It's a horrible habit to fall into, because it's not the only thing in the world that people are capable of doing.
As such, it probably explains (but what is an explanation?) why music has been in, and constituitive of, my life thus far. I've read a bit on things related to the creative act. Far less than some, but more than others.
Part of the original delusion behind the construction of this thing clled a web site was to refashion the nature of language which I love so dearly in way which not only seemed to "represent" whatever it is that is me, but to simply present myself to others and to myself (since I am able to read my own words. Whether or not I understand them in the manner intended is silly to ask. Words are meant to communicate; should they do so poorly or in a way unlike one would expect is irrelevant.
When you put your sentence on the table, it's where it is and nothing more. Meaning, thgat old friend of ours from millenia (? are you sure?) of thoughtful contem(pt)plation is like going up to someone.
The mistake I think that I have made (willingly or otherwise) is not doing that. At it's best, a conversation with a person should be a transformative element... where the words and language games of the participants commingle their lingual juices and offer for themselves more of themselves than they had thought was there in the first place. Art is the same thing, but far more sublte than the brutish amalgam of letter and punctation that marks most of what we call "conversing."