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Van Wyck Expwy Main Street Exit
Photo Gallery: Van Wyck Expwy.

The Main Street/Union Tpke exit cuts it pretty close to the succeeding one following the Queens Blvd overpass up ahead. As far as VW exits go, this one is certainly the most elaborate.
on exit
It is more like a mini expressway unto itself, than a mere exit. It made itself essentially the starting point of Main Street and boasts three overpasses of its own. Kind of like a Main Street Expressway for a few blocks. To get to Union Tpke, motorists have several blocks to go yet, inlcuding passage over the Grand Central Pkwy. A Queens Public Library branch, identified by the lavender blue strip on the white building to the left, faces Manton Sttreet, which crosses over the ramp a block north of Queens Blvd, where this shot was taken. Both shot 11/6/1999.

© 1999, Jeff Saltzman. All rights reserved.