted to mount his lover again, David left the bed and
hastily pulled on his trousers. After making sure that Kane was
securely covered and would catch no chill, he joined Benita in the
kitchen, where she was serving herself the vegetable stir-fry.

"Kane's asleep again," David told her.

"I put a plate for him in the microwave. Why don't you eat? I know you
have something on your mind; do you want to talk about it now or wait
until Kane wakes up?"

David forked a bite of the tasty dish into his mouth. "It's going to
take some time before we find a place to our liking. I have to go home
for more clothes. I'd take Kane with me, but he's uncomfortable with
Candy. And since his father is such an out-of-control son of a bitch,
that leaves Kane with no place to stay."

"Would you like him to stay here, David? It wouldn't be a bother to
me, and if he works your shift, then he'll be out when my clients come
over, so that won't cause a problem with them."

"You really wouldn't mind, Nita?"

She shook her head, amused that David would hesitate to ask for this,
when he had asked her to do much harder things in the past.

"No, it's fine with me. We can let Kane know when he wakes up."

"You can let Kane know what?" the young man asked, in much the same
position as that morning's confrontation, although this time dressed
only in David's shirt.

Casually, David rose and retrieved his lover's plate. "Sit down and
eat this," he ordered. "Between the workout I've been giving you and
the emotional upheaval in your life, you're going to fade away to

A dull flush crept up Kane's cheeks and he cast a nervous glance at
the psychic.

"Nita knows everything that goes on here, Kane, she's my friend.
There's no need to act coy in front of her."

Kane's mouth dropped open. "Everything?" he squeaked.

Benita put her arm around him and rubbed his shoulder. "No, *not*
everything, Kane," she lied. She gave David a chiding look. "Stop
teasing him, David and tell him what you have in mind."

David sat Kane down in the chair next to his and pointedly handed him
a fork. He refused to discuss anything until Kane had eaten a good
potion of his dinner. When he was satisfied that the younger man would
continue his meal without being coerced, David began outlining his

"I want you to stay here in Benita's apartment until we can find a
place of our own. I'm going back home for just a little while to get
more clothes. Nita bought some things for you," he remarked, having
forgotten to tell Kane. "There shouldn't be a problem with anything
fitting you. And make sure you let me know how much I owe you, Nita."

Kane had never liked being talked over. It was too reminiscent of how
his parents had treated him. So now his disposition was distinctly
surly. "Why can't I go with you? And what do you mean, 'how much *you*
owe her'? I can pay for my own clothes! You're not my sugar daddy!"

David approached his young lover, his demeanor threatening. Thrusting
his mouth close to Kane's ear he hissed softly, so Benita wouldn't
hear, "Don't make me have to discipline you, little boy! You'll stay
here because I ask you to. I just need to pack another bag; I'll be
back before you can even miss me.

"And we both know I'm not your sugar daddy!"

Kane was trembling with a mixture of tension and desire. "No, David."

"So just what am I?" he demanded.

Forgetting Benita was watching them with interest, Kane went into
David's arms and nuzzled his neck. "You're my honey man!" P> David's
nostrils flared as he rubbed his cheek against Kane's hair. His
fingers encircled the younger man's wrist and he dragged him back to
the bedroom.

Fearing he really had angered his lover, Kane rolled panicked eyes
toward Benita and was surprised to find her smiling wistfully at them.
It's OK, she mouthed and she shooed him after David. The door slammed
shut and a thud reverberated through the room as a body came heavily
into contact with the wall.


David had Kane pressed back against the wall, leaning fully against
his body. "Oh, God! I can smell me on you!" He breathed in the scent
that was driving him wild. He licked at the younger man's mouth, then
fitted his lips to Kane's. His tongue swept past the barrier of lips
and teeth and tangled with his lover's tongue, pushing for deeper

Finally, breathless, David rested his forehead against Kane's,
laughing weakly. "You're making me insatiable!"

Kane nibbled on David's throat. "Am I, David? Really?" And he sighed
happily. "Just don't think you can control me with sex, honey man!"

David tugged affectionately on Kane's long brown hair. "So you're okay
now with me going to get some things from home?"

Reluctantly, Kane nodded. He really wasn't okay with the idea of David
returning to the apartment he shared with his former lover, but he
didn't want to expose his jealousy to the older man.

"Do you wear a nose stocking, baby?" David removed the shirt that Kane
wore and began putting it on himself.


"Do you wear a nose stocking?"

Confused, Kane shook his head.

And David smiled. "You need a bath. When I get back," he promised, and
he stole a brief kiss.


Discreetly, Benita turned away from her spare room and began clearing
off the table. A tiny sound whispered past her lips, not quite a moan.
She had never had a relationship like that. She had never had a
relationship, period, full stop. The abuse she had suffered at the
hands of her father had led to a distrust of men that no one had yet
been able to overcome.

David was an exception. But then, she viewed David first as a friend,
and second, as a *gay* friend. He was no threat to her emotional

Unlike her newest client, who was beginning to make her generally
uneasy. She found herself fantasizing about him, thinking of him at
odd times during the day. Thinking of making love, something she
*never* did. With him. With a moue of disgust, she pushed him from her
mind and, pulling out her ledgers, prepared to pay some bills.

She looked up with a smile as David came into the room. "Will you be
long, David?"

He shook his head. "I shouldn't be more that a couple of hours."

Kane was standing close behind him, half-dressed. "That long?" As if
realizing how desolate that sounded, he immediately backed off. "No,
that's fine. You go ahead. Give Candy my best. She's a nice girl," he
said in an aside to Benita.

David shook his head in amusement and walked out the door. Kane stared
forlornly after him.

Benita went to him and put her arms around him to give him a fierce
hug. "It will be all right, Kane. I have a feeling!" Sensing her words
were making no impact, she took his hand and led him to the kitchen.
"How does a hot fudge sundae grab you?"

The pair worked at building a sundae that was an ice cream lover's
delight. Butter pecan crunch ice cream, chocolate sauce, chopped
pecans, strawberries and mounds of whipped cream, topped by a cherry.
It was so large that the two of them could share it.

For a time silence reigned as they dug into the decadent dessert. Kane
kept shooting surreptitious glances at the clock, fidgeting more and
more. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, he threw down his spoon
and got to his feet.

"It's been too long! It's been way too long! I'm going after him!"
Hurrying back into the bedroom, he threw on the rest of his clothes
and grabbed up his denim jacket. "I have to go get him, Benita!"

She nodded her understanding, but he was already out the door.
"Forty-five minutes," she murmured to herself, smiling sadly. "He held
out for three quarters of an hour!"


Kane no longer had the sporty black Porsche to zip around town in: his
father had malevolently had the servants confiscate the keys. He had
no recollection of the trip to Benita's apartment, but he had been
aware of David's comforting presence the whole time.

And it was just one more reason why he needed to rescue David in his

Having gone to David's apartment once before, when they were still
dancing tentatively around their relationship, Kane was familiar with
route there. Before he realized it, he was climbing the stairs to the

It was only then that he acknowledged that he was not sure how David
would react to the younger man's disobedience to his request to wait
at Benita's. Kane's insides clenched as he considered the punishment
David might see fit to meet out to him. He remembered the restrained
power in David's hand when he had spanked him.

Suppose he decided to spank him again? Kane's mouth went dry and he
began to grow hard. To buy himself some additional time in order to
concoct a plausible reason for showing up at David's door, Kane waited
for the elevator.

His mind a blank, he removed his finger from the button that held the
door open and pushed the one marked '4'. The elevator slowly made it's
way to David's floor while Kane's thoughts wrestled with one excuse
after another, only to discard them all.

The doors slid open. He stepped out, bumping into Candy and startling
them both. Then, over her shoulder, Candy called, "David, it's the
paperboy!" and waited to see what would happen.

David came to the door, clad in snug briefs and a tee-shirt, obviously
interrupted in the act of getting dressed. He took in Kane's hurt
look, and Candy's gleeful malice. Then he grabbed his lover's wrist
and hauled him into the apartment. He slammed the door, leaving Candy
deprived of the entertainment she had hoped for.

"What are you doing here, Kane?" he demanded, stalking back into his
bedroom to finish dressing. He carefully kept his back to Kane, not
wanting his young lover to see how his body was reacting to the sight
of him in that denim jacket, with his hair loose around his face.

Slowly, Kane's dragging footsteps took him into the bedroom. "Are you
very angry with me, David?" he asked in a small voice.

"Angry? I'm fucking furious! What were you thinking of?" To prevent
himself from throwing the younger man down on the bed and taking him
with force, David resumed placing clothes in a suitcase he had
borrowed from Candy. "Well?" he barked.

Kane gulped. "I'm sorry, David. I just couldn't wait any longer. I'm
not stupid, you know. I know Candy still loves you. And I know you
still have feelings for her!"

"So you think, what? That I'll go from fucking you to fucking her?"

Kane winced at the savagery in those words. He edged closer to his
lover and risked placing a hand on his arm. "David?"

"Kane, if you value your safety, you won't touch me now!"

Devastated, Kane began backing away, tears filling his chocolate brown
eyes and slowly spilling over. He had done it again. Somehow, he had
turned love into hate, or at best indifference. "What's wrong with
me?" He didn't realize he had spoken aloud.

David laughed shortly. "I never met anyone who was born after 1965 who
wasn't incomplete! It has something to do with microwaves, I think.
Kane...." He finally turned to face the younger man, but he was alone.

Kane was gone.

David bolted out of the bedroom, intent on finding his young lover and
bringing him back. Fortunately, since he still had just his underwear
on, he didn't have far to go.

Having concluded that David, glad to see him gone, would not be coming
after him, Kane stood listlessly waiting for the elevator. A hard hand
gripped his shoulder and spun him around.

"Don't you dare walk out on me when we're having an argument!" David
hissed, and crowded the younger man back into his apartment. "I swear
to God, Kane, you have no more notion of how to go on than a kitten!
What am I going to do with you?"

Kane's heart was in his eyes. "I don't know, David. What *are* you
going to do with me?"

Swearing, David took the shoulders of the denim jacket and pulled them
backward, imprisoning Kane's arms. Forcing Kane's chin up, he held it
in a brutal grip, bringing their mouths together so forcefully that
the younger man moaned.

Peeling the jacket off, David began methodically stripping his lover,
herding him back into the bathroom. He reached into the shower stall,
to twist the faucet viciously, loosing a torrent of water. Shoving
Kane under the spray, he stepped in after him, disregarding the
underwear he still had on, which became plastered to his aroused body.

David pushed Kane up against the wall. He soaped him up thoroughly,
then ripped his briefs in a desperate attempt to get free. In the
throes of ravening desire, he was insensate to everything but the need
to get inside his young lover. Covering himself with soap, he parted
Kane's buttocks and began pushing his way in.

Reaching around Kane's waist, David closed his fist around the younger
man's erection, stroking it in a frenzy of passion, while his hips
pounded against Kane's bottom.

Kane trembled uncontrollably as David's handling drove him closer and
closer to a mind boggling climax. His breath shuddered from between
lips parted in a bid to draw in more oxygen to his starved lungs.

David's powerful thrusts moved Kane forward and he had to brace his
arms against the wall of the shower. Then David leaned over him and
sank his teeth into the soft skin at the side of his throat. With a
wild moan, Kane began coming in David's hands. The feel of his lover
pouring himself over him sent David over the edge, but not before he
pulled out of Kane, spilling himself on the taut buttocks he loved so

Kane turned in David's arms and embraced him, and the two propped each
other up as the water cascaded over them, rinsing them clean.

Turning his face up to the spray, David let it wash away the tears
that formed with the thought of how close he had come to losing his
lover. Again.

Would he never learn?

He shut the water off then struggled to remove what was left of his
underwear, with Kane virtuously helping him. They dried each other
off, sometimes using the towels, sometimes sipping kisses. David
toweled Kane's long, thick hair, then dropped the towel and ran his
fingertips against his scalp. Kane was almost purring.

Naked, they padded through the hall to David's bedroom, to find, to
their surprise, that Candy had returned.

And she was not alone.


Section 2